QUESTIONS FOR LISA RENEE ~ “Question about the Shadow Process of Feeling Shame and Unworthiness More than Ever”


“Question about the shadow process of feeling shame and unworthiness more than ever?”


“When we’re talking about continual collapsing of these consciousness fields, intersections occur as a result of this that have an impact to our changing consciousness, or sense of self. There are Mind Control Programs such as the cycle perpetuated between the VICTIM and VICTIMIZER which is designed to cellularly embed energies of unworthiness, shame and guilt. Predator and Controller forces propagate these energies as a type of bio-warfare into the masses as a means of controlling them. These are implants that have been in place with many lightworkers to fuel persecution via victimization or victimhood. It’s very common that any time we are going to be expanded into a new level of our spiritual evolution, into a higher frequency, there is an equal amount of resistance that comes in like gangbusters. Certain Implants or accumulated Nevative Emotions that remain un-cleared will broadcast particular feelings and emotional states in your body. Once an implant or dysfunctional pattern is recognized it is able to be removed. Being able to dis identify with this as part of your real identity, is the number one and most important action one can take. The first thing in looking at these patterns is realizing they are ‘recorded programs’ and implants within your consciousness. The next step is to not identify these programs as the real YOU. These are constructs of ego distortion and mental dysfunction. Relable these thoughts and reassign their value to your mind. The suggested mantra is to declare your intention fully that you are God-Sovereign-Free (GSF). The three frequencies around this intention are extremely powerful in repelling negative thoughts or attack energies. Set your intention that nothing less than the GSF field is around you, and that the unworthiness and shame are programs that are being used to control you from moving into the next level of your wisdom and spiritual intelligence. Because of the intensity of the polarized energy amplification, a result we are sensing from the collapsing time fields and because so many of us are being accelerated into a new level and being implanted with distractions such as this, this Shadow Clearing process is extremely common and you are not alone with this. It is a result of the Dark Night of the Soul, and we must surface the dark vibrational density we are carrying in our bodies and minds, in order to transmute and release old and dark patterns that have haunted us for millenniums. Become present to these ego distortions, acknowledge them as not the real you, and reassign the value you have given them to have power over you.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis

LISA RENEE on “Ego Defense Mechanisms”

“Through the course of growing up from childhood into adulthood, we develop coping skills and will come to label people, places or objects in the environment that are acceptable or not acceptable in our belief systems. Ego defenses are similar to mental racketeering programs that are commonly used as coping mechanisms for reducing day to day anxiety, fears, and obsessions that are related to thought addiction or the need to control the environment. When we are addicted to our thoughts, we have lost balance with our feelings and sensory abilities that allow us to be fully present in the moment and be in a receptive mode to better discern the environment and their energies. We work hard to retain the belief that ‘I’m OK’ and there is nothing is wrong with me, even when faced with repeated negative patterns and feeling unhappy in life. Our ego minds are programmed and then neurologically wired to select and interpret evidence supporting the relationship to our self as ‘I’m OK’ and there is nothing wrong with me that I need to change, even when there is evidence that proves this to be contradictory. A variety of mechanisms: conscious, unconscious, and social will direct our attention to ignore the negative behaviors we cause in our life and to instead highlight what we think is positive or acceptable in order to increase our optimism and reduce our anxiety when facing problems or challenges. Unfortunately, we often are confused by what we perceive incorrectly through our own need to be okay through self-justification. Self-justification based upon social and mental programs of acceptance of negative and harmful behaviors, is deeply ingrained in each of us in order to feel better. To cope in this world our mental patterns make it easier for us to surface skim the information in the environment that easily supports what we already think we know or believe. To remain comfortable with our world view through confirmation bias, even if its not working well for us, is the way we resist change, or resist the need for emotional and spiritual growth. These mental thought patterns are distortions that we call ego defense mechanisms. Ego defense mechanisms help us avoid accepting evidence that challenges our self-image as a good and worthy person or that challenge our strongly held stereotypes or belief systems. We formulate these distortions as Ego Defense Mechanisms because we have not learned how to free the mind through the use of Negative Ego tools for self-exploration and deeper self-inquiry. As we learn to free our mind and love ourselves unconditionally, we know that we are okay without needing to self-justify. When we are free of our own need for self-justification, by increasing our inner self-approval and self-love, no matter where we find ourselves, then we do not need to justify others or justify ourselves. We are then freed to be capable of unconditionally loving others no matter what they may be choosing to do in that moment. It is what it is in this moment. We can blend a synthesis of analysis with Higher Sensory Perception in order to have better assessment ability and to understand, what is. Our goal in self-mastery is to find the balance between our thought process and our feeling process so that we recognize distortions in our thinking which block Higher Sensory Perception. Every soul is taking the same journey, but each soul has evolved at a different level. The teachings of the Law of One describe the spiritual laws that govern our spiritual evolution for each dimension and it represents the ultimate path to achieve sovereignty in the Cosmic Christ Consciousness. Simply put, the Law of One is the Universal Truth that All Is One. Ego Defense Mechanisms in a deceitful person give them self-justification to lie as they are either self-righteous or serving a cause where everyone lies. This is delusional behavior. We know that honesty is always the true pathway in our relationship with God that leads us towards Spiritual Maturity and Freedom. It is the Truth taught by Christ when he proclaimed, ‘Love your neighbor as you love yourself.’By continually using an Ego Defense Mechanism to avoid facing the source causation of the anxiety or deeply rooted fear, which is unresolved pain or trauma, we are only perpetuating the mental looping which uses denial of the truth in order to avoid feeling pain or discomfort. Denial of the Truth is the seed of all Ego Defense Mechanisms.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Ego Defense Mechanism / Deceitful / Truth Spirit Qualities

