STEPHANIE LUCAS: “Balancing the Crown Chakra as the Universal Connector Center”

Crown Chakra

Considered intrinsic to accessing one’s highest potential of dynamic thought, energy, spirituality, and enlightenment, the Crown Chakra is the center of the cosmic consciousness. It guides the inward flow of wisdom and enlightenment on both conscious and unconscious levels and is where one is said to connect with the cosmos and the Divine – it’s the gateway to the higher self.

Metaphysically speaking, the Crown Chakra is naturally believed to be located at the top of the head, with an ‘invisible cord’ that spans from the top of the skull to the tailbone, where your Base Chakra is located. Because it is the universal connector center, any blockages or imbalances within the chakra system can source imbalances in the Crown Chakra and impede your spiritual enlightenment and goals for ascension.

Symptoms of Crown Chakra Blockages

The state of balance within the Crown, or 7th Chakra is believed to have an affect on the pineal gland, central nervous system and the brain. Side effects of imbalances or a blocked Crown Chakra may include:

  • Headaches/Migraines
  • Blurred Vision/ Eyestrain
  • Poor Balance and Coordination
  • Lack of Joy
  • Experience Frustration or Self-destructive Thoughts
  • Depression and/or Isolation
  • Lack of Interest in Spirituality or Exploration

Crown ChakraHealing Stones for Balancing the Crown Chakra

When in balance, the 7th Chakra lights up, signifying illumination as your awareness of the Divine expands on both individual and universal levels. Achieving balance in this chakra is truly the way to experience and promote your path to ascension in higher universal planes! Many auric healers use the healing powers of crystals and stones to cleanse, balance, and enhance the psychic powers that lie within the Crown Chakra. The most commonly used stones include Clear Quartz Crystal and Amethyst.

Amethyst stones and crystals are considered Stones of Spiritual Growth, with darker tones symbolizing high spiritual attainment and paler lilacs representing consciousness and love for humankind. Violet is the primary color associated with the Crown Chakra, and is a magnificent stone for transformation.

Clear quartz is considered The Stone of Ultimate Power and works well to balance several chakras and to align the Seven Subtle Bodies. This crystal works well to enhance the power of other healing stones, making it the most widely used stone in the metaphysical healing realm.

Beyond the Crown Chakra

You’ll likely discover your healing stones to be useful in raising your vibrations, warding off negative energies and harmful electromagnetic frequencies, and elevating you to a greater level of cosmic consciousness. What are your experiences with the Crown Chakra and healing stones and crystals? Share your story!

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LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Relationships Under Construction”


“When we recognize the fear program when it is operating in the masses to deliberately separate the male and female from experiencing feelings of empathy with each other, we can refuse its control over our own male and female energies, and choose unconditional love, which connects us with our inherent personal sovereignty as eternal spiritual beings.” 

~Lisa Renee

Relationships are for Spiritual Development

In our Ascension context, the synthesizing of the pairs of opposing forces into higher states of energetic balance is required in order to achieve spiritual completion, as our consciousness travels throughout the dimensions, and this process is also referred to as polarity integration, energetic synthesis or spiritual marriage. This has the exact same meaning when applied to the unification of the inner gender energies and balancing of the gender archetypes inside ourselves, which is the energetic balance that is created in our aura and in the outer dimensional fields, when we are able to heal the masculine principle and feminine principle interaction. To biologically and spiritually evolve, we bring increasing levels of energetic balance between the masculine and feminine energies that exist within ourselves, and this shifts how we perceive those same levels of consciousness energies that we interact with that are inside of other people. All of these forces exist within the inner and outer, the personal and the collective selves, the micro and the macro, which are brought into higher resolution for increasing the potential unification between those energies.

Thus, every relationship we have has an ongoing interplay between all of these male and female forces on the planet, and is ultimately designed for our spiritual development and higher consciousness growth. Especially now at the time of Ascension, humanity is extremely impacted by the changes that have occurred to the male-female energetic interplay on the planet, as these forces connect directly to our levels of personal emotional growth as human beings.

