LISA RENEE: “Forgiveness Prayer”

“Holy Mother and Father God, Holy Christ Sophia, and my ascension teams, please grant and assist me in unconditional forgiveness and forgetfulness for myself and all others who have hurt or harmed me, intentionally or unintentionally. Please connect to and fortify my/your 12D Shield.

Beloveds, I am requesting assistance to clear, source and collapse self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors. I request gate keeping for my prayers so I may heal. I commit to my healing. By the power invested in me by the name of Christ, I am claiming my freedom, sovereignty and liberation now and always.

For throughout the time space continuum, Beloved God.

I forgive myself for feeling like a victim. I forgive myself for being a victimizer.

If there are specific memories I need to remember, please bring them forward so I may heal them.

If there is an uncompleted work in me, lead me into a remembrance of the things, activities and covenants that I still need to renounce and bring balance. Protect my mind and emotions and hold my hand as we enter through this gateway together. I know that I am not alone in this work anymore, and I completely trust my direct relationship with you.

I forgive myself for letting my negative ego rule my responses to the way I live and the way I respond to others. I forgive friends, family and leaders of industry and government for letting their negative ego rule their way of living. I forgive myself for letting my life be controlled by various mind control programs of the NAA. I forgive others for letting their lives be controlled by various NAA mind control programs. I forgive myself for manifesting painful patterns such as judgments, resentments, fear, and anger. I forgive others for manifesting painful patterns such as judgments, resentments, fear, and anger. I forgive myself for holding on to self-sabotaging programs and actions. I forgive everyone who holds onto self-sabotaging programs and actions. I forgive myself for listening to my head instead of my heart. I forgive others for listening to their head instead of their heart.

I choose to forgive my oppressors and tormenters completely and totally. Beloved God, help me to continue to choose unconditional forgiveness and forgetfulness and to bless those that have hurt me, as they need love and are hurting themselves. Bless them to be saved from the oppression of enslavement and to realize that you have granted our freedom.

My body, mind, spirit, and soul belongs to God Source and is a vehicle of Christ Intelligence. Listening to my inner God Spirit is All there Is. I do this for one, as I do this for all.

Thank you, God. Thank you, God, Thank you God.

And so it is, With Deep love and gratitude.”

~via Ascension Glossary

ROMEO BARON: “Energy Update – Completion of the Ascension Portals”


by Romeo Baron

The Equinox (entry vortex) will commence on the 22nd September, 2016. This will create a frequency jump further through the 4D gateway portal that will cause more high vibrational interstellar energies of the original Christ light consciousness to permeate the etheric and physical structures of mother Earth.

The anchoring of these higher ascension energies will further raise our personal vibrations and our energetic fields, and that of mother Earth as well for the complete shift into the new Earth reality. This will enable us to fully open and access newer energies and shift the etheric structures of our physical bodies, which will help to re-balance and accelerate not only mother Earth and her healing and activation process, but our own.

This alignment will be particularly crucial, as our entire solar system spirals out to pass through long distances of cosmic clouds within the space-time continuum to go around the Great Central Sun.

In two months from now the opening the Ascension Portals will be completed and this will allow the original Christ light consciousness to REMOVE anything that is not in harmonic alignment with the original divine plan for mother Earth. The negative rulers of our planet can only do their dirty work here until then, before the Divine Plan makes life impossible for them to even exist.

The powerful opening of the Ascension Portals will transform the planet and all life into higher vibratory states bringing us closer and closer to the Cosmic Bodies of Light which we truly are. With the opening of these Portals, it completes mother Earth’s Multi-Dimensional template activation and that of our own.

The complete opening of these Ascension Portals will allow all Star-ship fleets of the Alliance to travel through mother Earth. These Star-ships from the entire Cosmos will be able to travel Inter-Dimensionally here through the Star Gates as our planet will once again be a HUB for the harmonic Universe.

We will become a new humanity and once again the Guardians of the Universe who are the most loving, benevolent beings who reflect the Christ light consciousness of the absolute Divine.

So be it.

Within Harmony, Divine Love, and Oneness.







LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Fearing Spiritual Knowledge”


Humanity was largely conditioned to accept violent religion and forms of brainwashing by corrupted religious and governmental authorities to prepare human beings to submit to alien false gods and dark forces. Through the use of enforcing bullying, threats and intimidation over many generations, humans came to accept violence and blood sacrifice as directed by Gods will. Humanity also accepted stupefying levels of persecution, degradation, and discrimination through being shamed, humiliated and beaten down, to believe they are not worthy of receiving spiritual knowledge or truth, and required an appointed holy intermediary. This appointed intermediary is the controlled by the alien false father god, which hijacked the direct relationship to the creative forces and elemental spirits of the earth, as well as interfered with the inner spirit and evolution of the human being.

This is why most all spiritual knowledge on this earth is demonized as the work of Satan, and is filled with rumors and malicious gossip in order to further manipulate fear and confusion in the masses. As long as humans are being terrorized by the concept of gaining spiritual knowledge and truth, they will continue to flee in fear from accessing that knowledge. Knowledge is power and is why the NAA [Negative Alien Agenda] prevents knowledge from being made available to all people. All levels of accessing open source information, knowledge and education in the global population is under direct attack to keep it suppressed or under control on the planet. This is the NAA directing this from their top-down chain of command into their human Power Elite representatives. This is why we must make an effort to educate ourselves about the larger control agendas playing out on the earth at this time.

