“DISMANTLING THE MATRIX” ~ KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: May 27, 2024 World Situation Report

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Toni from Italy covers the Florence Artisan Fair, and Dianne from Uganda interviews Designer Aseneta about her work. In New Earth News: we are learning about Detoxification Protection; and much more! In World News: Global Pandemic Treaty; Canada Online News Act Study; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings. Kim’s report begins @ the 36:40 mark.

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~via United Network News

SUNNY GAULT: June 1, 2024 ~ The Rundown / World Situation Report Recap: “8 Billion Human Celestials on Earth, A New Light System Replaces Alpha, History of the 5 Original Earth Tribes”

This week, we’ve got field messenger reports from Italy, Uganda, Spain, and The United States. In the New Earth, we learn about the importance of detoxification, the health benefits of eating structured ice, and the importance of receiving kindness from others. In regional news, we discuss a reported bird flu outbreak in Iowa, the government in Zambia requiring online media licensing, and a housing crisis in both Taiwan and Australia. In our World Situation Report, we discover there are actually 8 billion human celestials on planet Earth. The Alpha system is replaced by a new system made completely of light. And a history lesson about the five original tribes on Earth, their purpose, and how these groups have been used against us to create division amongst humanity today. Kim’s World Situation Report highlights: 36:20 ~8 Billion Human 42:25 Celestials on 50:25 Earth. 53:20 Alpha QFS is replaced by 56:50 new Light System 1:03:02 5 Original Tribes on 1:21:55 Earth, 1:24:58 Racial Wars, 1:04:30 Trump, 1:16:40 Rus Empire, Atlantian, 1:26:29 Bloodlines.

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

“When are these operatives going to give up on this agenda? It’s so hard to sit and explain to people who are freaking out over the whole Trump trials and the stupid ridiculous movie they are playing, it’s torture but I try not to pay attention and when people ask me about Trump and the whole mess with his trial stuff, I just tell them it’s all theatre but do you think they will believe it? Most keep questioning how in the heck could he be on the ballot for president when he is guilty of all those felonies…. I’m just weary of it all. We’re ready for this whole Gooberment thing to be over so humanity can be in peace and restore what they have destroyed blaming us for it all.”

~Comment from the thread

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~via United Network News

MUST SEE!!! ~ KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: May 31, 2024 World Situation Report: “Deep State Plans to Use the Same ‘Epstein’ Jail Script to ‘Write Off’ Donald Trump — Who’s Actually Been Dead Since 2021”

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Claudia from the US explores Japanese Gardens, and Maya reports on the Tulip Spring Festival in Italy. In New Earth News: we are learning how to Receive Kindness; and much more! In World News: France Pharmacist Strike; Bird Flu Chicken Killings; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

Before playing video . . . Hear Sunny’s rundown on 3-years-dead TRUMP. . .


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~via United Network News

KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: “May 22, 2024 World Situation Report”

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Mike from the US shares the history of Wild Blackberries in his community, and Monica explores a Zeolite Mountain in Romania. In New Earth News: we are learning How Energy Interacts and Influences One Another; and much more! In World News: Taiwan Government Protest; Australia Curfew Laws; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings. Kim’s report begins @ the 40:00 mark.

Join the UNITED NETWORK NEWS (UNN) sponsorship family today and be a catalyst for knowledge and change. Your support will empower us to curate and distribute high-quality content, reaching a wide audience and sparking meaningful discussions. Together, let’s make a real impact on this enlightening journey of sharing information. Visit our Website / Become a Community Sponsor

~via United Network News

SUNNY GAULT: May 25, 2024 ~ The Rundown / World Situation Report Recap: “The Plot Behind the Iranian President’s Fake Death and Helicopter Crash, Keystone Planet Earth”

This week, we’ve got field messenger reports from Uganda, Canada, The United States, and Romania. In the New Earth, we learn how to call a UFO, ways our energy impacts our children, and how Theta can help enhance our visualization and meditation techniques. In regional news, we have severe floods in Europe and school closures in India due to high temperatures. Indonesia gets hooked up with Starlink internet, and Germany reduces penalties for people caught with child pornography. In our World Situation Report, we reveal the truth behind the fake death and helicopter crash with the Iranian President and the mysterious illnesses of Syria’s President and First Lady. It’s all related to power control in the Middle East and, ultimately, the entire planet. We learn more about keystone Earth, the original celestials on the planet, and the ongoing battle between the Merovingians and Melchizedeks.

Join the UNITED NETWORK NEWS (UNN) sponsorship family today and be a catalyst for knowledge and change. Your support will empower us to curate and distribute high-quality content, reaching a wide audience and sparking meaningful discussions. Together, let’s make a real impact on this enlightening journey of sharing information. Visit our Website / Become a Community Sponsor

~via United Network News

DON’T MISS!!! ~ KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: “May 24, 2024 World Situation Report”

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Toni from Italy covers the Florence Artisan Fair, and Dianne from Uganda interviews Designer Aseneta about her work. In New Earth News: we are learning about Detoxification Protection; and much more! In World News: Global Pandemic Treaty; Canada Online News Act Study; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

Join the UNITED NETWORK NEWS (UNN) sponsorship family today and be a catalyst for knowledge and change. Your support will empower us to curate and distribute high-quality content, reaching a wide audience and sparking meaningful discussions. Together, let’s make a real impact on this enlightening journey of sharing information. Visit our Website / Become a Community Sponsor

~via United Network News

KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: “May 20, 2024 World Situation Report”

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Dianne from Uganda shows us how a Mobile Money app works, and Steve from Canada reports on a Local Fire. In New Earth News: we are learning How to Call a UFO; and much more! In World News: Europe Severe Floods; Spain Portugal Comet; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings. Kim’s report begins @ the 35:30 mark.