LISA RENEE on “We All Have to Do Our Own Inner Work”

“Over the last decade, with the steady amplification of polarities, the rising intensity of external energies and forces, the challenges that we may have to face that test our character, test our mettle, seem to have been greatly magnified. We have often spoken about the planetary Dark Night of the Soul, and by observing the outer world, its clear that it’s in full swing. Over the past year, I have prayed countless times for guidance on what is the best process for helping people that are enduring extreme challenges, and painful transitions, when they have not been educated with strong coping skills or given proper support towards knowing the absolute necessity of cultivating Resilience. We live in a culture of mind control to shape weak characters, and habits that weaken our mind, body and energy field, so that we are easily overwhelmed by dominating forces and challenges. Life on earth is not easy, it is a tough school of knocks in which we can learn a tremendous amount, especially now. To survive these challenges, we have to look at life on earth as lessons and learning, looking at painful or negative events as an opportunity to see something that we did not see before, or to change how we perceive the world around us. As we learn from our life experiences and we can observe more clearly, we gain more emotional intelligence and the ability to explore our true purpose. Why did you come to earth now? All of us have things to accomplish on earth during the ascension cycle, and these experiences are deeply personal, intimate and unique to who we are. No other person can define the spiritual purpose for another, this is our responsibility to find out. To gain an accurate assessment of the reality we find ourselves, we will need to know ourselves very deeply. We may need to take off the rose colored glasses of denial in order to to see the accurate truth inside things, or we may need to find the light that does exist in the darkness while it sleeps, finding faith, love and acceptance in the spirit of humanity. People may have gathered many delusions in their belief system about what it means to be happy and to feel pleasure, which is instant gratification that is portrayed by the mainstream media and consumptive modeling to make us believe in such fantasies and crafted advertisements as if they are real stories. Instant gratification teaches us little, we cannot learn about ourselves and the world we live in, if we believe instant gratification and selfish desires are the meaning of life. This is a luciferian and satanic narrative to keep us weakened and trapped in material delusions. Learning how to deal with difficulty, being willing to really see the truth of the matter, is much more productive than clinging to an illusion. To feel content and connected, it is required that you learn how to be strong and self reliant, that you pick yourself up after a fall, and that you know how to refocus your mind away from emotional sadness when you don’t succeed or get your needs met. One of the most important skills we need today, is to live in peace with unmet desires and needs. Attachments make us suffer greatly, and as such we should have preferences and not attachment to the outcome. This does not mean you give up, it means you never give up and look at life as lessons to build character and strength, you keep moving forward the best way you know how to in the moment. How can you find the inspiration to persist instead of getting depressed or angry when things go awry, and to accept that they often will? Much of the time, life on planet earth is about conflict resolution and learning how to synthesize energies in the world of extremes, to neutralize polarity and return to peace. How do people deal with difficult events that completely transform and change their lives? The death of a loved one, loss of a job, serious illness, criminal attacks and other traumatic events. These are all examples of very challenging life experiences. Many people react to such difficult circumstances with a flood of strong emotions and a sense of uncertainty and fear, bringing on mental paralysis or anxiety. Navigating life’s challenges requires life skills. To develop life skills, you have to live through your life, gaining experience, gaining wisdom from hard earned lessons. This process involves resilience, it is an ongoing process that requires time and effort and engages people in taking a number of steps. Developing resilience is a personal journey towards maturity whereby each person will have to choose different approaches in order to build personal resilience. Resilience is an important energy building tool, being resilient also helps to keep healthy boundaries that build a stronger energy field, or aura. Our goal is to build strength in our inner world via inner reflection and meditation, which is building the energetic strength of our energy field, while learning how to observe and remain neutral to what happens in the outer world. We must remember that we are in a war over control over the mind, and limitations and pain we feel are also created in the mind, which means we have the power to remove and clear them from impacting us. Destructive behavior patterns of the past may transform into more positive behavior as one begins to solve the mysterious puzzle of human interactions and gain a quiet and confident understanding of them. Anxiety may yield to more peaceful, tranquil, and contented feelings as ones deeper emotional understanding increases. One starts to gain improved self-confidence and feel empowered, and less confused and frustrated with circumstances. Overall, one can transform from confused to confident; from clueless to comprehending and enlightened, from fragmented to coherent, from shallow to deep, and from oppressed to liberated, as one learns how to become the authentic self. We change the locus of power, giving power to our inner spirit and inner world, while removing external influences form having power over us. This takes some time to master. The energies in the outer world can be tough, harsh, painful and surreal. That is a fact, and it is what it is. The truth is that this does not have to disturb your inner peace, connection and purpose. May we share more about the quality of resilience, knowing we are in this together, and we all have to do our own inner work.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Resilience / Coherence

LISA RENEE: “Amnesiac Barriers”

