MAGDALINE: “Why Your Grandparents Did Not Have Allergies or Cognitive Issues? But You or Your Child Do?”


Aware or not, we are exposed daily to, fluorine, chlorine, bromine, radiation, glyphosate, BPA (estrogen mimicker), GMO’s and heavy metals, as they can be found in our food, water and air. These toxins effect our immune system as well as our cognitive abilities. Food allergies are becoming a household concern and are on the rise. In addition to making life difficult for those who suffer from this modern epidemic, it is also further taxing our medical system and our wallets.

Every 3 minutes a reaction to a food allergy sends someone to the emergency room. That is more than 200,000 emergency room visits do to an allergic reaction per year. An alarming statistic to say the least.

A study released by the Center for Disease and Prevention in 2013, stated that food allergies among children increased approximately 50% from 1997 – 2011.

On March 27, 2014, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new data on the prevalence of autism in the United States. This surveillance study identified 1 in 68 children (1 in 42 boys and 1 in 189 girls) as having autism spectrum disorder (ASD).


What has changed? Well there are many things that have changed, prior to 1968 there were no mandated vaccines, today there are 36 mandated vaccination soon to be 43 that are loaded with toxic preservatives such as aluminum, mercury, lead, arsenic, formaldehyde, SV40 (known carcinogen) as well as aborted fetal fluids. In addition their is something foreign in our food supply that wasn’t there before.

Chemicals and hormones added to our food supply are causing havoc to our body’s immune system. Most processed foods contain a variety of food colorings, artificial flavors, preservatives and other chemical additives that have a major impact on our overall health. In the mid 1990’s they added a new genetically modified protein to our food supply that most people to this day are unaware of.

The Codex Alimentarius (which means “book of food” in Latin) is a body of health-related reforms being thrust upon the global population through the United Nations agency. Other plans, which typically shock citizens, are those to force irradiation procedures on most foodstuffs throughout the world. Although the claim is that irradiation improves health, there are many people who claim it leads to health problems.

 There are reportedly even plans to “harmonize” worldwide pesticide practices through Codex Alimentarius, essentially mandating that farmer’s worldwide use specified products from Monsanto, Dow, BASF, and related corporations.

Another major issue implemented by this agency debated is the forced procedure of giving farm animals growth hormones that started in 1994. Many people believe if all farm stock has growth hormones, various illnesses and problems will inevitably arise on a worldwide scale due to that practice. To counteract the ill effects, dairy farms also had to start using more antibiotics, which we now know is one of the driving factors behind the rise in antibiotic-resistant superbugs in humans.

One of the highly controversial issues in the Codex Alimentarius debate, are planned regulations on vitamins and minerals. Through these plans, vitamins and other nutrients will be labeled toxic, and will become highly regulated as a consequence. In many places world wide these regulations will certainly lead to reduced daily intake of these vitamins or minerals.

In July of 2012, scientists from Harvard University warned that the developing brain may be another target for fluoride toxicity. Most advanced nations do not fluoridate their water.  In western Europe, 97% of the population has water without a single drop of fluoride added to it. Starting in 1944- present 75% of US water supply had fluoride added to it, an unethical form of mass-medication, without each individual’s consent or knowledge.

So why did your grandparents not have food allergies or cognitive disabilities to this current level? Well it’s quite simple…..

They ate foods that had no preservatives, and there were no processed foods. Their babies had breast milk loaded with antibodies from the mother’s colostrum. Foods today cause bloating and obesity with all the added chemicals, additives, stabilizers, preservatives, food coloring, flavoring, and GMO’s. There meats were not pumped full of chemicals like today. Eating out was at a family or friends house and most were NOT vaccinated.

Our grandparents did not stay inside on the computer, cell phone, and gaming system, exposing themselves to WI-FI, which are electro magnetic frequencies that interfere with our DNA. They played outside in nature with friends and family.

Holistic remedies

They had Holistic remedies such as chicken broth soup, ear wax candles, medicinal herbs, teas and luke warm towels or showers for fevers. They did not have a spew of doctors on speed dial. Instead they trusted the bodies natural healing mechanisms, rested and nurtured it with healthy food and holistic practices, something that I remember my grandmother using on me as a child.

Diet and lifestyle have an important impact on our bodies. Every cell in our body needs the correct nutrition to function properly. Thus a food supply, lifestyle and environment latent with chemicals will compromise the integrity of each cell, creating sensitivities to certain foods along with other health issues.

It appears that food allergies and cognitive disabilities may be an unpredictable byproduct of the many environmental toxins we are exposed to on a daily bases that can be found in our food, water and air. Which were largely unfamiliar just a couple of generations ago. At this rate one has to wonder what the future of living looks like, as more toxins are introduced into our environment and our bodies.

Knowledge is Power and Applied Knowledge is Freedom.

© 2016 Magdaline (Maggie’s Holistic) visit:

Magdaline is the founder of, a “essential” dietary supplement product line. She is a Holistic Nutritionist , certified in Reiki and Kundalini Yoga with degrees in the Sciences, Art History and is knowledgeable in several languages. Magdaline, has also been on various radio shows that are archived, such as PRN Gary Null, Natural Nurse and many more.