Most people are unaware that many relationships on the planet today are directly attracted by the spiritual self in order to meet soul and spirit family, which gives us the opportunity to heal and resolve past ancestral patterns, complete previous cycles of unresolved issues, clear miasmatic blockages, and help to integrate inner and outer forces of polarity. All relationships are directly designed for personal growth and spiritual expansion beyond certain emotional themes, being of service to others, and learning life lessons. When we are spiritually capable to energetically balance our inner and outer male and female energies, we reach a level of personal completion and our intimate relationship is elevated in its divine design to hierogamic union. Hierogamic relationships are those that have evolved into spiritual marriages where both parties are unified in their male and female energies in order to become directed for higher collaborations of service to the Universal plan, and thus, they are focused on increasing mutual projects of planetary service in order to help harmonize the earth grid or support the reclamation of the krystal consciousness.

At this time, certain relationships will collapse or destruct from any of the power imbalances that are created when there is undue pressures of ego needs placed upon the relationship, such as the projection of personal desires and expectations that are placed upon another. We must learn to clear ourselves of behaving or acting in obsolete patterns that are created from destructive bonding or wounding in relationships. Without this evolutionary context towards the purpose of relationships, one can be left confused and potentially manipulated by unresolved personal pain and trauma. Unresolved and unhealed inner pain is manipulated by dark forces in our unconscious mind, that keep fear as the primary wound that is used to keep the people involved disempowered, by playing out common destructive relationship programs. In these new energies building new timelines, many destructive relationships based on deception or power imbalances, that obstruct further spiritual expansion, in one or both parties, will bifurcate and split apart. Relationships will undergo intense forms of transformation now, testing our emotional integrity and spiritual maturity.  As emotionally difficult as it may feel, embrace these changes as they occur, as they are spaces of divine intervention to protect our heart and soul to stay on the progressive path in the future timelines, in so that we are lead to unite with our true spiritual purpose and heroic probability. When power imbalances are present in relationships, they must be restored back into energetic balance at some point, showing us what must be corrected in our life style and behaviors, and this action is ultimately sourced in our path to spiritual freedom.

Significant Impact to all Relationships

The same process of polarity integration is transpiring now in the masculine-feminine blueprint of the collective consciousness of humanity. This changes the collective brain configuration in the earth, thus potentially shifts the thought forms in those human beings that are open to receive the new instruction sets and higher plasma frequencies. As a result, this new cycle begins intense, rapid and spontaneous changes that significantly impact the energetic balance (or the energetic schism) that exists between the male and female principles, as they are portrayed in the collective consciousness, such as in the societal expectations and cultural roles. This impact will be thematic for a long time, as this catalyzes momentous transformation in all things having to do with gender, the male and female roles as defined through archetypes, marriage, sexuality, relationships, intimates, partnerships, friendships, family and in group dynamics. Many of us will be undergoing deep and powerful transformations, more exploration and discovery in all of the permutations of relating in the world as it is based upon our gender, as a man or as a woman, experiencing both or androgynous. This gives us potentially new consciousness experiences to feel much more deeply into what it may mean to us to be in the male and female energies, simultaneously, in whatever body we may be incarnated in. We have much more energetic freedom to explore the newly transmitting consciousness, which allows the free flowing interplay of the male-female energies to be heightened inside our own life experiences.

True spiritual marriage is the deep alchemical process of spiritual ascension, and therefore is a part of understanding the necessity of polarity integration between the gender principles in everything we interact with and co-create. Without polarity integration, there cannot be biological spiritual evolution or its byproduct, true spiritual marriage, which is the energetic unification that occurs between the gender principles, creating an androgynous balance of neutral force. Neutrality is the point of our inner spiritual power which allows us to connect directly with the zero point, or the source field.

Wound of Soul Abuse in Relationships

Consciousness is the energetic intelligence which can be both undifferentiated units of qualities of energy or arranged in specific blueprints that direct or influence all matter forms. What is contained in the spiritual blueprint, will govern the form (govern the body and thought-forms) and direct the intelligence and those energies associated with that blueprint. This extends to all gender principles of which are influential in all ways that human beings believe is the nature of reality, and the nature of relating in all kinds of different male-female relationships. Those relationships have been defined by the negative alien influence through its overlay of mind controlled thought-forms, belief systems, and their identity archetypes, which control how those forces are directed and by whom.