“Amnesiac Barriers are the Walls of Separation that exist inside the compartments of the lower mind, or Three Layers of Ego. As this deeply buried content of memories and historical records surfaces that had been previously buried in our subconscious this is happening in order to transmute negativity and to clear out the dark energy of the shadow, to clear out pain body blockages. As a result right now many people are feeling a great Trauma or anxiety, a discomfort that is sourcing from the memories trying to surface from the subconscious into the Conscious Mind awareness by breaking through the Amnesiac Barriers, which we also call the Walls of Separation inside the compartments of the mind. The opportunity during this time is to become freed from the impacts of the lower matrices of the dimensional blending experiments of the NAA, and to exist above the artificial grids of the AI timeline network. To support this process we will take a helicopter ride over some of the most impactful Historical Timeline Trigger Events, to help us recover our memories and return any parts of ourselves that we can recollect at this time.”

~Lisa Renee

Amnesiac Barriers are the Walls of Separation that exist inside the compartments of the lower mind, or Three Layers of Ego.

Recovering Consciousness Memories

We have an increased opportunity to break through our Amnesiac Barriers and memory wiping, to regain personal knowledge that connects us with the truth of our own experience, at individual, collective and galactic levels. Our higher spiritual identity exists beyond the energy reversals and siphoning machinery that generates the false AI timelines in the descending matrix. As a natural part of spiritual Ascension, we are intersecting with an opening where the true historical record can be more easily recovered. Our higher consciousness body may be surfacing memories that need to be felt, witnessed and reintegrated. The opportunity during this time is to become freed from the impacts of the lower matrices of the dimensional blending experiments of the NAA, and to exist above the artificial grids of the AI timeline network. To support this process we will take a helicopter ride over some of the most impactful Historical Timeline Trigger Events, to help us recover our memories and return any parts of ourselves that we can recollect at this time. [1]

So what does recovering our memories actually look like? What is the process? I think many of you already know this because you’re undergoing it right now. Our body will start to remember memories. Maybe those memories will be emotional impressions that could also be negative emotions in the Pain Body. As this deeply buried content of memories and historical records surfaces that had been previously buried in our subconscious this is happening in order to transmute negativity and to clear out the dark energy of the shadow, to clear out pain body blockages. As a result right now many people are feeling a great Trauma or anxiety, a discomfort that is sourcing from the memories trying to surface from the subconscious into the Conscious Mind awareness by breaking through the Amnesiac Barriers, which we also call the Walls of Separation inside the compartments of the mind.

Compartmentalization and Internal Walls

The Death Culture is used to promote destructive lifestyles in order to permanently damage the heart, damage the Soul and Brain into some kind of form of fragmentation or dissociation. Dissociative behaviours eliminate all traces of true human Empathy and remove the Accountability towards the ethical implication that is behind the operations of the current world social, political, military, corporate structures in order to carry this out, in order to manifest internal Walls of Separation because fragmentation and Compartmentalization is also very much related to the creation of internal Walls of Separation. This is something that exists in us, can exist in us in terms of our light body. When these internal walls of separation are built in our 1st, 2nd or 3rd chakra this is when people can have extreme Trauma.

~via Ascension Glossary

ALEXA PELLEGRINI: “Find Yourself: Mantras for Self-Discovery, Freedom and Joy”


Our world is constantly evolving and constantly demanding that we, as a society and as individuals, evolve with it. Finding love and living an authentic lifestyle have become secondary to achieving professional success and financial security. Many of us become so immersed in our daily routines that over time, we lose touch with ourselves and our dreams.

In order to heal, we must understand that drive, ambition and materialism can only take us so far before we suffer under the weight of emptiness, regardless of how successful we are by society’s standards.  Even after achieving our goals, we may feel unsatisfied and continue to crave validation or material comforts to quiet an inner lack of self-acceptance and love. Where, then, can happiness be found?

As you embark on the soul’s journey to enlightenment, you will discover the greatest success you can attain is connecting with your higher self and integrating love into your life. ‘Happiness’ is not derived from the material, nor is it attainable only to a select few. Finding happiness is simple: when we release our obsessions over attaining the ‘perfect’ success and material security, we free our hearts and move closer to experiencing an authentic, joyful existence.

Find yourself in a chaotic, apathetic world

Why Recite Mantras? Mantras Guide Us to Love

By accessing the power of speech through mantras, you can re-frame your thinking to purify negativity with love. Mantras are simple yet powerful phrases that are continuously recited in order to provide a healing, stabilizing effect on the mind. The repetitious quality of mantras yield the potential to open doors to achieving love, happiness and meaningful accomplishments.

Anxiety, perfectionism, guilt and pessimism are common roadblocks to finding freedom from the ‘rat race’. The following mantras offers solutions to overcoming these barriers. Ideally, sit in a serene space and repeat each desired mantra at your preferred pace. Slow pacing will calm the heart and reduce anxiety. Fast pacing will provide an intense, regenerative effect that will increase your pulse and breathing; be aware of your energy levels during fast recitation.

Reciting mantras allows for self-acceptance and inner peace

1. Everything ends.

When you are overwhelmed by anxiety or believe you are ‘stuck’ in a situation, you must remember that everything ends. Life is composed of cycles; every negative cycle must occur for a positive cycle to begin. Even our most frustrating, terrible cycles will come to an end. A difficult situation is not a permanent barrier to any kind of happiness.