Satanic forces have spread aggressively on the earth through the Archontic Deception Strategy and through this, they have commandeered control over many of the earthly material structures. This has happened largely because this agenda to suppress knowledge of what is happening remains hidden through many deceptions and lies, and humans are unaware that they have been allowing it to happen. It is important to remember that Satanic and Luciferian forces and their hierarchies are nothing more than parasites. They need this creation to exist and they exalt themselves in their parasitism with their attempts to control and possess humanity and the earth. These Imposters inherently hate humans and desire to spread agony and misery, as they feed on human pain. As we free our mind from fear based mind control and stop giving our power away to alien gods, we must remember this important point as a part of developing our spiritual strength and inner purity. As spiritually mature humans, we have to rise from the invaders terrorist ideology of human persecution and fear, to come to know that we are divine humans connected to eternal truth and eternal light through the God self within.

Humanity holds the power of that truth spirit of God inside each of us. Each person must claim this truth and never let it go or give it up to anything or anyone. The truth spirit has the power to liberate these Fallen Angelics, earthly forces, and Imposter forces from their bondage to the prison wardens, the Satanist and Luciferian forces. 

The earthly elements and their symbols have been demonized and abused as a part of the persecution of human beings, to live in terror of retribution from their false Alien Gods, who will torment them for accessing spiritual knowledge. This is a tactic to keep human beings terrorized to prevent them from accessing spiritual knowledge about their own spiritual bodies, which prevents people from expanding their consciousness and evolving. Well-meaning people start spouting judgments designed to self-enforce ignorance such as; this symbol is dark, this element is corrupt, this content is satanic, this person is evil. Many people have not the foggiest clue what they are actually speaking about and may be repeating something they heard without researching the facts. Some dark force has fed it into their ego mind to repeat verbatim, which is the alien religion script for mind control and keeping people in the cycle of dark ignorance.  The dark forces want to create as many martyrs and victims on the earth as possible. It’s the mind slide that tells a human “you are not worthy to access this spiritual knowledge, you peon, so stay away from that spiritual information, you must submit to my tyranny of ignorance and authority without questioning.”

We must dispel these grave inaccuracies and dispel the dark ignorance of fear that is spread by well meaning, yet spiritually uninformed or fear based egoic people. One will never assess wisdom and clarity with accuracy, until they are free of fear and fully committed to their spiritual truth, while allowing others at the same time to live in their spiritual truth. Spiritual Truth is ultimately fearless and harmless. One can always speak the truth without repercussion or harm, to a person who is really living in the truth.

Since late 2012, the human body is more vulnerable to being used as a potential dark portal, as the person becomes consubstantial to the collective human forces of negative ego, represented by the Satanic or dark forces of those hierarchies. Additionally, this is exacerbated from alterations in the magnetic and gravitational fields of the earth, which result in dissolution of certain dimensional membranes. Essentially, what used to be several separated fish tanks have consolidated into one vast fish tank, where all the contents are now shared and swimming together freely. This has both positive impacts and negative impacts to those unprepared to deal with the new varieties of subtle forces entering into their personal reality from the earth realms.

If a person fixates on certain qualities of the houses of ego and they succumb to the obsessions that feed into those negative forces, they are easily possessed by that primary thought form. Later on, the negative thought form may progress to the level of possession, specific to the fallen angelic or the spiritual hierarchy it represents. These are the main qualities of the Negative Ego that are used for dark portal possession by these Fallen Angelic and Dark Force Hierarchies:

  • Anger/Wrath
  • Pride/Entitlement
  • Envy/Jealousy/Covet
  • Liar/Corrupt
  • Greed/Avarice
  • Lust/Addiction
  • Gluttony/Waste
  • Laziness/Discouragement

Avoid playing out these negative emotions and behaviors, do whatever you can to clear and cure yourself of indulging in obsessing in any of these spiritually abusive behaviors. Fallen Angelics are a part of the Imposter Spirits that comprise these collective forces into its energetic theme. They may have been either human or non-human, can comprise those separated from their souls, or discarnate spirits which have never inhabited a human body. Demons may be regarded as material corporeal beings, as they are lower spirit beings, which are not inspirited by the breath of God, and cannot exist in the higher celestial realms. Humans and nonhumans can conjure these earthly spirits and then become possessed by them and their material or negative nature, especially if they are not mentally clear, emotionally balanced or coherent.  If these dark forces are not evicted or corrected for their access to manipulate your body, mind and consciousness, they eventually bring confusion, agony and misery to the human being.

Humans that have not developed strong impulse control and have not cleared negative ego automatic thoughts are at higher risk for being used as a dark portal, when they go unconscious. This can be remedied through consistent meditation, prayer and self-inquiry to remain in present time as the conscious observer or witness to events. As extensions of the Cosmic Christ spiritual hierarchy, we hope to emphasize clearly the vulnerabilities and weakness that exist in adults and children so we can help to inform others, when we are asked for help.

How do dark forces and fallen entities attach to or infiltrate the human body as a dark portal?

  • First, when we are reckless and careless with our body and indulge in the Houses of Ego (especially fear, guilt and shame) or engage with negative emotional theatrics continually, go unconscious and automatic reactions without disciplined self-awareness, we are a Stage One Risk.
  • Second, when we are in automaton states with obsessive mental looping, paranoia, angry or violent, hypnogogic, trance states (without 12D shielding), addicted to having cellphone or technology on our body and near our head 24/7, disrupting our electromagnetic field, we are a Stage Two Risk.
  • Third, when we indulge in addictive states, either with drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, gluttony, hospitalizations, or take any psychoactive or psychotropic drugs that change brain function, we are a Stage Three Risk.
  • Fourth, when we indulge in promiscuous sexual activity, have sexual addiction, sexual shame, play seduction games, and use regular forms of pornography, sex clubs, and prostitutes or engage in group sex, we are a Stage Four Risk.
  • Fifth, is the class of deviance and sexual perversion, which is completely controlled through possessing entities. Behaviors such as pedophilia, sadism, bizarre sexual fetishes, or any kind of agressive violence, where pleasure and pain receptors are reversed in the Soul Matrix. A person with reversed pleasure centers (receives pleasure from inflicting pain or violent actions) is under the control of satanic forces.

