KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: June 10, 2024 World Situation Report

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! From Uganda, Nabirye Annet demonstrates her homemade Juice Making process, and Namusis Janati shows us how she makes tea from Herbs & Spices. In New Earth News: we are learning about Leaving Religious Doctrine; and much more! In World News: Meta AI Training; Brazil Wetland Fires; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian! Topics discussed: Deep State battle continues. Global asset control / Still try to collapse dollar and hacking, but can’t access money / Martial law reinstated / BRICS won’t work / Governments can still collapse / Possibility they will use a loop-hole scenario to get fake Trump[s] “let off” because they will need a “cash cow” source of funding / Peace agreement / Still much to do to go forward with finance.

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~via United Network News

QUESTIONS FOR LISA RENEE ~ “Is It Possible that We Are Not Always in Agreement or Contract to Experience Suffering or Struggle?”


“Is it possible that we are not always in agreement or contract to that which we experience as suffering or struggle?”


“That is a complex and deep question. In my experience, the answer is yes. There were many of us from star nations that came to incarnate into human biology to bring resurrection codes and to host a species into it’s higher evolution. It’s no secret there are energies not in alignment to giving that higher knowledge freely to the human race and so there are those of us here that endeavor to hold that energetic space and ascending code to be made available for others. As more people awaken, more people have the possibility of understanding their liberation in terms of being liberated from Suffering and Fear on this planet. It’s possible that when we have struggle, many of us have not been trained in Psychic Self Defense and there are resistance energies or targeting energies that will create obstacles in that person’s spiritual growth. Personally, I have witnessed the superimposition of karmic burdens on the back of human beings that is done purposely because the extradimensional being/entity doing so, feels it is elite and superior. When this happens it is done through deception and trickery in the astral planes, such as through complex technology and alien implants. When a being is being Deceived, Implanted, Controlled and used to work in Servitude for another, and it is repeatedly used with the Karmic loads that the ‘higher’ dimensional being controls, this does not appear to be consensual, but a blatant abuse of Natural Laws. The natural laws (Organic light source) are which that allow and protect the right of each being to contact its own direct inner Creator energies. This does not happen freely on the earth.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis

MORE ‘DEAD TRUMP SOCIETY’ PIPE DREAMS, SHENANIGANS & FAILURES ~ Kim Goguen & Sunny Gault: June 5, 2024 World Situation Report

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Brian reports on the Promise Junior School in Uganda, and Kathleen from the US explores a Healing Art Exhibit. In New Earth News: we are learning about Putting Labels on Kids; and much more! In World News: London Hospital Cyber Attack; Nigeria Strike Update; and more! Plus, a Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

Kim on how 3-years-dead Trump is still an asset to the Deep State in controlling the narrative and making dirty deals— just as they all did while he was alive:

“Again— this is the whole Trump team, the Kushner people, whatever THAT is now these days, who KNOWS what that is, and everybody ELSE wearing a mask over there on that side. So a lot of this stuff is being set up behind the scenes by the organization. Like I said— ‘money trails’. Money talks you know, and when you figure out where all the money is and where it’s going, where you sent it, you can now figure out how you’re setting yourselves up. Because they said, once they’ve been ‘successful’ — THEN they will actually ‘officially’ announce that Trump is no longer here.”

~Kim Goguen, June 5, 2024

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings. For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings. Kim’s report begins @ the 36:55 mark.

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~via United Network News

QUESTIONS FOR LISA RENEE ~ “Are There Purposes for Particular Countries to Bring the Ascension Process?”


“Are there purposes for particular countries as a whole to bring the ascension process? A lot of info comes out of a limited amount of countries, especially the USA. Are there particular tribes, masters, guides focused on one country?”


“In terms of particular countries, the Guardians have said that about the USA at this time, that the torch is being given to the north American continent. As this is all the divine plan of splitting the reality structures, the splitting of frequencies, and what is happening to us in USA, both economically and politically — is that splitting apart. This is the amplification of polarities. Political lines are also drawn in ancient genetic lines at this time. We are watching a part of our ascension process that is working on a karmic level between the history of bloodlines and genetic lineages. Many of us are here as Guardians of the earth to incarnate to bring 12D pillar frequencies and build portals and set them up in certain spaces that we are called to be, all over the planet. Being on that level to bring ascension energies in here first, there are vortices around the planet and key power spots. Kauai is a 12D portal access and power spot. This stabilizes areas of the planet that are chaotic in the field. Energetic upheavals, weather and climatic anomalies also appear in weaker gridlines of the planetary body, when naturally occurring, and when being manipulated by outside technology. Around key power spots there are Indigo beings genetically encoded with that particular energetic lineage to support that area of the earth. Where areas are energetically stabilized they are also stabilized politically, economically and socially.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis

Photo by Ascension Avatar

“DISMANTLING THE MATRIX” ~ KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: May 27, 2024 World Situation Report

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Toni from Italy covers the Florence Artisan Fair, and Dianne from Uganda interviews Designer Aseneta about her work. In New Earth News: we are learning about Detoxification Protection; and much more! In World News: Global Pandemic Treaty; Canada Online News Act Study; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings. Kim’s report begins @ the 36:40 mark.