2: I am enough.

Perfectionism is a major roadblock to incorporating love and happiness into your life. Take a moment each day to remind yourself that you are enough. Who has told you that you are ‘not good enough’? Will punishing yourself bring love and prosperity? As you recite this mantra, look at yourself in the mirror–be your own best supporter. This mantra should be repeated to counteract negative self-talk.

3: My life is my own.

This is particularly helpful for those who feel obligated to take on the responsibilities of others, and for those who feel guilty for having their own needs. Only by honoring your true desires without being restricted by the unrealistic expectations of others will you ever truly find happiness. Every being is entitled to follow his unique path — excessive self-sacrifice will only create a harmful imbalance in your life and the lives of others.

4: Let love be my guide.

There is nothing as holistic and cleansing as integrating love as a guiding energy into your life. Give into the divine will of the Universe by releasing all negative thinking; when your mind and heart have opened, you will see joy unfold before your eyes. As you recite this mantra, imagine a warm, pink light wrapping around your body like a blanket, drawing out all darkness from your auric field.

©Universal Copyright 2015 is authorized here. Please distribute freely as long as both the author Alexa Pellegrini and are included as the resource and this information is distributed on a non-commercial no charge basis.

BRENDA BENTLEY: “Stepping Out and Into the Light”


Do you ever wonder why some people just seem to shine – inside and out? Whatever they have seems to glow from within. I like to call this their ‘inner light’. Not only does this light give them a youthful appearance, but everything about them seems lighter (pun intended), clearer and illuminated.

I believe that we all harbor this inner light, and it’s simply a matter of tapping into it. When we learn how to uncover this hidden light by getting in touch with what was previously buried deep inside of us we can then embrace it. Then, we are able to transform those parts that once made us feel separate, incomplete, alone and in the dark into a vibrant whole person.

Transformational Healing is the path to inner knowingness. When we discover our hidden resources, we learn to trust, accept and believe in the answers that are coming from within ourselves. For many of us, this is a foreign concept -almost a fear- because for years, we have been taught to hide or push uncomfortable feelings even deeper down inside.


Alchemical healing

I have learned the hard way. When I push those feelings and sensations deeper down and further away from my consciousness, havoc and chaos prevail. Why? Because those feelings (that we have previously ignored, denied or rejected) are simply parts of us that need to be felt, expressed, heard and acknowledged. By recognizing them, we are able to get in touch with our roots and learn how to gently integrate and love all aspects of ourselves. Now the healing begins because we are finally honoring all of the parts of ourselves that have been waiting to be seen and accepted. And, this is exactly what our true core inner being has been seeking all along.

The alchemical healing that occurs feels magical because, the place that stores the wounds we once perceived as our dark or shadow side, is actually a powerful and deep space that grants us passage to understand those hidden chambers. When deeply held beliefs and buried emotions are able to surface and be seen in the light, we gain clarity and begin to see truth in all situations. Dysfunctional emotions that have contributed to addictions, depression, anxiety, loneliness and separation are brought back into balance and we begin to heal both, on an emotional and physical level. When old wounds and hidden emotions such as grief, trauma and fear are released, we are able to open our hearts and minds to self-love which allows us to experience a sense of balance, emotional well-being, harmony and empowerment.

Love all aspects of self

Learning how to love all aspects of ourselves frees us from the emotional chains that used to grip us. As we embark upon this healing journey, it is important to be gentle with yourself and nurture self-acceptance and love in all ways.

Like the sun that rests in the darkness behind the clouds, once you ‘step out and into the light’, you will shine and illuminate others with your gifts of clarity, trust and inner knowingness. I invite you to reach out and start this journey of ‘your lifetime’ with me, NOW.







Brenda Bentley is a Certified Life Coach, Hypnotherapist and Spiritual Guide.  She is an avid collector of crystals, metaphysical tools and indigenous artwork and understands the energies around them.   She enjoys spending time in nature and working with others.  She offers her coaching services and customized CD’s at

Brenda Bentley Coaching is on:  Facebook | LinkedIn

To learn more about coaching and to speak personally with Brenda, she is currently gifting a free 15-minute phone consultation.  She can be reached at: or by email at:

This article was originally created and published by Brenda Bentley and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Brenda Bentley Coaching and It may be re-posted freely intact with original links, proper attribution, author bio, and this Copyright/Creative Commons statement.

LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Splitting Behaviors”


Splitting is a very common Ego Defense Mechanism. Splitting (also called black and white thinking or all-or-nothing thinking) is the failure in a person’s thinking to bring together the dichotomy of both positive and negative qualities of the self and others into a cohesive, realistic whole. Usually one small piece of the overall picture is focused upon, while ignoring other details that the person is not willing to look at. It can be defined as the division or polarization of beliefs, actions, objects, or persons into good and bad by focusing selectively on the judgments or perceptions of positive or negative attributes. Splitting is a coping mechanism which diffuses the internal anxiety that arises from our inability to grasp the subtleties and complexities of a given situation or state of affairs. The situation is broken down into smaller parts in order to simplify and schematize the situation, thereby making it easier to think about and rationalize. Splitting also reinforces our sense of self as good and virtuous by effectively demonizing all those who do not share in our same opinions and values. Through the course of growing up from childhood into adulthood, we develop coping skills and will come to label people, places or objects in the environment that are acceptable or not acceptable in our belief systems. Ego defenses are similar to mental racketeering programs that are commonly used as coping mechanisms for reducing day to day anxiety, fears, and obsessions that are related to thought addiction or the need to control the environment. When we are addicted to our thoughts, we have lost balance with our feelings and sensory abilities that allow us to be fully present in the moment and be in a receptive mode to better discern the environment and their energies.