While trying to heal her son and herself, she discovered that we are exposed daily to radiation, fluorine, chlorine, bromine chemicals and heavy metals as they can be found in our food, water and air. These toxins accumulate and get stored in our body interfering with the endocrine glandular system, neurological system and cause calcification of our pineal gland interfering with our cognitive abilities, lowering our IQ. Healthy levels of iodine help the body detox toxic build up of these chemicals and assist the body to reactivate its self healing mechanism. Visit for more information on her wonderful essential dietary supplements.

S.D. WELLS: “BEWARE of the Top 10 Toxins in Food and Medicine that Cause the Majority of U.S. Allergies, Diseases and Disorders”

Chemical toxins

From cradle to grave, Americans suffer from “mysterious” health problems that medical doctors just can’t seem to solve, not with medications, surgery or chemotherapy. Where oh where could all of these problems come from – ones that other countries barely have, or don’t have at all?

Think about it: Why would anyone’s body completely freak out just because you open a jar of peanut butter on the other side of the room? Why would a baby get a headache so severe that it causes brain damage? How did the statistics of autism go from 1 in 10,000 boys to 1 in 68, just since the late 1990s, and could it have anything to do with injecting the most toxic non-radioactive chemical on planet earth – an acute neurotoxin called mercury – into the muscle tissue of children over, and over, and over, and up to 30 times before they reach the age of three?

People worry so much about infectious diseases, but since the advent of decent plumbing and hospital hygiene in the mid-1900s, that hasn’t been a problem. Maybe everybody should be much more concerned about preventing preventable diseases, that shouldn’t be labeled diseases at all, since they’re not really contagious, in the literal sense of the word. The epidemic-style “diseases” of modern America are more or less disorders – disorders of the cells, malfunctions of cleansing organs, chronic inflammation, unnatural, conjured-up immune reactions, severely disrupted endocrine systems, infected lymphatic fluids, and profoundly disturbed central nervous systems. These malfunctions are not normal. The majority of these are not inherited from parents. These are health crises that develop after birth, and often worsen within a handful of years to the extent that they become permanent issues, requiring extensive, expensive, long-term care.

Since WWII, American food, medicine and personal care products have become heavily contaminated with toxins, and not by accident. “Big Food” and “Big Pharma” have grown to monopolize the industries that make Americans sick and dysfunctional, and they target the children, knowing that the parents will do anything (including spending every dime they have) to try to fix the problems and give their kids a normal life, or at least as close to normal as their money will provide. And there are only two types of medical doctors in the USA: There are the ones who know nothing about toxins in food and medicine, and who prescribe chemical quack medicines that address only the symptoms of preventable disorders, and then there are the medical doctors who know about toxins in food, medicine and personal care products, but prescribe chemical quack medicines anyway.

So, it’s not conspiracy theory when you eat a food product loaded with monosodium glutamate (MSG) and get a migraine headache within an hour that lasts for hours, leaving you completely non-functional, now is it? So then realize this, it’s also not guess work to figure out that most hyperactive, “ADHD” children eat toxic food dyes and can’t sit still at school afterwards. It’s also not some wild “hypothesis” that vaccines are made with peanut oil, which is not listed as an ingredient, because the so-called “trace amounts” aren’t enough to “count” according to the CDC. So now, friends, it’s time to closely examine the top 10 toxins in food and medicine that cause the majority of U.S. allergies, diseases and disorders.

#1. Mercury in vaccines causes autism.

#2. Peanut oil used to brew vaccines causes severe peanut allergies in developing children.

#3. Aspartame in food, beverages, gum, candy and medicine causes anxiety, seizures and depression – it’s a hidden schedule II narcotic!

#4. Mono sodium glutamate (MSG) in food and vaccines causes migraine headaches and brain damage in infants.

#5. Consuming unfermented soy regularly, whether organic or not (often found in baby formula), causes severe fluctuations in estrogen levels, leading to cancer tumors.

#6. Aluminum in antacids and vaccines causes Alzheimer’s and dementia.

#7. Sodium fluoride in tap water causes lowered IQ, cancer and brittle bones.

#8. High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) is the leading cause of diabetes worldwide.

#9. Consuming canola regularly, whether organic or not, destroys the protective coating surrounding your nerves, and leads to the degeneration of the heart, kidneys, thyroid gland and adrenals.

#10. Nearly all conventional food dyes are synthetic, petroleum-based and cause allergies, hyperactivity in children, and eventually, cancer.

Detoxification, prevention and cures for America’s multi-faceted health crisis

There are many foods and superfoods that help the human body detoxify from heavy metal toxin overload, and they include, but are not limited to: chia seeds, cilantro, spirulina and chlorella. There are many foods that build natural immunity to infectious diseases, and they include, but are not limited to: turmeric, aloe, oil of oregano, vitamin D3, vitamin C, garlic, ginger and organic and raw cruciferous vegetables. There are food colorants that come from natural foods, like berries. There are phenomenal water filtration systems for your home, including the Big Berkey. There are healthy oil choices like coconut oil and hemp seed oil, that prevent Alzheimer’s disease and cancer, respectively. There are healthy forms of salt, like actual sea salt, that’s full of the minerals your body wants most.

Remember, just because your government allows 70,000 toxic agents in food, and even more in medicine and personal care products, doesn’t mean you have to be naive and consume them, and then go to an MD for more punishment. Get smart; eat organic. Buy from local farmers, and grow your own healthy food!
