PALLAVI THAKUR: “14 Things Your Soul Wants You To Know”

What does your soul want you to know?

1. What does your soul want you to know?

We get so involved in the nitty-gritty of life that we often forget the most important lessons we came here to learn – the lessons that our inner spirit is trying to teach us during our relatively short stay here on earth. Since the soul is the fountainhead of wisdom of guidance, it is always trying to communicate with us. Each life experience is an invitation to live as closely as possible to our soul’s true essence. This is what your soul wants you know…

2. You are OK just as you are

The main goal of life is to not really change, grow or transform yourself. It is to be at peace with who you are at any given moment despite what you have done or not done; said or not said. Transformation is a choice we all have, but from the soul’s perspective, it is not the greatest priority.

3. You are meant to feel deeply

You are meant to REALLY feel. Don’t hold back your tears, and don’t think it is wimpy, soft, or overly sensitive to expressive yourself. It is healthy to feel deeply and to give yourself permission to experience the richness of human emotion. Feel love. Feel sadness. Don’t walk in between as you daydream, really take the time to amerce yourself in the moment. This is what life is all about.

4. Be mindful

Mindfulness is simply the focus of your attention on the present moment, but it is anything but simple. With chaotic schedules, multi-tasking and an over-worked society, it is often hard to remain in the present and not get lost in the chaos that surrounds us. Mindfulness has roots in Buddhism, but most religions and spirituality practices include some attention towards love, kindness, and appreciation for a perspective on life that is bigger than oneself.

5. Your soul wants you to know stillness

When we are still, we can truly listen. As we listen we open ourselves to understand and it is within the stillness that we can feel the greatest connection to our soul’s wisdom. That is why meditation, being still in nature and finding a quiet moment for ourselves feel so appealing. They are opportunities to connect with who we truly are. Kind, compassionate, gentle and wise. We just have to listen.

6. Let go of outcome

When we work hard at something, it’s natural to want some kind of “reward.” But when you become attached to outcome, it can take the joy out of the process. Life presents us with infinite variations of this important distinction—between what we can change and what we can’t, between what is within our control and what isn’t.

7. The present moment is the most precious thing

The present moment is the most precious thing

People don’t realize that now is all there ever is; there is no past or future except as memory or anticipation in your mind. Most humans are never fully present in the now, because unconsciously they believe that the next moment must be more important than this one. But then you miss your whole life, which is never not now. “As soon as you honor the present moment, all unhappiness and struggle dissolve, and life begins to flow with joy and ease.

8. Perspective is a beautiful thing

Typically, when we’re worried or upset, it’s because we’ve lost perspective. Everything that is happening in our lives seems so big, so important, so do or die, but in the grand picture, this single hiccup often means next to nothing. The fight we’re having, the job we didn’t get, the real or imagined slight, the unexpected need to shift course, the thing we wanted, but didn’t get. Most of it doesn’t really matter.

9. Self worth cannot be verified by others

If you constantly seek outside yourself for approval and validation, you will never be happy. We are all different and we all perceive things in different ways but your reputation is not something you can really control. Your reputation is not really in your hands, so stop trying to please everyone around you and start pleasing your own SELF.

10. All that you need is already within you

All that you need is already within you

In this moment you have it all, right NOW and right here, there is nothing lacking. Take time to be quiet at least 5 minutes per day and in time you will discover that you do have access to HAPPINESS, PEACE, ABUNDANCE and all that is good at all times.

11. Everything in life is temporary

Every time it rains, it stops raining. Every time you get hurt, you heal. After darkness there is always light – you are reminded of this every morning, but still you often forget, and instead choose to believe that the night will last forever. It won’t. Nothing lasts forever.

12. Accept

To complain is always nonacceptance of what is. It invariably carries an unconscious negative charge. When you complain, you make yourself into a victim. When you speak out, you are in your power. So change the situation by taking action or by speaking out if necessary or possible; leave the situation or accept it. All else is madness.