The anti-life energies have been purposely distorted through patriarchal domination mind control, which has severely damaged the natural balance that exists between the male and female principle in the Universal creation. This imbalance between the male and female has emotionally devastated and spiritually stunted all human beings to some extent on the planet. Some of the most traumatizing events are those painful memories from distortions that exist between men and women being forced to abuse each other in many different ways, over and over again. The gender principle distortions have been used to propagate some of the deepest levels of spiritual abuse, sexual misery and personal torture that could occur to a race of beings. We all have inherited the spiritual task of identifying the relationship abuse and taking productive steps, no matter how small, to heal ourselves from the emotional and spiritual pain that is the result of the separation between the male and female, that has caused incredible confusion in the human race.

Many people feel this pain as soul crushing, thus, heart breaking, as the deepest primordial wounds of our race is inherently created from this point of inner separation, which is recorded in the cellular memories of the hidden human history that is buried in alien invasion and spiritual oppression. True spiritual marriage as a part of natural biological spiritual ascension, was stolen from humanity through the gradual alien invasion, and the pain of that theft of true identity and the emotional abuse suffered, has damaged many people’s hearts. The heart damage exists both physical and energetic, has blocked the soul’s center of communication with the entire body, which manifests as self-rejection. Humanity has been programmed to reject our true nature, through the constant denial of accepting the male and female energies in creation as equal in value that are meant to be unified. For this reason, for many people,  there is a unconscious terror in accessing the heart center and unconscious fears of becoming deeply intimate and connected with another person, because the soul wound of separation is so painful for so many on the earth.

With this deeper clarity and context,  it would make perfect sense that in order to change the body’s reaction to the opposing energies and to heal the hearts capacity for loving intimacy, one must first change behaviors to heal the personal energetic blueprint and/or spiritual plan to unify with the inner masculine and feminine. When we become aware of painful gender distortions, we can gain the courageous power through our applied consciousness to intend to heal our inner gender principles, which change our energetic blueprint. This example is well understood in the field of general construction; to add another bedroom, put recessed lighting in a kitchen, to re-wire the electrical outlets, one would hire a construction crew to draw up the plans and then remodel the existing home structure to reflect those plans. If the plans are drawn up shoddy, if the workers are careless about the quality of their work, and the supervisor is without knowledge to build to the specification in the plans, the final result of the new construction can be disastrous. Thus, careful contemplation on communicating and expressing ourselves in harmony with our own inner male and female energies, is what supports our ability to increase the positive interplay between those forces, which improve our relationships. We must learn how to understand the male and the female dynamics in this world, honoring both equally, having empathy for each persons experiences, knowing how they feel in their circumstances, in order for us to build a strong spriitual foundation for expressing inner and outer spiritual marriage.

Humanity has experienced a disastrous result to their home planet by following the mind control blueprint put in place to control and separate gender by the alien controllers. Many people stopped having feelings of empathy and compassion for other people, and lost their ability to feel how it is to walk in another persons shoes. This planet is our home. In the previous cycle it was guided by alien sociopaths using an tyrannical blueprint that is designed to harm and enslave the human race through promoting separative behaviors that are designed to inflict soul damage and heart abuse in order to lose empathic connections. In order to change this separative structure put in place between men and women, we have to recognize how the alien blueprint for mind control of the genders actually works in the collective to break down empathy,  and then see clearly how the controllers capitalize on the collective fear of humanity to keep these destructive thought forms in place.

When we recognize the fear program when it is operating in the masses to deliberately separate the male and female from experiencing feelings of empathy with each other, we can refuse its control over our own male and female energies, and choose unconditional love, which connects us with our inherent personal sovereignty as eternal spiritual beings. This gives us the personal power to replace the alien mind control that is used to promote and enforce male and female separation, while raising our awareness to practice empathy with all people, and intending to balance and equalize all of our male and female interactions. When we can see the destructive programs that are designed to separate us, we can choose something different for our interactions with others in any kind of situation. Thus, we can choose healthier, balanced, life affirming, and more empathic and humanitarian ways to interact within our relationships, our families, children, communities and eventually the entire planet.




