KAYA AND CHRISTIANE MULLER: “11 Signs You Might Be An Angel In Training”

For what it’s worth…  ~Ascension Avatar


Angel in Training Sign #1 – You’re thirsty for new knowledge and you feel different from others.

Angel in Training Sign #2 – You are deeply convinced that Life has a more profound meaning than just living an ordinary life.

Angel in Training Sign #3 – One day, you feel good, you sense Life and Light… and the next, and you are sad and have no energy.

Angel in Training Sign #4 – While your friends live in matter without asking themselves any questions, you wonder, “Who is happier, them or me?”

Angel in Training Sign #5 – You want to be right and just, you are intense…sometimes too much, sometimes not enough.

Angel in Training Sign #6 – You feel discrepancies; you always think it is your fault, or the fault of others, and you don’t understand why you feel like this.

Angel in Training Sign #7 – You can foresee certain events before they happen.

Angel in Training Sign #8 – You can feel disillusioned by things that happened in the world or in your life, and nothing provides you a sense of fulfillment in your daily life.

Angel in Training Sign #9 – You are extremely sensitive; you start to see signs and gradually you start to feel people’s real intention or the message behind the words.

Angel in Training Sign #10 – You wake up in the middle of the night, or during the day, you always see the same numbers: 111, 333, 555, etc.

Angel in Training Sign #11 – You wish to transform yourself into a better person and to help others. When you receive all these signs, it means that you are in initiation… that you are ready to receive knowledge… ready to meet God…

~via In5D.com