It is important to comprehend the stronger and more coherent one’s auric field and the more self-awareness that you have, the less exposure you will have to all of these vulnerabilities and risks to negative energy. The goal is to focus time and attention on developing your spiritual body and to work your meditation tools to build energy, strengthen your energy body, and stop energy leakages, with directed single-mindedness.

For purposes relating to taking back control over one’s own mind, body and spiritual consciousness, from those humans and negative forces who have abused the Law of Structure on this planetary body, we are discussing the foundation of the Law of One to be of Service to Others, and it’s critical importance for increasing spiritual strength and energetic protection in chaotic fields.

What we hold as our intention in our personal thoughts, is what we hold as our Consent towards that thought-form and its vibrational quality and force, as well as the energetic consequence of the thought-form substance we have created which impacts the self and others. What we think is what we create through our Intent, Consent and Structure. If we learn to reframe our thoughts to Service to Others and devote ourselves to developing Law of One behaviors and actions in our life, we will become aligned to the authority of Christ Consciousness, which will protect us from dark force infiltration. The Law of One is the Universal Truth that All Is One. Thus, one who practices this understanding of the Law of One acts and makes decisions based upon his or her awareness that every action has a consequence to the self and to others. Furthermore, one who exemplifies the Law of One understands that when one person suffers, all people suffer (whether they realize it or not). As the One Self-God Self, to be in “Compassion in Action” towards others is then to be in harmony and right relationship to Self, which is the ultimate spiritual strength as one holds peace with all things.

The Basic principles of Service to Others include:

• Individuals perceive the connection of love in all things and give unconditional love and compassion towards others,

• Individuals are dedicated to their spiritual Consciousness growth and to help others with their spiritual development,

• Individuals are dedicated to transforming Negative Ego thoughts through developing GSF Behavior modeling,

• Individuals share information and knowledge with others as open source in unified cooperation,

• Individuals have a complete lack of concern for satisfying their materialistic ego needs or satisfying drives of the houses of ego,

• Individuals acknowledge that every person is a spiritual being on their own personal path of spiritual growth and discovery,

• Individuals are committed to experiencing a shared positive reality of World Humanism with others on the Earth.

It is very clear to most of us that we are a part of something humongous happening on planet Earth. The Ascension impacts everyone and has personal implications that hold different meanings that are very intimate to each person. Connecting with your Soul, connecting with God Source is very personal. As a part of the human race we all know what it means to suffer horribly in pain and feel completely alone in the darkness. As we endure this Ascension Cycle, remember, it is about Kindness Above All. Honor where you are at in your growth process, take the time that you need, and allow yourself the space to heal and find the kindness for yourself. As you strengthen your core and can expand your sphere of influence, then practice random acts of kindness towards others. One second of criticism, sarcasm, belittling, or hateful words can mar and scar a child or any person for life. One second of kindness can elevate that child or person to accomplish greatness that allows them to find and connect with their soul. The Soul is Kind and Loving. God is Kind and Loving.


DIANE CANFIELD: “March Energy Madness ~ Equinox, Eclipse and Beyond”

March Energy Madness - Equinox, Eclipse And Beyond


by Diane Canfield,

Hello Beloved Souls,

March Madness is in full swing. To recap we have had non-stop energy coming in since the beginning of March and before. This energy is coming in to completely transform us and our bodies into Crystalline light bodies for the transformation into the 5th dimension and beyond. Many of us already exist consciously in these higher realms. The next step is to take our body with us and the transformation of the human body into the light body.

As you can see from the compilation of my recent posts and articles, this is the energy we have been dealing with non stop:

  • Feb 23 to 29- all week we were involved with transmuting dark energy to light
  • March 6 -geomagnetic storm
  • March 3 through the 13- eclipse energies streaming propelling us to a new timeline
  • March 15- geomagnetic storm
  • March 17 -geomagnetic storm

We have been experiencing so many geomagnetic storms. This is highly unusual to have so many in a row. These storms can also bring us upgrades and transmutation into the light body (We have had no solar flares of any significance for months now). The geomagnetic storms are coming weekly now with new upgrades and DNA changes for the the embodiment of the light body.

Some of the symptoms of the geomagnetic storms we can experience are:

  • Tingly head/crown chakra
  • Issues with breathing
  • Not being able to sleep
  • Feeling light headed and disconnected from this reality
  • Seeing more things from other dimensions
  • Time warps
  • Headaches

Time itself has been off for quite a while now. It started to really leave linear aspects in 2011. Time goes in and out of cycles in either moving too fast or moving too slow. We all know what regular time feels like. When you have been working on something for 15 minutes we know what that seems like. But when we work on something for an hour and we go to look at the clock and it says only 15 minutes have passed this is a time warp. This has nothing to do with whether we are enjoying the activity or not. It can happen the other way too, where time is dragged out. This is happening more and more as we build our light bodies and get closer to the higher dimensions. Remember there is NO time in the higher dimensions, so this only makes sense we would feel it as we make the transition.

We build our light bodies through DNA changes and upgrades. They can come in the form of Energy Waves, Energy shifts, Solar flares and Geomagnetic storms. All of these ways are different and unique unto themselves.