 – Time Shift Blog – July 14, 2016


MARK DAVID: “9 Reasons You Need To Be Giving and Receiving Hugs Everyday”

Hugging helps the immune system, cures depression, reduces stress and induces sleep. It’s invigorating, rejuvenating and has no unpleasant side effects. It is all natural, organic, naturally sweet, no pesticides, no preservatives, no artificial ingredients and 100 percent wholesome. There are no batteries to wear out, no periodic check-ups, low energy consumption, high energy yield, inflation proof, nonfattening, no monthly payments, theft-proof, nontaxable, nonpolluting and, of course, fully returnable. Hugging is practically perfect, with the only exception that it can’t recreate the wheel. Here are 9 reasons you need hugs everyday.

A famous quote by psychotherapist Virginia Satir goes, “We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.” Whether those exact numbers have been scientifically proven remains to be seen, but there is a great deal of scientific evidence related to the importance of hugs and physical contact.

Oxytocin is a neurotransmitter that acts on the limbic system, the brain’s emotional centre, promoting feelings of contentment, reducing anxiety and stress, and even making mammals monogamous. It is the hormone responsible for us all being here today. You see this little gem is released during childbirth, making our mothers forget about all of the excruciating pain they endured expelling us from their bodies and making them want to still love and spend time with us. New research from the University of California suggests that it has a similarly civilising effect on human males, making them more affectionate and better at forming relationships and social bonding. And it dramatically increased the libido and sexual performance of test subjects. When we hug someone, oxytocin is released into our bodies by our pituitary gland, lowering both our heart rates and our cortisol levels. Cortisol is the hormone responsible for stress, high blood pressure, and heart disease.

Connections are fostered when people take the time to appreciate and acknowledge one another. A hug is one of the easiest ways to show appreciation and acknowledgement of another person. The world is a busy, hustle-bustle place and we’re constantly rushing to the next task. By slowing down and taking a moment to offer sincere hugs throughout the day, we’re benefiting ourselves, others, and cultivating better patience within ourselves.

Affection also has a direct response on the reduction of stress which prevents many diseases. The Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine says it has carried out more than 100 studies into touch and found evidence of significant effects, including faster growth in premature babies, reduced pain, decreased autoimmune disease symptoms, lowered glucose levels in children with diabetes, and improved immune systems in people with cancer.

Hugs strengthen the immune system. The gentle pressure on the sternum and the emotional charge this creates activates the Solar Plexus Chakra. This stimulates the thymus gland, which regulates and balances the body’s production of white blood cells, which keep you healthy and disease free.

Almost 70 percent of communication is nonverbal. The interpretation of body language can be based on a single gesture and hugging is an excellent method of expressing yourself nonverbally to another human being or animal. Not only can they feel the love and care in your embrace, but they can actually be receptive enough to pay it forward to others based on your initiative alone.


Hugging boosts self-esteem, especially in children. The tactile sense is all-important in infants. A baby recognizes its parents initially by touch. From the time we’re born our family’s touch shows us that we’re loved and special. The associations of self-worth and tactile sensations from our early years are still imbedded in our nervous system as adults. The cuddles we received from our Mom and Dad while growing up remain imprinted at a cellular level, and hugs remind us at a somatic level of that. Hugs, therefore, connect us to our ability to self love.

Everything everyone does involves protecting and triggering dopamine flow. Low dopamine levels play a role in the neurodegenerative disease Parkinson’s as well as mood disorders such as depression. Dopamine is responsible for giving us that feel-good feeling, and it’s also responsible for motivation! Hugs stimulate brains to release dopamine, the pleasure hormone. Dopamine sensors are the areas that many stimulating drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamine target. The presence of a certain kinds of dopamine receptors are also associated with sensation-seeking.

Reaching out and hugging releases endorphins and serotonin into the blood vessels and the released endorphins and serotonin cause pleasure and negate pain and sadness and decrease the chances of getting heart problems, helps fight excess weight and prolongs life. Even the cuddling of pets has a soothing effect that reduces the stress levels. Hugging for an extended time lifts one’s serotonin levels, elevating mood and creating happiness.