One day, friends and lovers are being thought of as personified virtue, and then when something displeases them, they may suddenly think that same person is evil or bad. (flipping back and forth).

Such a narrow compartmentalization of opposing energies leaves the person using splitting behaviors with a distinctly distorted picture of reality and limited within a small and restricted range of thoughts and emotions. It also affects that person’s ability to attract and maintain relationships, not only because splitting is tiresome and draining, but also because it can easily flip at any moment. One day, friends and lovers are being thought of as personified virtue, and then when something displeases them, they may suddenly think that same person is evil or bad. (flipping back and forth).

Splitting also arises in groups, when members of the in-group are seen to have mostly positive attributes, and whereas members of out-groups are seen to have mostly negative attributes, This is a phenomenon that contributes to group think and, indeed, may include inflexible attitudes of xenophobia. Xenophobia is intense or irrational dislike or fear of people that we consider strangers or that are unfamiliar to us.

Splitting in Relationships

Splitting creates instability in relationships because one person can be viewed as either personified virtue or personified vice at different times, depending on whether they gratify the subject’s needs or frustrate them. This, along with similar fluctuations in the experience and appraisal of the self, leads to chaotic and unstable relationship patterns, identity conflicts, and sudden mood swings. The therapeutic and healing process can be greatly impeded by these sudden emotional or mental oscillations, because the therapist or healing tool can be seen as all good or all bad. To attempt to overcome the negative effects of emotional instability and rapidly shifting moods from confusion around personal identity, constant re-interpretations and self-inquiries on personal progress to become more emotionally and mentally stable is needed.

Splitting contributes to unstable relationships and intense emotional experiences. Splitting is not uncommon during adolescence, but is regarded as temporary. Splitting has been noted especially with persons diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. Treatment strategies have been developed for individuals and groups based on opening the dialogue to explore unconscious and conscious behaviors, and for deeper exploration between couples. There are also self-help books on related topics such as mindfulness and emotional regulation that have been helpful for individuals who struggle with the emotionally devastating consequences of splitting.

Narcissistic personality disorder

People matching the diagnostic criteria for narcissistic personality disorder also use splitting as a central Ego Defense Mechanism. Most often the narcissist does this as an attempt to stabilize their sense of self positivity in order to preserve their Self Esteem, by perceiving themselves as purely upright or admirable and others who do not conform to their will or values as purely wicked or contemptible. Given the narcissist’s perverse sense of entitlement and splitting, he or she can be equally geared, psychologically and practically, towards the promotion of projects simultaneously, while promoting the demise of that same collectively beneficial project. The cognitive habit of splitting also implies the use of other related Ego Defense Mechanisms, namely idealization and devaluation, which are preventative attitudes or reactions to narcissistic rage and narcissistic injury.


In depression, exaggerated all-or-nothing thinking can form a self-reinforcing Negative Ego cycle. These recurring or obsessive thoughts might be called emotional amplifiers because, as they go around and around, looping, and with each cycle of looping, they become more intense. Typical all-or-nothing thoughts:

  • My efforts are either a success or they are an abject failure
  • I am/other people are either all good or all bad
  • if you’re not with us, you’re against us


Triangulation is a situation in which one member will not communicate directly with another member, but will communicate with a third member, which can lead to the third member becoming part of the triangle. The concept originated in the study of dysfunctional family systems, but can describe manipulative behaviors used in other systems as well, including work or group dynamics. This is a common method to spin disinformation between multiple parties to increase Compartmentalization within organizations or employ divide and conquer strategies.

Triangulation can also be a form of “Splitting” in which one person plays the third family member against the one that he or she is upset about. This is playing the two people against each other, but usually the person doing the splitting will also engage in some form of character assassination, only with both parties.

The key word here to remember is Character Assassination. Gossip and triangulation is the method used for Character Assassination. The NAA Victim-Victimizer software is specifically designed to assassinate the character of any person that is publicly involved in the Law of One and Ascension material, especially if you are a Starseed and not culled by them in their programs of mind control, and including MILAB groomed abductees with genetic enhancements that turn into whistleblowers.


Compartmentalization need-to-know-basis is a mind control strategy to contain and control the field of academics, scientists, military and government personnel who are complicit in carrying out the destructive and harmful behavior of the NAA and Power Elite, and are rewarded monetarily and socially for going along with reinforcing the alien invasion of our planet and enslavement of humanity.