As a Wave and Energy expert I have felt every kind of energy change that exists and I feel them whenever the energy changes, even so slightly. Many people have asked me what does a Energy WAVE feel like. I can describe it a pulse that moves entirely through my body and consciousness. Sometimes this wave will last as much as 2 hours. I have been close to falling off a chair when these waves have come in. The waves have kept me trapped sometimes to one location. When the Waves come there are no flares and no geomagnetic storms. The Waves are NOT connected with space weather per se. The waves come in as upgrades from the Central Sun, the Photon Belt , the Creator and from our Cosmic Star family. There are many other symptoms I will get into in a later article.

Energy Shift

An energy change is again not associated with a flare or a geo magnetic storm. An energy change is when the energy or consciousness around us changes and causes a different energy to be present. This is not a wave in the fact that it does not move through the body in the same way. It hangs in the air and will cause us to start accepting the downloads that are coming in.


Flares typically give crown chakra activations (tingly head or helmet head) and are short lived. We might feel a flare and then it is gone. This can change according to how many come in and what strength.

Space Weather Overview

When we feel an energy change coming in, it helps to go somewhere so we can rule out if it is a flare or geomagnetic storm. These are space weather and very different from Waves and Energy shifts. I understand many won’t know the difference between all of these but now that I have explained them, it should help the wavers to sort things through themselves. I advise everyone if you feel any energy at all to go to first and see for yourself if there are any flares or storms.

I will briefly give an overview of how to check the energy information for yourself. For flares just look at the section that says XRAY solar flares and look at the the “more data” section. A flare is not that relevant unless it is a M or X flare. There are always lower class flares ( B or C) going on and that is nothing special. For geomagnetic storms (disturbance in the magnetic field around the earth) check the section that says Planetary K index and click “more data” If it says storm that means there is unsettled weather in progress. When you click the link you will see a graph with lines of different colors.

  • The green is calm
  • The yellow means starting to storm
  • The red line is a full blown storm in progress

There are many things that happen on the sun and not all of them will lead to energy changes on the earth. If a CME ( coronal mass ejection) is not earth directed then we will most likely not feel much from it. If there is an explosion on the sun this does not mean we will feel anything or any flares will come from that. To be empowered in knowledge is to have a better understanding of what equals what in the form of energy. To connect the dots is an empowering tool that can be used by many.

March Overview

The month of March so far has been filled with energy upgrades and transformations. So many huge insights have come through for many light beings. This is necessary because the reality of 3D needs to now change fast and is changing. The darkness is leaving as we transmute the energy into light. We build our light bodies each time more darkness leaves. The new timelines then have an easier time to come in, integrate and anchor themselves in. As we jump the timelines to 5D, so does the earth. The earth is our chariot to the new golden earth that awaits us.

We will be seeing more energy changes, more light body building and more transmuting of dark energies all this month. Thank you again to all of your service all the thousands of light servers across the planet that serve the light. You shine bright to help transmit all things to light and love. This is why we have made the progress we have. Even though it has been difficult at times, hang in there-> we are strong for each other. Our unique energies are needed and help to serve others to get through this process. Some are just starting the ascension process and they will need extra help ,

We entered a new timeline through the energies of the Eclipse on March 8/9 as I said in my last article. We are now sealing and entwining this energy with the March 20 Equinox and the next Lunar Eclipse on March 23. These energies all work in harmony together to bring us the needed changes of the light body to be able to go further into the 5th dimension, consciously and physically. By December and through the winter Solstice the world will no longer seem the same as it does now, so much will have changed.

We are creating the changes now. We are all involved in this process of moving to the higher realms of light. Each day brings a new day to transform, ascend and come closer to our Creator and Christ Consciousness. We are bring this beautiful creation of LOVE to 3D so we can transmute it into 5D of heavenly cities of light.

Keep focusing on the change we want to happen and leave the distractions for others. Ascension requires a lot of our attention to manifest the reality we desire. We are given this gift in this lifetime, what a beautiful journey are on together ,

I love you all ! In service and Love,
Diane Canfield
Ascension Teacher- Psychic Medium-Star Races Contactee-Wave Expert
Copyright © 2016 by Diane Canfield. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material as long the full article itself is included.


LISA RENEE: “Starseed Template”


( Source: Q&A October 2007 )