Hugs balance out the nervous system. The skin contains a network of tiny, egg-shaped pressure centres called Pacinian corpuscles that can sense touch and which are in contact with the brain through the vagus nerve. The galvanic skin response of someone receiving and giving a hug shows a change in skin conductance. The effect in moisture and electricity in the skin suggests a more balanced state in the nervous system – parasympathetic.

I’ll leave you with the wonderful real life story of Juan Mann, a man whose sole mission was to reach out and hug a stranger put a smile on their face. In this age of social-disconnection most all of us lack that simple human touch from another, the effects of the Free Hugs Campaign are now felt around the globe.

LISA RENEE: Psychic Self Defense: Karma” (Part 5/8)




The Psychic Self Defense Series continues with the exploration of the topic of Karmic Return. This Ascension cycle has much energy seeking balance and clearing, much of this is sourcing from ancestor lineage and other lifetime experiences. How does Karma make one feel psychically attacked? We will discuss more of karma and its effect upon us, especially now!

Karmic Return

Many of the things that happen to people in their lives, which they may presume are attacks or bad luck, are in fact cycles of karma returning to be balanced. The basic law of karma states as what you sow is what you reap, what you put out comes back to you. This is the Universal Law of cause and effect. The interesting thing about Karma is that it extends over many lives. For a long time on Earth and due to the shortened life spans and the lack of awareness of humanity, karma tended to carry over into many future lives. This compounded the problem, as future selves were unaware of this carried-over karma and unwittingly added more. Many incarnates see themselves as ‘victims’ of whatever has transpired in their lives thinking they had done nothing to deserve bad luck or problems. In fact many of these events are simply lifetime lessons to achieve and gain more self mastery, self realization and soul growth. Many times the energies of karma are administered impersonally, as it is directly linked to the way natural laws of energy behave in that dimension and the human beings energy field of consciousness ( as incarnated) that houses every instruction set and soul agreement for that lifetime and the karmic influence of other lifetimes. By virtue of the simple mechanics of the operation of the dimensional laws, the human being is subject to those laws and plugged into that energy as soon as the body is birthed into physical manifestation at that level. That means the soul planned its incarnational karmic contracts and aspired to resolve and transcend that karmic instruction set in its lifetime for various purposes of evolution.


To describe a few of the different levels and layers of karma, at the personal level it is what you have personally set into motion with your own consciousness. At the group level it has many layers of what you choose to be born into as a group with race, genetics, religious affiliation and so forth. At a national level it is what demographic and country you are born into and experience its influences upon your lifetime. At the planetary level, it is the particular school called Earth of which many lessons and experiences are provided. You must deal with planetary karma at the phase of history or timeline you are born into. It can be said all these layers of karma are personal to you as the soul chooses these factors before coming into each incarnation.

Now as we reach an end cycle of creation, the time of “Ascension”, the karma “buck” has stopped, as Earth is on her return journey upwards in vibration. All species who are accompanying Earth in the transition through the ‘Ascension’ – including all of humanity – must clear all the outstanding and unfinished karmic business. This means that any new karmic effect generated in this lifetime must now be cleared and balanced in this lifetime – not carried forward, and all ancestral karma that was left unfinished must now be cleared as well.

Are we responsible for our ancestor’s misdemeanors? Yes, we all are. We are genetically the sum total of our ancestors. We carry in our cells not only their physical attributes but their cellular memories, genetics and the karma that must be released and brought to balance. The great news is that we have many dispensations to clear karma and its entanglements via the Law of Grace, the forces of the divine grace of God. Choosing to experience this grace over karmic cause and effect for the sincere seeker is powerfully transformative and liberating.

Many humans are now also rising in vibration within their personal energy fields simultaneously with the Earth. This not only gives them a new intellectual interest in spiritual things, but will also awaken new understandings and new ways of viewing the world. The coming era is a balancing of energies within all structures in order to lay the foundation of new paradigms of human reality.