Compartmentalization is the Mind Control method used to shut down and destroy open mindedness, critical thinking, independent thinking and creative thinking. Compartmentalization is an unconscious psychological defense mechanism used to avoid cognitive dissonance, or the mental discomfort and anxiety caused by a person’s having conflicting values, cognitions, emotions, beliefs, etc. within themselves. Compartmentalization allows these conflicting ideas to co-exist by inhibiting direct or explicit acknowledgement and interaction between separate compartmentalized self-states. Splitting behavior is the result of the compartmentalization of accurate facts or complex situations, in order to remove the conflicting details that cause one internal anxiety.

False Truce

False Truce is a Victim-Victimizer software mind control archetype that is used to target spiritually developing people. This is one of the Controller Programs that is a sub program of the Victim-Victimizer software program and a collective miasm that has accumulated over many generations.

As the Victimizer Archetypes and related programs that are embedded in the cellular matrix are very enhanced now, especially in adjunct to Life Review patterns for many of us now on the ascension path. This is explosive for some of us now, and I am observing these traps for ensnarement, and like Addiction, are jaws attempting to latch on to our vulnerability.

A False Truce is when a person who has had a conflict with another person, is not interested in resolution or ending the conflict, but in promoting the conflict further. This is the guise of pretending that they are perfectly okay with whatever conflict had transpired. Because they have not accepted any Accountability to their role in the conflict, they will usually spread gossip, defame the character of the other person (Character Assassination), to retaliate for the self-justification they made up from their Ego Defense Mechanisms.

Character Assassination

Character Assassination is a deliberate and sustained process that aims to destroy the credibility and reputation of a person, institution, social group, or nation. Agents of character assassinations employ a mix of open and covert methods to achieve their goals, such as raising false accusations, planting and fostering rumors, and manipulating information.

Character assassination is an attempt to tarnish a person’s reputation. It may involve exaggeration, misleading half-truths, or manipulation of facts to present an untrue picture of the targeted person. It is a form of defamation and can be a form of ad hominem argument.

For living individuals targeted by character assassination attempts, this may result in being rejected by their community, family, or members of their living or work environment. Such acts are often difficult to reverse or rectify, and the process is likened to a literal assassination of a human life. The damage sustained can last a lifetime or, for historical figures, for many centuries after their death.

In practice, character assassination may involve Doublespeak, spreading of rumors through Malicious Gossip, innuendo or deliberate misinformation on topics relating to the subject’s morals, integrity, and reputation. It may involve spinning information that is technically true, but that is presented in a misleading manner or is presented without the necessary context. For example, it might be said that a person refused to pay any income tax during a specific year, without saying that no tax was actually owed due to the person having no income that year, or that a person was sacked from a firm, even though he may have been made redundant through no fault of his own, rather than being terminated for cause.


Transference is a phenomenon characterized by unconscious redirection of feelings from one person to another. One definition of transference is the inappropriate repetition in the present time of a relationship pattern from the past that was important in a person’s childhood, to which the conflict was never resolved. Another definition is the redirection of feelings and desires and especially of those unconsciously retained from childhood toward a new object or person. Still another definition is the reproduction of emotions relating to repressed experiences buried in the unconscious mind, and the substitution of another person to be thought to be the cause of these buried emotions, instead of uncovering the original object or causal event of the repressed impulses.

Splitter Tech

Splitter Tech is a type of AI encoding that run as a Mind Control script that is embedded into a variety of types of media, such as written words, spoken words of an infected individual, video or audio recordings, that can pass on that same scripted code to another person that resonates with that same frequency or information. It reveals a profile that is commonly observed in very academic or intellectually controlled or developed people, and tends to be attached to highly mentalized persons with dominating Negative Egos, judgmental perceptions and little to no heart opening. When a person is aware of the NAA and is also aware of the fact that Controller forces have a Psychopathic personality, this means they have Lack of Empathy, and no true developed Compassion for others, as they do not have a Soul, and thus cannot experience any higher emotional spectrum. They are indeed, heart-less, and unable to feel emotions and ruled by instinctual forces.

To a coherent, clear and energetically balanced person, when reading words or being exposed to Splitter Tech script, it feels like your brain is getting scrambled and thoughts are scattering, and maintaining clear focus is nearly impossible. It also is sprayed as implants to divert attention and focus within a group environment, as one person may be a booby trap with Splitter Tech that is used to disrupt or divide and conquer the entire group objectives. Patterns include running AI induced embedded code through a “signal” that may influence a splitting effect, also known as ‘bi-polar’ or Bi-Wave Influences to align the target or subject to Metatronic Reversal, Metatronic Spiral or Entropic Systems of energy.

As one learns how to refocus one’s thoughts, one prevents overwhelming states of emotion from triggering impulsive behaviors and angry reactions into splitting behaviors. As one develops strong impulse control they are learning a form of ego discipline through applied patience and diligence. If we check in and find that we do not like what we may be feeling, we can learn better the reasons for that by further shifting into the observer mode. In our community, we call that process of observing as shifting from identifying with a thought or feeling by moving ourselves into the compassionate witness. As a Compassionate Witness we have no judgment of thoughts or feelings, we hold no judgment of what we are observing in the external, we only observe those thoughts and feelings in our self and others. When we can fully observe through our own Compassionate Witness, we then become neutral and centered. Then, we can immediately find relief from our inner anxiety, fears and a host of other thought distortions. This process is key to shifting ego defense mechanisms, thought addiction tendency and releasing the anxiety or fear of feeling emotional depth or pain that contributes to splitting behaviors. By continually using an ego defense mechanism to avoid facing the source causation of the anxiety or deeply rooted fear, (which is unresolved pain or trauma) we are only perpetuating the mental looping which uses denial of the truth in order to avoid feeling pain or discomfort. Denial of accurate accounts of the truth is the seed of all Ego Defense Mechanisms that stunt our continuing path of emotional and spiritual development.


LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Surrendering”


We have multiple planets in the Solar System moving into a retrograde position, which adds to the intensified sensations of the amplified polarities that are surging in the collective consciousness fields of the planet, during this cycle. Many of us that are sensitive to the collective miasma rising can feel this purge of imbalanced energies surfacing as a type of energetic pressure that gains its chaotic momentum in the environment. These accumulated misqualified or imbalanced energies in the collective consciousness have to find a point of release in order to clear out from the planetary grid.   We may have noticed over the past few days several strong earthquakes and volcanoes have erupted in the Pacific Ring of Fire, a direct result of tectonic plate shifting through the massive amounts of accumulated collective energies, both natural and unnatural,  attempting to find pressure points to release.  When there are multiple planets in retrograde simultaneously, there is a tendency in the planetary field to generate intersections between multiple timelines where people, places and things of the past, present and future, energetically bleed through into the current moment of reality. This can bring surreal and unexpected circumstances that may feel disorienting and strange, where things feel out of whack and we feel that we are out of sync with our daily schedule in life.

With all of the retrograde influx of multiple planets in reversal energies, it can feel frustrating, as it may seem we keep bumping up against roadblocks or knocking on closed doors which are not opening to allow us any progressive forward movement. Retrogrades at this level of intensity will force us to slow down, and change our schedule or routines, it will make us take careful, deliberate and well thought out steps before we commit to anything in the future direction of our life. If there are circumstances that are not moving with us in the next new cycle, they tend to fall apart, breakdown and be completely dismantled. As challenging as this can be, it gives us more opportunities to resolve karmic issues where we have been stuck in a loop or we have felt stuck in a pattern through the imposing nature of things operating in our periphery.

When we undergo such prolific and rapid change, our energy body (lightbody) and our emotional state can be more vulnerable to feeling weaker and more exposed to negative emotions. We may feel that negative emotional state in other people, and catch the low vibration which amplifies the voices of our own inner fears. Thus, it is essential to maintain spiritual center and energetic balance as possible, taking very good care of our emotional body, as we undergo a series of rapid, life altering transformations. This is the time to discipline and observe our thoughts, while being especially careful of where we place our mental focus and invest ourselves emotionally. We will have challenges to meet inside ourselves, while the people and things around us will reflect back to us, the same kinds of mental and emotional challenges for us to master. This is the inner to outer, and outer to inner challenge of seeing the collective consciousness mirror and maintaining grace while under pressure!

When we undergo such intense and rapid changes, it may also mean that we will experience both endings and beginnings in many areas of our life. When involved in these types of intense changes, we will want to know that we can create a sense of personal freedom while enduring rapid growth, and simultaneously, decrease any entanglements, dramas, and the forces of chaos that tend to be generated in the dismantling phases. The art of Surrender is especially useful when enduring these chaotic phases of transformational growth, where it may seem that things are backfiring and going in the wrong direction. The art of Surrender requires increasing degrees of trust and self-reliance that we develop inside ourselves, and it is the process of learning to let go in order to reach beyond our limitations. We cannot be codependent or involved in circumstances that are harmful to our emotional and spiritual growth, and this will be transformed into situations that involve greater self-reliance in order to develop inner strength. We get constantly stretched beyond the parameter of our inner resistances, that are based on our unresolved fears. As we surrender to the process of transformation and let go, we learn how to trust ourselves more, in order to confidently navigate in these new circumstances.

Surrender does not mean being passive, helpless or powerless when being confronted with conflict. It is about discerning the correct balance needed between action and non-action, and surrendering the end result or outcome to your highest purpose and highest self, even if you cannot fathom what that looks like right now. Growing compassion for ourselves helps us to surrender to accept these changes with composure, centering and level headedness. We remove the negative self-talk and stop mentally torturing ourselves with the anxiety and fear of not knowing what’s coming next. The power inherent in Surrendering will help you to let go and accept that not knowing what will happen is just fine.  Sometimes, it gives us the opportunity to re-examine strong inner desires we have had in manifesting something, and coming to the deeper realization that this was just not meant to be. This is a testing of the contents of our heart, to deeply discern the difference between personality or instinctual desires versus the deeper motivations and prompting that comes directly from our inner spirit. When we surrender to the process of intense or rapid transformation, it helps us to attune to the natural flow, the synchronistic alignment of energies. When we are feeling into the natural flow, and we are listening to follow the energetic synchronicities, we are honoring divine right timing and divine right order.  There is no way to think our way towards Surrendering to the natural flow, we must feel into it.  Surrender cultivates the power of the heart, develops higher sensory perception, and helps us to find and listen to the inner stillness. All of these practices will strengthen the energetic harmonizing effects in every area of your life, which will guide you to the highest outcome and choice that is designed for your personal spiritual growth and ultimately, fulfilling your highest expression.