The galactic levels of the guardian group representation in human form on the earth have been undergoing quite a transformation process. The patriarchal exorcism is something I underwent personally in my own body through the exorcism of my solar plexus and still point (those entities attempting to hitchhike on my soul energies) and have witnessed in my client practice and in many emails and sharing through starseed families. The latest planet initiations personally have been the biggest events I have personally experienced myself and witnessing in others. Humanity is at some kind of critical period of human evolution right now. Personally, I been aware that the new physicalization of the Christ consciousness that I has been referred to as the trinitized form or zero point field form, these are the cosmic Christ levels of blueprint that are starting to physicalize in many groups of us at this time. As a Sirian soul walk in, I have been aware for a long time that the starseed role is about physicalizing the biological coding for Christ consciousness races as well as bring new starseed templating on the earth. What that means is that the holographic template of the energetic form is being upgraded in such ways to assist the human species being able to work with transducing the new frequencies coming through our bodily and energetic systems at this time. There’s really two levels of being on this planet in that a demarcation has been formed t that there is a frequency split between 3rd dimensional structures and multi-dimensional energy structures. These are new timelines (remember timeline=dimension) as we move into the future timelines, we are moving into higher resonant frequency and spaces. We are moving forward into time or skipping into the future as we move up the dimensional scale. At this time, there are groups of us going through a new physicalization process and this is a much different process and spiritual initiation that many of us have been familiar with in the past. The part of ascension that we go through that is an initiation into higher frequencies, and as these frequencies become absorbed into the auric vehicle and light body, we develop more neurological plexus receivers so that you can work with these new frequencies. Many of us have activations and at certain levels of increasing critical mass of these higher frequencies, DNA activations occur. This yet is even further and beyond spiritual ascension initiation. This is the actual physicalization of an entire new birth creation in human consciousness that the guardians are referring to as THE TRINITIZED FORM. In the Trinitized Form, it is the house of the Cosmic Christ energy but it’s really not quite accurate from understanding where these energies are directly coming from as the 12th dimensional blueprint. These related frequencies we have been expanding and holding as core of our foundational daily techniques is where the human species original genetic template was created as a 12 strand avatar being and yet, I am very aware that what we are physicalizing is going way beyond the 12th dimensional system. This is accessing outside of this Universal System into the next Universal System, called the Seven Higher Heavens Realms. The beings that are now in contact with us are Ultra terrestrial or not from this Universe. They are in contact to work with us in new trinitized forms of holding zero point field frequencies in order to assist us in human evolution at this time. These beings are a source of advanced unity intelligence that is helping to host this planet’s ascension in the future timelines. These beings are opalescent rainbow colors in frequency spectrum that we do not have in this Universe. Because of the frequency spectrum of frequency colors it is a higher aspect of our Universal colors, and these new colors have the power to re-encrypt our color (auric) spectrum, both in our physical cellular structure and the energetic field. This is similar to saying the Rays of our Universe are being re-colored into the frequency of these Christ beings acting as a host to support our call for ascension and freedom. They are called the Aurora Host or Krystal Host Beings from the next Universe.

LISA RENEE: “Invocation for Sacred Sexual Embodiment”

SacredBlueLotus2 (2)

The practice of *dedicating one’s genitals* to the Christ~Forces has been mentioned recently. Drawing upon ES language references familiar to our Dial~Up Sequence with our Guardian Beloveds, I wish to offer some remixed wording to support this.

As always, I trust you will take only what resonates and germinates well in the vast soils of your own unique Garden, while composting anything which does not Serve you and your Intention.


Begin by fortifying 12D Shield.

Beloved God, please open all channels of light. Clear all light fibers to be connected and resonant with the Living Light Code. Infuse your Love~Light into my Sacred Form, that the Flowering Lotus of the Christ, Blooming Life~Force into, through and beyond my genitals may Breathe the In~Breath of the Divine Mother and the Out~Breath of the Holy Father, in Hieros Gamic Union both Within and Without.

I ask that God, my Avatar Self, the Aurora Races, the Aurora Elemental Command, the Mother Arc and the Guardians/ Founder Races, bring the Ascension Template to all my Intimate Relations. Bring true liberation and freedom to our planet. Assist me here and now in reclaiming organic erotic pleasure, restoring heart~based intimacy and repairing healthy sexual bonding as Expressions of God’s Sacred Marriage, Embodied Herein.

I consecrate and dedicate my genitals and my sexuality this day and always to the Purpose of One.

I ask that my Sexual Expression, whether engaged in solo practice or within a conjoining, whether procreative or co~creative, be sustained in the eternal power of my God Consecration. I ask for Gate~Keeping to hold the highest creative purpose of my Sexual Vitality and Eros, so that all the past, present and future influences, experiences and exchanges with my Self, my Lover/ HEARTner/ Beloved, Be Fully Connected, Resonant and in Service to the Living Light Code.

I intend Sacred Sexual Unification, the Hieros Gamic Principle as an energetic reality on this planet and within the Creative Sexual Forces of this Body Temple, and the Body Temple of my Lover, here, now and always.

I request the handshake and the hub to fortify my spiritual links into the core of God itself and that which is the source of my Genesis. Beloveds, I ask you to please sanctify and prepare my Body and Spiritual House for God~Consecrated Sexual Intimacy. Please activate the Cosmic Christ Seed within my Genitals, and the Genitals of my Lover/ Heartner/ Beloved.

Please adjust all hormonal secretions, sperm and ovum releasing from the reproductive system, which also affects erotic response and function by fully dedicating all sexual life~force conduits and pathways to the Eternal Love Light of Christ. Guardian Teams, I ask for the appropriate reproductive system adjustment and calibration, as God Would Have it Be. Please Return to Rightful Owner my Sexual Ecstasy and Bliss.


I call for an axiatonial line upgrade in the core of my genitals, extending to my heart so that the architectural lotus points of my heart matrix may emerge from LOVE into, through and beyond my sexual expressions, and be a part of breathing the zero point of God.

I call to the Aurora Elemental Command to upgrade my physical elemental structure so that the base~pulse rhythm of my body and consciousness may be encrypted to allow Monadic Integration and Hieros Gamic Sexual Union with my Self, and my Lover/ Heartner/ Beloved, so the life~seed atom that is a part of the Christ Seed in the heart of my genitals may be Reclaimed as an Expression of Divine Love and Sacred Harmony.

I Dedicate and Consecrate my Genitals as a Temple of Divine Union between the Mother Arc 13th dimensional frequency, and the Yod of Father God. I ask that as I connect with the Universal Kundalini Biorhythmic Sphere to restore all related hormonal chemical responses to Organic Living Light now. Connect the axitonial lines through my reproductive system into my Heart. I call upon the Celestine Fire to ignite my genitals for purification of purpose. Upgrade my Sacred Sexuality to be fully resonant with the Hieros Gamos Template so that I may wear the Wedded Garment Robe of God.