Join the UNITED NETWORK NEWS (UNN) sponsorship family today and be a catalyst for knowledge and change. Your support will empower us to curate and distribute high-quality content, reaching a wide audience and sparking meaningful discussions. Together, let’s make a real impact on this enlightening journey of sharing information. Visit our Website / Become a Community Sponsor

~via United Network News

SUNNY GAULT: June 1, 2024 ~ The Rundown / World Situation Report Recap: “8 Billion Human Celestials on Earth, A New Light System Replaces Alpha, History of the 5 Original Earth Tribes”

This week, we’ve got field messenger reports from Italy, Uganda, Spain, and The United States. In the New Earth, we learn about the importance of detoxification, the health benefits of eating structured ice, and the importance of receiving kindness from others. In regional news, we discuss a reported bird flu outbreak in Iowa, the government in Zambia requiring online media licensing, and a housing crisis in both Taiwan and Australia. In our World Situation Report, we discover there are actually 8 billion human celestials on planet Earth. The Alpha system is replaced by a new system made completely of light. And a history lesson about the five original tribes on Earth, their purpose, and how these groups have been used against us to create division amongst humanity today. Kim’s World Situation Report highlights: 36:20 ~8 Billion Human 42:25 Celestials on 50:25 Earth. 53:20 Alpha QFS is replaced by 56:50 new Light System 1:03:02 5 Original Tribes on 1:21:55 Earth, 1:24:58 Racial Wars, 1:04:30 Trump, 1:16:40 Rus Empire, Atlantian, 1:26:29 Bloodlines.

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

“When are these operatives going to give up on this agenda? It’s so hard to sit and explain to people who are freaking out over the whole Trump trials and the stupid ridiculous movie they are playing, it’s torture but I try not to pay attention and when people ask me about Trump and the whole mess with his trial stuff, I just tell them it’s all theatre but do you think they will believe it? Most keep questioning how in the heck could he be on the ballot for president when he is guilty of all those felonies…. I’m just weary of it all. We’re ready for this whole Gooberment thing to be over so humanity can be in peace and restore what they have destroyed blaming us for it all.”

~Comment from the thread

Join the UNITED NETWORK NEWS (UNN) sponsorship family today and be a catalyst for knowledge and change. Your support will empower us to curate and distribute high-quality content, reaching a wide audience and sparking meaningful discussions. Together, let’s make a real impact on this enlightening journey of sharing information. Visit our Website / Become a Community Sponsor

~via United Network News

MUST SEE!!! ~ KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: May 31, 2024 World Situation Report: “Deep State Plans to Use the Same ‘Epstein’ Jail Script to ‘Write Off’ Donald Trump — Who’s Actually Been Dead Since 2021”

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Claudia from the US explores Japanese Gardens, and Maya reports on the Tulip Spring Festival in Italy. In New Earth News: we are learning how to Receive Kindness; and much more! In World News: France Pharmacist Strike; Bird Flu Chicken Killings; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

Before playing video . . . Hear Sunny’s rundown on 3-years-dead TRUMP. . .


Join the UNITED NETWORK NEWS (UNN) sponsorship family today and be a catalyst for knowledge and change. Your support will empower us to curate and distribute high-quality content, reaching a wide audience and sparking meaningful discussions. Together, let’s make a real impact on this enlightening journey of sharing information. Visit our Website / Become a Community Sponsor

~via United Network News

LISA RENEE: “The Guardians Have Described 4 Different Scenarios for the Ascension Plan in Group Waves”