13. Go out of your way to be loving and kind

Almost everything comes full circle. People who love themselves come across as very caring, generous and kind to others too; they express their self-confidence through humility, forgiveness and inclusiveness. So seek to understand others before you attempt to judge.

14. You need to clean the clutter

As Einstein once said, “Out of clutter, find simplicity; from discord, find harmony; in the middle of difficulty, lies opportunity.” Sometimes we make life more complicated than it is. We attach our happiness to achievement and then look for it in all the wrong ways and in all the wrong places. Of course, you don’t have to live like this. If you feel like you are, it’s time to simplify things. It’s time to clear the air and get back to the basics.

15. Your troubles are gradually improving you

Your troubles are gradually improving you

Someday when you least expect it life will blindside you with necessary chaos. And once the chaos has ended, you won’t remember exactly how it all transpired, how you made it through, or where you found the strength you needed to carry on. You won’t even be sure whether the chaos has completely ended. But there is one thing you can be sure about: When it does finally come to an end, you will be a much stronger person than who you were before it happened, which is precisely why it was necessary.







LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Accept As It Is Now”


We are not turning back, and whatever we have learned and uncovered about our deepest selves on our spiritual journey, must be applied and put into daily practice. The future of humanity, the future direction of the human species is at stake and the bar has been raised along with an incredible pressure to transform. We are experiencing the best of times and the worst of times, all simultaneously. There is no denying the level of uncertainty and the disorientation that we are feeling while in the pinnacle of this shifting energetic chaos, that is surfacing from deep inside the planet, and thus, its outer influences are taking shape inside of people. This rapidly increasing pressure can explode into surface chaos, as the result of massive changes that have occurred to the fundamental energetic architecture of the planet. This is entirely necessary to facilitate spiritual and human evolution to grow into the next Age. The chaotic energies of the recent electrical peak have radically increased the transparency in the external, in order to view how co-dependent humans and the many societal structures have become reliant on the false and deceptive programs of a mind controlled reality. These deceptions are promoted through mind control programs that are propagated for 3D humans to believe that the physical world and our Ego is the center of the Universe. We may be experiencing incredible forces that are bearing upon our life in order to learn the deeper Universal Truth about the true Nature of Reality, seeing beyond self-deception and self-delusions, the fantasies that we may have created in our mind that keep us in denial.  Self-realization of higher truths can be very painful to see in ourselves, as well as in the globalscape. The lower dimensional forces that manifest as the lower three levels of mind, are being destroyed in the presence of the Supreme Nature of the Eternal Living Light as it is transmitted through oscillating waves of plasma fields. For those on the ascension path, the life story and narrative is over as you knew it from your former identity, the 3D personality matrix. During this phase of massive consciousness growth, what you may have thought your life was going to be, or what you dreamed it was going to look like  by now, it has become clear that everything has changed. What you may have thought it was, turns out, that it will never be. We are leaving many of the past patterns of what had been accumulated to influence us from our own ancestors, and we can see those ancestral influences in our past, as they are leaving. Sometimes, it means that we have family members that are exiting from this plane as their time on the planet comes to an end, and we can feel the energetic burden of that connection dissolving. As we gain more freedom from the shackles of the past, we may see that our Infinite Consciousness only lives in the present moment of now. As we shift our lifestyle away from the need to obey or control rigid time schedules, the contrast between the now moment expansion of energies and the constriction of time that occurs when connected to the lower mind, becomes increasingly obvious, as these controlled energies lose coherence in the now moment, and are physically draining.