STS Sweep, Clear and Heal all past and parallel sexual relations so that the multiple energetic levels of my genitals may reach toward the physical embodiment of the Christ~Consciousness. Please Identify, Locate, Remove and Repair all negative sexual memories, NRG distortions, reversal matrixes, dead~light miasmatic structures, astral debris, Lunar Distortions, Sexual Misery Programs, Sexual Archetypes and Moloch Overlays. Open all Spiritual-Energetic Communication Links between GOD-AVATAR-MONAD-SOUL-ETHERIC-NADIS-MIND-BRAIN-CNS-SPINAL-CORD-and my Genitals.

Beloveds, please remove all genital distortions where there are mutations, reversal movements and drag. Please protect and bless the Sexual Expression of my genitals and that of my Lover/ Heartner/Beloved.

Anchor, lock and seal this work into the hologram now.

I thank you with all my heart for your assistance.

And so it is.

LISA RENEE: “World Peace Prayer”


Dear Ascending Family,

During certain periods of time, there are sequences in the time field which influence the instruction sets in the collective energy fields (consciousness) of the planet. When we unify as a group we have extra accumulative consciousness power which can be gathered and applied for the intention of service to the earth, as well as to serve the highest expression of our spiritual being.

Thus we have a powerful intention when working to diffuse the ARMAGEDDON software programs, such as War, Pestilence and Cataclysm fears, or many other fear programs which can be interchanged as they are similar control programs used on the earth to suppress consciousness. If you are guided to participate with the group intention it is a powerful to dedicate your prayer and intention to a specific issue, such as; friends and family, a group of people, (such as children) or a demographic land area, an earth kingdom (plants or animals) that you personally feel a direct connection towards. You will be able to direct God Guardian forces to that person, place or planetary position.

At this time it is suggested to reflect and gather our group consciousness light to be of service to humanity for Planetary Freedom and Planetary Peace.

We dedicate our Group Prayers to the Middle East, the 10th Stargate areas of the Golden Eagle Grid which are heavily influenced by War, Genocide and rampant killing agendas to spread into other parts of the earth. These Middle East areas included are the uprisings in Egypt, Syria, Iraq and its relationship to Israel as the 2nd Inner World Stargate. Where there are weaknesses in the energetic field of the planet, these areas of religious conflict are the most vulnerable to these types of hatred attacks. These weakened areas in the planetary grid are vulnerable to the propagation of the Armageddon (911) agendas.

In the United States the most vulnerable area related to the current civil war crisis in Syria around the use of Chemical Weapons is the North Eastern Seaboard of North America. We dedicate our prayers of strength, endurance and protection for the people living on the North Eastern Seaboard of the United States, the Middle East and other weakened areas that may be targeted for exploitation for the Armageddon agenda.

(To see a general guideline of the weak areas run east and west straight line from Iraq and Iran and follow the equator, one will see the East Coast and Japan as a part of the weakened areas.)

Opening Prayer

Beloved God – Our Families of Oneness, Open All channels of light, clear all light fibers to be fully connected and resonant with the Living Light Code.

Setting Space

We call Upon Our Group Avatar God Selves, The God Force Guardians, Aurora Krystal Families and Guardian Mentor Band, those aligned to the Law of One Mission to work together for the highest capacity of exchange of GOD’s infinite light, love and power in divine right order and harmony.

Quick connect to fortify 12D Hub ( see 12D Technique)

We command this space as sacred in the name of God and consecrated to the service of the One Source Light.

Connecting to Inner Core

a. Authentically declare your Intention from your Heart to resolve authority issues and defer your Ego to Serve God and Oneness.

b. Declare lntention: My declaration of intention is to serve my Source. I commit to serve my highest power, fully, completely and totally, I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free!

c. Activate your connection with your Inner Spirit and core base Shield (12D field Hub and top and bottom lids)

d. From within your 12D Hub, intentionally create the Hub Handshake with Unity Intelligence or the Krystal Star.

e. Boundary Test with your 12 D shield pushing it outwards with spinning light and include the decree – I encrypt my shield with the GSF triad in “I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free!”

Close your eyes a moment and place your attention on your personal platinum white pillar of light, your personal shield. Stay contained in your personal shield. Intend seeing yourself filled with the 12th dimensional liquid light, Begin to see the Aurora Rainbow colors oscillating within your shield, as you see your feed line of energy still connected to the Mothers Heart,  the Aquamarine Gate in the Core of the Universe. Spend a few moments focusing on that feeling as the light fills your body. Feel yourself sustained and nourished in your own inner light source, emanating in waves from your still point.

In your mind or out loud as you feel guided, please repeat this command:

We set our Group Intentional Field, dedicated to the Law of One and that which stewards the Divine Plan in Human Sovereignty and Unity. We are fusing our intentions with our own energetic integrity by committing to our God Service Mission with the Planetary Consciousness Fields here today. We are connecting our group Intentional Field with the Power of the Natural Laws and Intelligence Forces operating on the Earth and by interconnecting to the Cosmic Consciousness of God present here. Our objective is to be the pure light channel of God Source in Oneness and by holding and embodying the stewardship of which we have been called to represent for all of Humanity, that which is the future Sovereign direction of our entire species and of our planet. We ask the Progenitors of our Angelic race, and the Cosmic Intelligences of God to apply direct intervention in our co-creation to create the opening leading us to experience a higher reality system for our own liberation and peace, the freedom for our planet and her kingdoms. As we come to witness the end of time, we are intending to influence the Planetary Field with all of our heart, mind, body and soul by using our Collective Efforts as directed by our God-Self. We call upon the Power of our One Source Light to utilize the Forces of Nature in harmony and peace on this beloved body of the Earth.