The Guardians have described four different scenarios for the Ascension Plan in group waves: 1): Ascension One-Ness: This would be described as similar to spontaneous Kundalini or a Samadhi moment, within the glimpse of nature a communion with all life forms takes place in simultaneous conscious realization that the being is One with all things in instantaneous time. The realization, the feeling, the consciousness and experience of At-One-Ment are all simultaneous and instant. The catalyst of the being is from holding a light accretion level that supports the critical mass in the personal auric field, that spontaneously activates the DNA required to hold this level of consciousness. 2): Ascension Twin Flame: Soul agreements through Twin Flame or Divine Union are to be united and the unit of consciousness, light packets being held in mutual soul agreement between two beings to catalyze the awakening process. This is the power of transformation and transmutation, as experienced within the True force of Love as an energy signature. This spiritual template may also be for Divine Union Couples to embody the proverbial Rod and Staff, and combine soul missions to accomplish greater world service with their mutual strengths to serve. This creates a trinity of Ascension Creational Energy as the embodied Ascended male and Ascended female, combine their energies to birth a new world paradigm through service. Some of these Divine Union agreements will include one of the souls to actually Walk In to establish this soul agreement. There is more progress on what is referred to as Twin Flame Rifts and the schism that delayed these Twin Flame agreements from happening in prior cycles. We will be guided in this area with more information in the coming months. 3): Ascension Star Family Contact: Many more Souls with Star Family genetics and ET lineage connections, will be first impulsed and then contacted for communication and collaboration. Many of those in this group have soul agreements in place for this method of spiritual advancement. Light packets of data, Star Language and its coding have direct frequency implications, along with DNA Activation sequencing. This is the path of the download and many beings receiving huge downloads of various data, ascension or evolution information, are being directly impulsed and contacted by their Star family Lineage. The Star Family in many cases will employ Etheric Surgery, upgrading the consciousness manifestation template and its programs so the being is more comfortable and able to have direct cognition and functioning to learn the Language of Light, or Star Language. Many beings are being recruited and have agreement to be in a Galactic Emissary roles for the human species. 4): Ascension Walk In: This will have some different variations from a traditional walk in scenario. Most Walk Ins are considered to be that of a 3D incarnated soul that has stepped out of its bodies at a certain point of time, usually in a Near Death Experience. And a new aspect of soul essence has stepped into the bodies and taken responsibility for the original soul’s Karma, ancestral and its other issues upon walking into the body. Generally there is a Monadic soul braid connection when this occurs, to allow the soul its same connection to its Monad or Oversoul. The new Ascension Walk In can be a variation of merging multidimensional consciousness with its higher identity, and the higher identity takes over, or a sharing of soul essences in the same body to get certain objectives completed in this incarnational round. This scenario I have the least grasp of comprehending, except suffice to say some unusual configurations and surprises are in store for us in this regard! It is possible to say as an example, that the very last being you may think is so asleep to its ego and that it would never demonstrate enlightenment in this lifetime, may show up God-realized in a split second!”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary

LISA RENEE on “Ego Defense Mechanisms”

“Through the course of growing up from childhood into adulthood, we develop coping skills and will come to label people, places or objects in the environment that are acceptable or not acceptable in our belief systems. Ego defenses are similar to mental racketeering programs that are commonly used as coping mechanisms for reducing day to day anxiety, fears, and obsessions that are related to thought addiction or the need to control the environment. When we are addicted to our thoughts, we have lost balance with our feelings and sensory abilities that allow us to be fully present in the moment and be in a receptive mode to better discern the environment and their energies. We work hard to retain the belief that ‘I’m OK’ and there is nothing is wrong with me, even when faced with repeated negative patterns and feeling unhappy in life. Our ego minds are programmed and then neurologically wired to select and interpret evidence supporting the relationship to our self as ‘I’m OK’ and there is nothing wrong with me that I need to change, even when there is evidence that proves this to be contradictory. A variety of mechanisms: conscious, unconscious, and social will direct our attention to ignore the negative behaviors we cause in our life and to instead highlight what we think is positive or acceptable in order to increase our optimism and reduce our anxiety when facing problems or challenges. Unfortunately, we often are confused by what we perceive incorrectly through our own need to be okay through self-justification. Self-justification based upon social and mental programs of acceptance of negative and harmful behaviors, is deeply ingrained in each of us in order to feel better. To cope in this world our mental patterns make it easier for us to surface skim the information in the environment that easily supports what we already think we know or believe. To remain comfortable with our world view through confirmation bias, even if its not working well for us, is the way we resist change, or resist the need for emotional and spiritual growth. These mental thought patterns are distortions that we call ego defense mechanisms. Ego defense mechanisms help us avoid accepting evidence that challenges our self-image as a good and worthy person or that challenge our strongly held stereotypes or belief systems. We formulate these distortions as Ego Defense Mechanisms because we have not learned how to free the mind through the use of Negative Ego tools for self-exploration and deeper self-inquiry. As we learn to free our mind and love ourselves unconditionally, we know that we are okay without needing to self-justify. When we are free of our own need for self-justification, by increasing our inner self-approval and self-love, no matter where we find ourselves, then we do not need to justify others or justify ourselves. We are then freed to be capable of unconditionally loving others no matter what they may be choosing to do in that moment. It is what it is in this moment. We can blend a synthesis of analysis with Higher Sensory Perception in order to have better assessment ability and to understand, what is. Our goal in self-mastery is to find the balance between our thought process and our feeling process so that we recognize distortions in our thinking which block Higher Sensory Perception. Every soul is taking the same journey, but each soul has evolved at a different level. The teachings of the Law of One describe the spiritual laws that govern our spiritual evolution for each dimension and it represents the ultimate path to achieve sovereignty in the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. Simply put, the Law of One is the Universal Truth that All Is One. Ego Defense Mechanisms in a deceitful person give them self-justification to lie as they are either self-righteous or serving a cause where everyone lies. This is delusional behavior. We know that honesty is always the true pathway in our relationship with God that leads us towards Spiritual Maturity and Freedom. It is the Truth taught by Christ when he proclaimed, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’By continually using an Ego Defense Mechanism to avoid facing the source causation of the anxiety or deeply rooted fear, which is unresolved pain or trauma, we are only perpetuating the mental looping which uses denial of the truth in order to avoid feeling pain or discomfort. Denial of the Truth is the seed of all Ego Defense Mechanisms.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ego Defense Mechanism / Deceitful / Truth Spirit Qualities