The behavioral imbalances, the mental disease, the broken systems, the disconnected boilerplates regurgitating from the automaton machine mentality, are apparent in the many of the control structures that may be felt or seen in the environment EVERYWHERE. Without a personal rudder, without strong inner direction (which can only be accessed from the inner stabilization of one’s core spiritual essence) many people are feeling lost and confused in the midst of this dismantling phase which accelerates chaos. How we perceive and experience this point of time during the Ascension cycle, is a matter of personal choice and knowledge that everyone has that choice to make. Gaining clarity from within this massive ball of confusion requires self-awareness of negative patterns and their attachments, along with the focused discipline of our mind to meditate and clear them. This is the time to remove all attachments to the external outcome and personal results, and focus on how we can best truly know our authentic selves and find what does support us to increase our happiness and fulfillment in the moment. Small steps every day towards spiritual development, practicing gratitude, and little things that we can do to be of better service to others on this planet, goes a very long way.

Many human beings are having trouble understanding the complexity of the powerful transition they are undergoing, and tend to misinterpret events or circumstances, as they are trying to troubleshoot problems while actually looking at it from the ego perception of reality. Because most people misinterpret what is transpiring, especially that they find deeply upsetting, and without proper spiritual ascension or consciousness context for evolution,  these changes can feel very forced and traumatic. It does not need to be traumatizing. When you let go of what you know from the past, and we let go of the need to control everything, this is what allows something new to appear in our life. In this way, personal choice is constantly being offered. Mind control has been so powerfully effective on this planet, that most people deny the existence of many things that are an actual waking, walking reality that is in front of us every day. We may get caught up in dramas that place our focus upon very small things,  when we should be opening up our perspective to something much larger.

What you decide now in the next direction of your life, will also impact ancestors and future generations. This is why it is wise to invest in the permanent part of yourself, getting into finding ways to strengthen your relationship with your inner core spirit. To develop the relationship with your Core Inner Spirit, all of us must see and face the shadows of hidden deep fears, and see the areas of denial, self-deception and delusions that we have allowed to control our decision making process throughout life. Acknowledge it. See It. Then give it to God. Inflexible minds only continue to deny the existence of the many worlds of forces, such as dark forces, in order to attempt to continue to cover up and deny the true nature of reality. We must confront the outer deception in order to get to the inner truth, and ask the hard questions. Who is benefiting from the pain, suffering and misery that so many people feel on the earth? When will humanity decide to awaken and actually see what they are really looking at? In order to finally see the deceptive nature of mind control in this planetary reality, and then to find clarity from within the confusion it creates, one has to Let Go of All you Know. Free your Mind.

Our 3D Ego Self and many of the distorted and delusional belief systems that have been shaped by the Controller Pillars of Society and the NAA, will not continue to be reinforced anymore in the external environment via the planetary architecture. Many of the Controllers that were inside these societal and secret structures that were of an alien nature or based in the human Power Elite, are being extracted and removed from holding that tyrant position from behind the veil.  That means many humans that refuse to change or shift these structures may work even harder to expend all of their energy to keep these systems alive and running, based upon drawing from their own fears and even soul energies. Essentially, this is wasting your soul energies and consciousness to be reinforced in the old controlled material structures, rather than letting them go, allowing collapse, and making something entirely new. When we are desperate to hold onto things that need to come to an end, we lose our discernment and perspective while we rapidly drain our energy. Those groups will feel exceptionally depleted and exhausted, as all of us at some level, must let go of what we know of the past, and allow for something new to be created in its absence.