As the 12 D Avatar and the Light of God that I Am, I choose to represent Human freedom in God’s Sovereign Power on the Earth. I ask that these words and intentions represent all of those human beings who are unable to speak whom wish freedom and to live in peace on the earth.

For One, For All, we cancel all contracts and/or agreements that have been made with any entity, being, guide, in this timeline or in any reality, that are utilizing the Armageddon programs on the earth to harm humanity. I terminate all false matrices, controllers, implants, or illusions that may have obscured my highest God purpose and soul mission, from the past, present and future. I further declare that the cancellation of all such contracts is to be irrevocable and permanent in all time frames and realities in harmony with God’s will. We choose perfection to stand in the Eternal Light and represent full sovereignty, freedom and Peace for all human beings on this planet. As I receive this Gift now in God’s Authority and in Christ’s name,  I will Share this Gift with ALL. All is One with the Light. I AM UNITY.

Beloved God Free Humanity of the Timeline of “Armageddon, Genocide and Enslavement”: We command dominion on this beloved Earth to return to God’s natural laws, the Unity Consciousness in Christos. Collapse and terminate through the Resignation of Programming any Armageddon software timeline, specific to the timelines of “Armageddon, Genocide and Enslavement”.

In the Zero Point Field and Unity Consciousness,  we command and reclaim our Presence of Perfection in One Source Light for all of the Human Race and the Earth. As a Guardian Representative – cleanse all of the Ancestral or Miasmatic Record through the human Holographic record, through the histories of Origin and throughout the planetary interface records of cellular memory. Reinstate Divine blueprint record to all layers of our human families to be Unified in the truth vibration, liberated, sovereign and free, now.

Beloved Father and Mother Creator, Our Families of Christ, of the Krystal Star:

We send our heartfelt prayers to our community to all of our family that is feeling scared, feeling pain, feeling sick, feeling the fear of the unknown. Our Mother, our true parent in Love, please return comfort to those in our family, those in our community that are feeling pain or fear in their body, in their mind, in their emotions or in their spirit. We ask Mother to amplify and fortify the Arc Pillar Gateway in our community as a transit gate for all energies and entities that are being routed to and through the Krystal Star Guardian Host. We Ask Father to please ignite the True and benevolent King of Christ to override the False King of Tyranny. Beloved Father please reanimate the heart of Christ in all males, please reanimate the Family of Michael the Male Christ principle to restore the earth to peace. Please end the war against the people of earth committed in deception by the False Kings sponsored through the Orion and Reptilian Patriarchy. Please restore peaceful and loving hearts with wisdom of the Holy Father in the true love of compassionate actions made towards the earth, her people, her kingdoms. Please reveal the truth the light and the way in the hearts of Men. Please free the earth from the enslavement of the False Kings Deception, and ignite the Glory of Gods Image to be made in the hearts of Men.

May all of our Light family be blessed and sanctified in the Peace of God. Beloved Mother please pour your Divine Light and Holy Spirit to each being’s heart, reminding them to know you directly, and know of your care, your comfort, your peace, your eternal and abiding love for their heart and well being. Please Let those who are suffering to be held with you and to experience peace and happiness. Holy Mother please defend the Children of God on the earth.

May we hold in our heart a loving prayer for all those in our community to be joined together through peace and love, and to know brotherhood and friendship through our intentions, thoughts, emotions and behaviors. May we all intend to increase our goodness, our purity through our loving heart.  Please extend your love to your brother and sisters in this community, to wish upon them peace, love, happiness and abundance in every way that grows their spirit.

Beloved God, Please comfort the peoples of the earth affected by these changes upon us. Bring their communities together in love, in prayer towards the Loving aspects of God, and help them care well for each other.

Let us here today be strong as the invincible and eternal spirit. May blessings and goodness come out of this transformative time of which many people feel fear, pain or sorrow.

Thank you God, Thank you God. Thank you God!
And so it is. I LOVE YOU!

LISA RENEE: “The Cosmic Egg”


Energetic Synthesis –  Time Shift Blog – February 2, 2016

On the path of Ascension, we evolve through many stages of evolution, which help us to reach increasing mystical levels of higher knowing. This is not a linear process and cannot be explained or proven through the methods acceptable to mainstream scientists. The functions of our Soul-Spirit activation, is accessed through inner cellular knowing and higher sensory perception, which stems from the deep and powerful feelings in the initiated consciousness. Once spiritually initiated, we have knowing and we cannot go back to not knowing. This fact of knowing, having self-knowledge, changes our consent. When we are conscious and aware of the forces we are interacting with, we must make choices about what we are doing in our life. If we have knowing and we continue to make choices based on fear, we will suffer. The choices we make when operating from the internal knowing of an initiate, change everything we have ever known as an identity. We are catapulted to place ourselves on the altar of faith and trust in the highest expression of what we may call God, Source, the All-One, Universe, or Christ Consciousness. While we move into the realms of the unknown and uncertainty, this forces us into facing our moral, ethical and spiritual dilemmas.

This is psycho-spiritual crisis, or the Dark Night of the Soul. Now, we are being pushed to know things that were previously hidden from view, and to see things as they really are. This is the invitation to spiritual initiation for some, and for other initiates, it will mean going from the frying pan into the fire. As we see things as they really are, it forces us to make hard decisions and potentially, undergo many life altering changes. We have to be rid of attachments, or negative habits that we may have used as a coping mechanism or crutch in life. We clear those things and people which may act as crutch to keep us in denial, fearing change, and take steps in creating new ways of liberating ourselves with healthy spiritual behaviors. This allows us to prepare the groundwork for the next levels of self-knowledge, consciousness expansion and for gaining more clarity in our future spiritual mission.