Applying the intuitive art of Surrendering to all aspects of ourselves will support restoring energetic balance and thus, increasing harmony in all areas of our life.

Physical Surrender: Every day feel into our physical self and sense our current physical wellness, while regularly moving our body intermittently throughout the day, helps to release stored tension and blockages. We can also apply breathwork, in short breaks in the day, to refocus our mind to help release mental and emotional tension stored in the body. As you keep your body as relaxed as possible throughout the day, it increases the surrender potential of the body to let go of held tensions immediately, when exposed to different stressors. We do not want the body to hold onto stress or tension.

Emotional Surrender: Observe feelings and when you clench or tighten up from instinctual reactions. Work on resolving emotional conflicts that lead to resentments, blaming or generating unloving thoughts towards yourself. Recognize when you are emotionally carrying tension or feeling upset, and work on letting that go, in that moment, do what you can to find peace, acceptance and tranquility with whatever had been bothering you.

Mental Surrender: Most of the time our ego mind wants to understand the end result or outcome of events, and will try to control the outcome to our favor. On the spiritual path, one learns that this controlling behavior will backfire and many times creates obsessive looping thoughts. Refocusing our mind to maintain peace, and asserting that it is not up to you to know everything, helps to let it go and give the circumstances to flow with higher purpose.  Mindful meditation, and the ability to still the mind, can shift obsessive thoughts, and allow the mental body to surrender to the natural flow. This is deferring personal will to divine will, in knowing there is a blueprint and plan for all things in our life.

Spiritual Surrender: When we surrender to spirit, we are giving over control to the God forces, while we release ourselves from the need to exert control. We realize that we are not alone, and that this burden is not ours to carry by ourselves. We have the love, power and compassion from Gods spirit to guide us, and as we trust in the divine right order, we become more comfortable with life’s uncertainty. Developing trust with our inner spirit and relationship with God, makes letting go much easier.

Take good care of yourself at this time, give yourself plenty of loving kindness, and patience as you are learning the art of Surrender.




~Energetic Synthesis – Time Shift Blog – April 19, 2016

LUKE MILLER: “6 Things You Lose As A Result Of A Spiritual Awakening”

6 Things You Lose As A Result Of A Spiritual Awakening


by Luke Miller
Truth Theory

Spirituality is the foundations for good health. When you spiritually connect to that which is important to you magical and amazing things start to happen.

But while a lot of people seem to be getting into spirituality for personal gain and development, it is actually what you lose as a result of spiritual connection that has the most impact.

I have to say that you will never completely lose the things I speak about in this article, and while they are quite negative, they are also natural feelings that come up from time to time.

We all have the same capacity to feel what any other person feels and act in ways any other person acts, what will make a difference in your life is the level of attention you project onto these areas.

A spiritual awakening is by no means the end; it in fact asks more questions than it answers. But when you reach that more enlightened state here are 6 things you will start to see a lot less of!


You usually hate in others what you see a part of in yourself or what you want to see more of in yourself. A spiritual awakening helps you to hold up the mirror and see yourself stripped down to the bare bones.

There will always be people in the world who have characteristics which are unpleasant to you, but the people who are expressing these traits are doing so at their current level of mind and it is up to you if you want to allow that person to dominate your consciousness.

Spiritual connection helps you to show compassion for those who do you wrong and give you the ability to at least start the process of tolerance and forgiveness!


An awakened mind allows you to show admiration for those who do well and strive to follow in their footsteps. It also helps to remove any malicious or jealousy and appreciate the accomplishments of others.

When another person attains that which you desire, it is quite easy to feel envious, even if there are no bad intentions. Being spiritually awakened will help you to realize that we are all part of the same organism and another persons success is your success and when you see the accomplishments of others they can help motivate you to reach the same heights!


Anxiety manifests as a result of living a life that you are not connected to. Your hobbies, your friends, your job and how you spend your time can contribute to that heavy feeling of anxiety.

Spirituality helps you connect to your true purpose and that which matters to you. When you spend your life living on your terms, fully connected to things that have importance to you, anxiety is a lot less prevalent.

Spirituality also helps you to relax, which is the complete opposite of anxiety.


Anger is usually a very unconscious type of behavior. For example losing your temper, this is not a well thought out process.

Spirituality however is a very conscious process that teaches you to be present and in the moment. It also helps you to confront and deal with your problems, leaving you with less unresolved issues to be angry about.


It is hard to feel insecure, when you are deeply connected to your values and you know what you stand for.

Spirituality helps you connect with your identity and remove the layers which may have been left by following the wrong dreams, society, loved ones or any other influence you may have been in contact with.

It helps you to know yourself and when you truly know who you are, you are far less likely to go against you true nature, just so you can please other people!

Fear Of Failure

This goes hand in hand with insecurity, because once you remove those layers of insecurity and actually know what you want from life you can relentlessly move towards your goals.

Your goals are supposed to be scary. If they are not then you might want to consider some bigger ones! And failing on the way to achieving what you want out of life is also normal.

But being spiritually connected helps you to not be afraid of being a failure, while accepting you will fail along the way.

It is easy to search for external answers in life, as it seems that the answers are just out there waiting to be found. The reality is that losing things or finding what already exists within you is the key to living a healthy, happy and balanced life!

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