For those on the Ascension pathway, plotting, planning and strategizing for control over our future prospects is over. As we place our body and life force in the hands of our Higher Self, we are learning how to communicate in the new light language without the ego interference. Wherever you may find yourself right NOW, there is a reason for it. Dissatisfaction, unhappiness and frustration in our life circumstances, can only be shifted in the perception in the now moment, there is no magical answer in the future to feed the unhappy ego. The unhappy ego looks for instant gratification and wants to have what it wants right now, many times unwilling to put in the necessary time, energy and dedication into building something new and creative.  To overcome an unhappy ego you must surrender to and accept the circumstance you may find yourself, As It Is Now. For many mentally untrained people at this stage of evolutionary development, there is a lot of ego denial of the actual facts and blaming everything and everyone on the external, which is a common ego coping mechanism. This promotes more resistance and more energetic backlash to feed the uncomfortable circumstances, which will prolong the issue and make resolution or clarity more difficult. We must stop the blame game and accept the responsibility for our life circumstances, no matter where we may find ourselves now  By way of living and breathing in a human body on the planet, tells you that you agreed to be here during this challenging time of Ascension. Accept that responsibility by avoiding the ego’s blaming behaviors or feeding into more of the victimizer patterns. The external environment for many people now is crumbling, at the job, in relationships, health, money, possessions and at the social and economic level. The walls, the ceiling and the floor are caving in and many people are in a deep panic about losing their perceived external reinforcement of security and safety. This of course is the great Illusion that must be dismantled in order to live consciously aligned to our core spiritual essence, which holds the potential to infinite consciousness. There is no safety found in anything physical, the only safety is our connection to our inner spiritual core and true heart essence. If this is your time to be physically dismantled, breathe, surrender and accept the situation, As It Is Now. Be as still as possible. You are going to be alright. As you can hold inner stillness and maintain calm, things will then progress in your life much easier.





~Time Shift Blog – May 25, 2016 –

LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Surrendering”


We have multiple planets in the Solar System moving into a retrograde position, which adds to the intensified sensations of the amplified polarities that are surging in the collective consciousness fields of the planet, during this cycle. Many of us that are sensitive to the collective miasma rising can feel this purge of imbalanced energies surfacing as a type of energetic pressure that gains its chaotic momentum in the environment. These accumulated misqualified or imbalanced energies in the collective consciousness have to find a point of release in order to clear out from the planetary grid.   We may have noticed over the past few days several strong earthquakes and volcanoes have erupted in the Pacific Ring of Fire, a direct result of tectonic plate shifting through the massive amounts of accumulated collective energies, both natural and unnatural,  attempting to find pressure points to release.  When there are multiple planets in retrograde simultaneously, there is a tendency in the planetary field to generate intersections between multiple timelines where people, places and things of the past, present and future, energetically bleed through into the current moment of reality. This can bring surreal and unexpected circumstances that may feel disorienting and strange, where things feel out of whack and we feel that we are out of sync with our daily schedule in life.

With all of the retrograde influx of multiple planets in reversal energies, it can feel frustrating, as it may seem we keep bumping up against roadblocks or knocking on closed doors which are not opening to allow us any progressive forward movement. Retrogrades at this level of intensity will force us to slow down, and change our schedule or routines, it will make us take careful, deliberate and well thought out steps before we commit to anything in the future direction of our life. If there are circumstances that are not moving with us in the next new cycle, they tend to fall apart, breakdown and be completely dismantled. As challenging as this can be, it gives us more opportunities to resolve karmic issues where we have been stuck in a loop or we have felt stuck in a pattern through the imposing nature of things operating in our periphery.

When we undergo such prolific and rapid change, our energy body (lightbody) and our emotional state can be more vulnerable to feeling weaker and more exposed to negative emotions. We may feel that negative emotional state in other people, and catch the low vibration which amplifies the voices of our own inner fears. Thus, it is essential to maintain spiritual center and energetic balance as possible, taking very good care of our emotional body, as we undergo a series of rapid, life altering transformations. This is the time to discipline and observe our thoughts, while being especially careful of where we place our mental focus and invest ourselves emotionally. We will have challenges to meet inside ourselves, while the people and things around us will reflect back to us, the same kinds of mental and emotional challenges for us to master. This is the inner to outer, and outer to inner challenge of seeing the collective consciousness mirror and maintaining grace while under pressure!

When we undergo such intense and rapid changes, it may also mean that we will experience both endings and beginnings in many areas of our life. When involved in these types of intense changes, we will want to know that we can create a sense of personal freedom while enduring rapid growth, and simultaneously, decrease any entanglements, dramas, and the forces of chaos that tend to be generated in the dismantling phases. The art of Surrender is especially useful when enduring these chaotic phases of transformational growth, where it may seem that things are backfiring and going in the wrong direction. The art of Surrender requires increasing degrees of trust and self-reliance that we develop inside ourselves, and it is the process of learning to let go in order to reach beyond our limitations. We cannot be codependent or involved in circumstances that are harmful to our emotional and spiritual growth, and this will be transformed into situations that involve greater self-reliance in order to develop inner strength. We get constantly stretched beyond the parameter of our inner resistances, that are based on our unresolved fears. As we surrender to the process of transformation and let go, we learn how to trust ourselves more, in order to confidently navigate in these new circumstances.