Join the UNITED NETWORK NEWS (UNN) sponsorship family today and be a catalyst for knowledge and change. Your support will empower us to curate and distribute high-quality content, reaching a wide audience and sparking meaningful discussions. Together, let’s make a real impact on this enlightening journey of sharing information. Visit our Website / Become a Community Sponsor

~via United Network News

LISA RENEE on “Warfare as a Result of the Major World Governments Making Contact with Negative Aliens”

“During World War II, there was a major revolution in the Militarization and approach to warfare as a result of the major world governments making contact with Negative Aliens, who introduced them to an array of advanced technologies in exchange for access to human genetics, breeding programs and earth resources. During this phase of setting up covert military programs to experiment with these alien based advanced technologies, it became common knowledge in the secret intelligence factions that human brain waves and behavior could be influenced or controlled through exposures to light and sound or electromagnetic frequencies. These exposures were covertly tested out on human beings for many purposes, through the development of various electromagnetic frequency Implants. Since the Majestic 12 and Zeta Grey Alien Trade Agreements were made about 85 years ago, earth inhabitants have been aggressively experimented upon with hidden technologies used to Implant Thoughts as one of the many prongs of social engineering programs. Military Grey Alien Technology has been artificially written into the various reversal field grid networks, as well as have manifested independent harm from their technologies of military weapons, genetic experiments, timeline programs, Artificial Intelligence, Holographic Inserts and astral mirages, human abductions, tagging/tracking and Astral Plane manipulation. One particular distortion we’d like to bring to your attention is the Zeta Seal, because these implants have been more active in the general 3D population during this time of transition to the next harmonic universe, which is bringing much higher frequencies to be exposed to the masses. Electrical impulses are generated from the lightbody via the Nadial Structure, which is a spiritual body part. It is made up of a webbing of energetic receivers and energetic transmitters that are intrinsic to the interconnected messaging functions in the human Soul-Spirit consciousness layers. The Zeta Seal is located in the Astral Plane layers of the heart complex to block activation of the 4th DNA strand which blocks access to the higher intelligence of the Mentor Fields, the first layer of the Higher Self self mind in the 5th dimension. It is designed to interfere with the Nadial Structure which instructs the human nervous system and communicates with the circuitry of the human heart. Recently, events have opened up timelines related to Zeta Seals and 4D implants that block the heart organ for its capability to access its multidimensional layers in the heart complex and the etheric nadis — which is the blueprint for the CNS and brain receiver. Zeta Seals are also related to the military industrial complex timelines, these seals are on the first layer of the heart chakra which puts a barrier between the heart and the mental body transmission — it is a type of Splitter Tech that scrambles the communication between the heart transmission and the brain receiver. When this is implanted, the person cannot feel much as ‘energy’ in the environment, and it appears to be reinforced or strengthened when entering military service. This Grey technology is sprayed/injected in many military related areas, ceremonies or any kind of military exposure. There is a lot of this splitter tech and the Zeta Seal still operating in the 3D public. The most aggressive and violent of the Zeta groups are those that come from the star system Rigel, and thus are called Rigelians or Zeta-Drakonian Rigelians. This particular group was involved in military testing projects known as the Montauk Project, in which they set up the participants to fail, whereby ripping open holes into the space time field in the earth body in which the Zeta gained more access levels into the earth grid. This allowed for easier access to continue human abduction experiments for genetic engineering and testing, in order to create and evolve an assortment of human Clones and human hybrids that are engineered to carry out workloads or for fulfilling certain purposes. Infiltration of pregnant human mothers occurred through the abduction scenarios in which the unborn child would be injected with Zeta-Drakonian genetics and monitored after birth and into adulthood. By infusing genetic material into the child, the child grows into an adult in which can be controlled through the manipulation of DNA Signals whereby hijacking the Bio-Neurological System. Guardian teams assist in these matters by cleansing out the genetic material of these patterns in order to free these individuals from Zeta Hive Mind Control.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Zeta Alien Surveillance, Abduction and Breeding / Zeta Seal

SUNNY GAULT: May 18, 2024 ~ The Rundown / World Situation Report Recap: “Celestials Pave the Way for Earth’s Restoration, Deep State Soul Swaps with AI-Generated Souls from Lucifer”

This week, we’ve got field messenger reports from Brazil, Uganda, Australia and the Dominican Republic. In the New Earth, we discuss dreaming in 4D, how sound healing works, and sovereignty in the workplace. In regional news, we learn more about counterfeit cancer medications and fentanyl drugs, potential teacher layoffs due to budget shortfalls, and workers demanding high wages due to taxation and cost of living increases. In our World Situation Report, we learn about a group of beings called the Celestials who are aspects of God/Source and are here now to finish their job, which will ultimately give humanity what is needed to start their portion of the restoration project. We also learn about soul swaps involving AI-generated souls from Lucifer that are now disappearing as the last remnants of the Omega system are removed. And the Deep State tries to activate humans involved in the Cicada 3301 program as a last-ditch effort to control the planet.

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings.

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~via United Network News

KIM GOGUEN & SUNNY GAULT: “May 15, 2024 World Situation Report”

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Helen from Australia presents her Seeds of Abundance project, and Alberto from the Dominican Republic showcases his Aquaponics System. In New Earth News: we are learning about Sound Healing; and much more! In World News: Haitian Gang Violence; East Africa Internet Issues; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian!

For best quality playback, click the settings icon and select the 720p option in ‘Quality’ settings. Kim’s report begins @ the 35:00 mark.

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~via United Network News