As humans increase in vibration, the ability to start touching on new vibrational bandwidths that can be accessed to release information and memories, thoughts and feelings that previously you were not aware of, is made available. This may start as a remembering of previous lifetimes, or feeling the pain, panic or love from these ancestral memories. If you are unaware of where these emotions or sensations are coming from, you may perceive they are external to you and if the feeling or thoughts are unfamiliar, you may think someone else is sending them to you.

Much of what the currently awakening spiritual people feel is not actually psychic attack from the outside, but karmic release and integration from the inside. This is where being able to pendulum or muscle test can help you pinpoint where these impulses and feelings are coming from and then how best to treat it.

So what is the best way to address this ancestral karma? Most of the time it is the best choice to simply go with the flow, surrender and let it release out through you. It is important to find detached awareness that allows you to observe these events as much as possible, without judgment or over involvement personally. Much of the time you do not have to live through each detail or process it consciously. You are acting as the living conduit to release and balance those energies held in your ancestral lineage. Many of us at this time of the shift into ascension have taken this on as a soul contract and have incarnated with strong intent to serve this purpose in humanity’s evolution. Some of these energies may take longer to release than others, and you may encounter them again cyclically as you move up through the higher vibrational bandwidths of consciousness. People and circumstances will return to you to be integrated at the higher octave of frequency or resolved of conflict and healed. Cord cutting techniques as described in the previous newsletter may be especially helpful in these circumstances. Moving through the planes of consciousness means you are integrating more aspects of self existing in several timelines and dimensional spaces to become an even greater whole of creation. You may experience sensations of no-time (voids) or of time manipulation, moving further back through time or acceleration into a future time. Dreaming experiences during sleep time during this phase of our evolution may be rather intense as our being and guidance utilizes the subconscious and astral states to release and clear a lot of accumulated debris over lifetimes.

It appears overwhelming as it sounds like a lot of work to do, but we are sharing this task by large with everyone and everything on the planet. You are physically and energetically related to hundreds of thousands of other humans sitting at various bandwidths of vibration who are currently helping to balance and release this karma as well. It is just that many of them are not aware that they are doing it by the very essence of their existence and lifetime. With your conscious awareness, you are also in a position to have your ancestors help you through the karmic releasing. When they have finished releasing their karma, it is possible to invite them to merge their gifts and talents with your energy field and you’ll discover new interests as well as make your process more enjoyable.

Additionally, there is a small group of humans akin and to be known as the “mapmakers” who have been intimately involved with the planetary evolution and have been working hard over the last several years to keep ahead of the human vibrational increase and release and heal the really serious karma so that humanity has a safe roadmap to follow as they ascend. Sometimes I refer to my light worker family as the “cosmic filtration” system, which is not unlike its literal interpretation!

More about Karma

Possibly there may be other, more direct karma returning from things that you have done consciously or unconsciously in this lifetime or immediate past or parallel lives. It does not matter if you do not remember the event, or that it does not return in the same way it was sent. The laws of karma are energetically balanced and seek to resolve and reconcile always.

Karma is not a person or god figure sitting in judgment of you. It is an impersonal energetic force that flows and must come to be balanced before it can move on. What flows in one direction will also flow in another direction before it comes to balance. Unconscious karma may, for example, be repaid in the unconscious (it may be remembered in a dream) and not played out on the physical plane. Once karma has been released, let it go with love and forgiveness and it will not need to repeat. You will also find yourself experiencing a sensation of being ‘lighter’ of heart and vibration and able to move up in bandwidth once the old karma and patterns are no longer holding you back.

The word “karma” has been associated with an event that is considered negative or bad, the idea you must suffer because of a soul lesson has not been learned. Transcending suffering by calling in the law of grace and surrendering to your spiritual connection and receiving it’s support is a huge step towards tapping into divine states of peace and serenity. It brings with it the acceptance of allowing the divine will and wisdom to permeate your life making life experience much more enjoyable. I truly wish to offer another perspective which eases the ego’s tendency to personalize and overwhelm the emotional body with understanding more about the purpose of life challenges and its relationship to karmic energies.

Until next time, keep yourself balanced between the horizontal and vertical worlds.

Lisa Renee