Surrender does not mean being passive, helpless or powerless when being confronted with conflict. It is about discerning the correct balance needed between action and non-action, and surrendering the end result or outcome to your highest purpose and highest self, even if you cannot fathom what that looks like right now. Growing compassion for ourselves helps us to surrender to accept these changes with composure, centering and level headedness. We remove the negative self-talk and stop mentally torturing ourselves with the anxiety and fear of not knowing what’s coming next. The power inherent in Surrendering will help you to let go and accept that not knowing what will happen is just fine.  Sometimes, it gives us the opportunity to re-examine strong inner desires we have had in manifesting something, and coming to the deeper realization that this was just not meant to be. This is a testing of the contents of our heart, to deeply discern the difference between personality or instinctual desires versus the deeper motivations and prompting that comes directly from our inner spirit. When we surrender to the process of intense or rapid transformation, it helps us to attune to the natural flow, the synchronistic alignment of energies. When we are feeling into the natural flow, and we are listening to follow the energetic synchronicities, we are honoring divine right timing and divine right order.  There is no way to think our way towards Surrendering to the natural flow, we must feel into it.  Surrender cultivates the power of the heart, develops higher sensory perception, and helps us to find and listen to the inner stillness. All of these practices will strengthen the energetic harmonizing effects in every area of your life, which will guide you to the highest outcome and choice that is designed for your personal spiritual growth and ultimately, fulfilling your highest expression.

Applying the intuitive art of Surrendering to all aspects of ourselves will support restoring energetic balance and thus, increasing harmony in all areas of our life.

Physical Surrender: Every day feel into our physical self and sense our current physical wellness, while regularly moving our body intermittently throughout the day, helps to release stored tension and blockages. We can also apply breathwork, in short breaks in the day, to refocus our mind to help release mental and emotional tension stored in the body. As you keep your body as relaxed as possible throughout the day, it increases the surrender potential of the body to let go of held tensions immediately, when exposed to different stressors. We do not want the body to hold onto stress or tension.

Emotional Surrender: Observe feelings and when you clench or tighten up from instinctual reactions. Work on resolving emotional conflicts that lead to resentments, blaming or generating unloving thoughts towards yourself. Recognize when you are emotionally carrying tension or feeling upset, and work on letting that go, in that moment, do what you can to find peace, acceptance and tranquility with whatever had been bothering you.

Mental Surrender: Most of the time our ego mind wants to understand the end result or outcome of events, and will try to control the outcome to our favor. On the spiritual path, one learns that this controlling behavior will backfire and many times creates obsessive looping thoughts. Refocusing our mind to maintain peace, and asserting that it is not up to you to know everything, helps to let it go and give the circumstances to flow with higher purpose.  Mindful meditation, and the ability to still the mind, can shift obsessive thoughts, and allow the mental body to surrender to the natural flow. This is deferring personal will to divine will, in knowing there is a blueprint and plan for all things in our life.

Spiritual Surrender: When we surrender to spirit, we are giving over control to the God forces, while we release ourselves from the need to exert control. We realize that we are not alone, and that this burden is not ours to carry by ourselves. We have the love, power and compassion from Gods spirit to guide us, and as we trust in the divine right order, we become more comfortable with life’s uncertainty. Developing trust with our inner spirit and relationship with God, makes letting go much easier.

Take good care of yourself at this time, give yourself plenty of loving kindness, and patience as you are learning the art of Surrender.




~Energetic Synthesis – Time Shift Blog – April 19, 2016