LISA RENEE on “One Must Inhabit an Ascending Planet in Order to to Spiritually Evolve Into a Christ and Experience Cosmic Christ Consciousness”

“There are Ascended Christs embodied in male and female forms that have united their inner polarities through spiritual ascension to the Zero Point — eternal Love consciousness that is embodied in a form is unity intelligence, a Tri-wave consciousness that is simultaneously recognized as the Inner Light of Christos. To understand the Tri-wave Consciousness, think of the three sources of the original primal sounds of universal creation—The Threefold Flame. The first unit, as an energy matrix unit is a tri-wave, that which contains potentials for all polarities or no polarity. No polarity means this is the neutral charge, or Zero Point, the Godhead is that central point of all union, which this planet is moving into direct alignment with. The Three Flames are all One, and yet they are distinct tones on their own. This is the paradox of Trinity Source of the God Head. The Holy Mother, the Holy Father and the Holy Son (Christos-Sophia) are all One as the Godhead, however, the Mother is not the Father, nor the Son. There is an energy matrix comprised of frequency that is a tri-wave tone, and this tone is inter-dimensional and also a part of the core substance of our Universal Time Matrix. When we come into understanding bipolar radiation; we understand the original trinity and completion of the source projecting out its consciousness units into a bi-wave polarity, which is the pair of opposites that manifest matter creations, through the masculine and feminine principles. The electromagnetic principles reflect the gender pairs, and this helps us understand the core manifestation structure from which all matter manifestation is built. In working with that bi-polar wave, it is the radiation unit that forms the electromagnetic scalar standing wave. We could say the bi polar wave is the sub tone of the tri-tone wave. Through that bi polar light wave projection, is the electromagnetism that creates the particle and anti-particle template of our universal structure. The particle unit represents the contraction phase of that tri-wave energy unit, thinking of a big circle which contains all potentials, and using the example of in-breath and its out-breath of source. The particle unit is represented as the in breath of the energy that is contracted and received by that omni-polar or tri-tone state, the complete energy matrix. This is the base magnetic tone of that tri-tone energy unit. The anti-particle unit represents the outbreath or expansion phase of anti-matter or anti particle energy and is considered the base electrical. Together, we know these units function as the female and masculine principles of energy. This is to help us to understand that this is much more than gender as we think of it, and that gender principles have relevance in the core mechanics of creation, that is based on electromagnetic energy. Gender Principles, through the pair of opposites, create the continuing cycle of this tri-wave energy unit, projecting itself into a bi-wave spectrum of light. The energy thrust expands into an anti-particle vibration point, as an electrical force that, contracts into a particle vibration point, creating the magnetic pole. This is the third vibration or tone of the tri-wave that draws the entire composite energy back into the source. When the energy is drawn back into the source, the feedback loop of reciprocal source light is generated and expanded. Our goal during these end cycle times is to create the Tri-wave Consciousness that draws the composite energy back into the zero point as a feedback loop, back into the source of all creation. This trinity field creates an eternal and perpetual supply of life force that regenerates the consciousness bodies. This eternal supply of life force is the Cosmic Christos light and the trinity principle that is the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. What we have come to learn through the Guardian principle of Hieros Gamos is that the Christos Collective Consciousness is the child and offspring of the Holy Mother and Holy Father, and cannot be birthed into the physical world without both male and female principles and polarities equally unified to Zero Point. These principles of polarity, in both male and female, become unified between the internal and external manifestation, internally with the inner spirit and externally with the physical body. Christ Consciousness is a collective consciousness force field of the Trinity Source of the Godhead, and any kind of entity can choose to embody the Inner Christos by becoming a human being, and evolve over time to become an embodied Christ. One must inhabit an ascending planet in order to have the opportunity to spiritually evolve into a Christ and experience Cosmic Christ Consciousness — which is the status of a Cosmic Citizen that travels God-Sovereign-Free throughout the Universes.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ascension Glossary