Transfiguration corresponds to the element of Solar Fire, which is the alchemical process which burns away the shadow forms in the lower chakra energy centers. The lunar forces are connected to the Dark Mother, and these lower shadow forms start to rise in our body to be consumed in the transfiguring Solar Fire. The new levels of intracellular light illuminate the lower shadow body reflections, and we are able to sense them, when we could not sense them before. Transfiguration defines many different gradations of the ascension experience, where there is shadow and lunar forms, these will rise from the cellular memory in the body to be seen. Generally, we will perceive the shadow rising into the area of the body where the memory is attached; either physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually.  We witness the shadow rising and all of the negative emotions and pain that are associated with it in our memories, identities and timelines. The shadow is something to learn how to embrace and not fear, as it rises to surface awareness, it is showing us exactly where we need to heal. The shadow highlights weakness in our Lightbody that needs to be strengthened through spiritual dedication and devoted meditation with the inner light presence.

Transfiguration has many cumulative stages throughout our Ascension process, which bring profound moments of clarity and intimate knowledge to the initiate in some form. It allows the body to serve as a vessel for embodied light, and to facilitate intelligent transmission of light into the environment or to others in some capacity. This internal light informs the initiates’ mind of the direct existence of Christ Consciousness, even if that state has not been fully attained. Transfiguration brings knowledge that can never be undone. What the person does with that new knowledge will remain their choice. As we stand at the crossroads in the realm of the unknown, the current knowledge we have been given is undergoing integration with our cellular body. We will come to realize in the future that this was a major milestone that was required for our continuing ability to expand the Christ Consciousness.

When we allow our ego/personality to be shattered and fully withdraw its control over us, we are released into our true spiritual nature. The human body is designed as a replica of the Universe, and we are asleep in the microcosmic egg until we wake up and begin to unite with the macrocosmic egg of the Universe.  The human body is embedded in multiple dimensions of invisible worlds that make up our microcosmic egg or auric body shell. Our microcosmic egg enters conjunction with the macrocosmic egg when we spiritually awaken into the later parts of Monadic activation. It is during the Monadic spiritual initiation that the invisible worlds, incredibly, start to be made visible to that person.  As the ego body is rejected and slayed, we begin to break through the layers of our auric shell into the Cosmic Egg. When this connection is made with our True Holy God Parents, we are blessed with their hierogamic union or sacred marriage, which births the Solar Egg and Golden Embryo within our aura.

The Golden Embryo is birthed inside our human body and the seed germinates within our hara complex to recreate our identity in Cosmic Christ Consciousness. This has also been referred to as the Solar Sacrum, which purges the Lunar principle of the dark feminine. This Solar Egg holds the Golden Embryo in the aura that gradually births the Golden Child of Christ Consciousness within a human body.

When the Golden Embryo is seeded in the Solar Egg, the Lunar reflected light and its many shadow forms will start to gather into what’s called the Buddhic Egg. This is a spherical body repository for the accumulated Moon Chain Lineages and a variety of Lunar forms that have been a part of our Monadic family. Because in the lower creation realms, the Mother of God was experienced as a lunar force, this heralds the transfiguration of the Mother principle into the Solar feminine within. The Solar feminine aspect of the Mother of God in her Christos body is her daughter, Sophia.

Indigenous cultures have known the sophianic consciousness represented as the Solar Feminine by other names as well, such as Saint Brigid, who is the Fire Goddess of Ireland. In Celtic polytheism and Irish mythology, Brigid (exalted one) is the daughter of the Dagda and one of the Tuatha Dé Danann.  As is often the case with Celtic deities who are described as threefold, she is seen as three sisters, all named Brigid, who perform various functions in society, such as healing, poetry and metal working. Brigid Day marks the beginning of spring, most commonly it is held on 1st of February, or about halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox.

When we are birthing the Golden Child in our lower energy centers, the Solar Fire consumes our shadow parts existing in the Buddhic Egg. These shadow parts contain negative forms, false ego identities and their memories, which exist within the root, sacral and solar plexus. The entire core structure of our body and our previous ego identity may feel like it is being decimated by a wrecking ball. During the current stage of the Galactic Law of Alchemy transmission (Capricorn, principles of fermentation to multiplication), the destruction of the old internal structure is especially potent. The etheric cords, magnetic structures, imprints and mind control machinery from the lunar forces are being severed from manipulating the lower chakras.

The Mother’s female principle and instinctual-emotional body within us must be reconfigured and filled with the radiant light of the Solar Fire. The main energy centers impacted by these levels of mind control transmission are the ego/personality centers, the 1st, 2nd and 3rd chakras. So as these levels of lunar cords are cleared, or consumed in the transfiguration flame, this shifts the entire platform of our core identity.  The purpose is to discern what it is, to call it out and know it as the Imposter Spirit, and to know the difference between the Eternal Light of God and the Forces of Darkness and Shadow. During this phase of transfiguration, many of us will face the inner demons of despair, the demons of addiction, fear and agony.  Some of us will face these same demons on the earth plane, and provide deliverance for these creations to be released from their bindings and returned to the heart of Holy Mother.

Through the transmogrification of the Dark Mother’s lunar forces being amalgamated into the Solar Fire, (through the unification with the Cosmic Egg), the previous consciousness intelligence of the Universe activates consciousness memory from before the separation. The Cosmic Egg holds the record of the original times of creation before the “fall of humankind” into material incarnation. When we break through the Cosmic Egg, we experience the unification of all creation before the separation that occurred from the wall in time. The fall is the forgetfulness of humanities divine spiritual nature, forgetting our direct relationship to the Universe, the planet and our interconnection with all of life.