ANDREA SCHULMAN: “4 Ways To Make BETTER Affirmations”

4 Ways To Make BETTER Affirmations

by Andrea Schulman,
Guest writer,

Affirmations can be tricky, tricky things.

Affirmations are positive statements designed to focus our attention on having the things we want in life. Many students of the Law of Attraction use affirmations regularly to align with their goals and desires.

A well-constructed affirmation can tap you into the knowledge that all is well, and that you are capable of great things. A well-constructed affirmation can help you attract more and more of the good things you are hoping to manifest with the Law of Attraction.

A not-so-well-constructed affirmation can leave you feeling bored and uninspired, or even worse, irritated, sad or angry! A not-so-well-constructed affirmation will actually push away the things you want.

Therefore, it’s really important to construct your affirmations with care!

What makes a good affirmation?

There are a number of characteristics of a good affirmation. However, in my opinion, the most important characteristic of a good affirmation is that it feels true.

Consider the following.

You are a young woman who just got dumped and who has a bad relationship with your family. You are feeling alone and uncared for. You want to attract in new relationships that make you feel connected and loved, so you decide to practice some affirmations.

You find a few affirmations, and decide to use this one daily: “I am loved.”

Do you imagine reciting the affirmation “I am loved,” over and over is going to feel particularly true to you in this situation?

Probably not. In fact, saying “I am loved” to yourself over and over again when you are clearly NOT feeling very loved is only going to amplify the feelings of being unloved, not loved.

Whenever we feel we don’t have something we want, telling ourselves we have it is a surefire way to establish greater feelings of insecurity.

When we assert something we don’t believe we have, it makes us feel like we are lying to ourselves. It’s not a good feeling. It’s like telling a sad person to smile and be positive when he or she is sobbing uncontrollably. It just doesn’t work, and it only makes the sad person feel worse.

Telling yourself you have something you don’t really believe you have is the wrong way to use affirmations. An affirmation must feel true in order to amplify positive feelings of belief.

If your affirmations don’t feel true, modify them.

So, what do you do? If you want to attract love, are you simply supposed to avoid all kinds of affirmations about love?

No! You can still use affirmations about love, just modify them to make them feel true!

Below are six affirmation modifiers you can use to make your affirmations ring true on a more consistent basis. Consider adding modifiers to adjust your affirmations and make them more effective.

1. “I’m looking forward to…”

When there’s something you want that you don’t have yet, one thing you can affirm is your excitement to get what you want.

Adding the modifier “I’m looking forward to…” to the beginning of your affirmation allows you to focus on what you want in a positive way. It enables you to practice the feeling of positive anticipation, which feels good.

The truth is, you are looking forward to this thing you want. For this reason, this affirmation should always ring true.

For example: “I am wealthy and successful” might not feel too true when you’re living paycheck to paycheck. Instead, change this affirmation to “I’m looking forward to wealth and success.”

2. “It feels really good when I…”

Sometimes, there are things we want again that we’ve had before. In times like this, this modifier is especially useful.

This affirmation modifier allows you to remember (and therefore practice) the feeling of having something you had before in the past.

Practicing the feeling of what you had is a great way to get into better alignment with the desire to have it again. This type of modifier asserts that you’ve done it before and it allows you to feel good about something you’ve accomplished in the past.

For example: “I attract positive people and circumstances” might not feel too true when you’re having a bad day and find yourself surrounded by negativity. In a situation like this, change this affirmation to “It feels really good when I attract positive people and circumstances.”

3. “I am often/frequently…”

Similar to the previous modifier, this affirmation modification asserts that you’ve done it before. This is another great modifier to use when there’s something you’ve had before that you want to experience again.

For example: “I am appreciated” might not feel to true when you’re feeling criticized or overlooked. Instead, try “I am often/frequently appreciated.”

4. “…in many ways.”

This is a great modifier to enhance something you already have some of, but you want more of.

The nice thing about this modifier is that amplifies the knowledge of all of the many ways you already have exactly what you’re asking for. This modifier encourages you to think about and dwell on the many reasons why you are already successful at getting what you want.

For example: “I am prosperous” might feel somewhat true to you because you have a home, a car and some money in the bank. To feel especially true, and to amplify the feeling of prosperity, add the modifier by saying “I am prosperous in many ways.”

Try them out!

I hope you find good use for these affirmation modifications. Use these four modifiers liberally, and play around with them to see which ones work well for the desires you are hoping to attract!

Remember, an effective affirmation makes you feel good because it’s a positive statement that feels very honest and true. Modifiers like these can help you amplify the authenticity of your affirmations.

Do you have any other affirmation modifications you use? Feel free to comment below and share them with me!

XO, Andrea


About the author:
Andrea Schulman is a former high school psychology teacher and the creator of Raise Your Vibration Today, which provides free and easy Law of Attraction techniques. She will be available for group educational seminars and webinars starting in the summer of 2015.





ANDREA SCHULMAN: “Are Your Desires Really Your Desires?”

Are Your Desires REALLY Your Desires

by Andrea Schulman,
Guest writer,

I don’t know about you, but lately I’ve been experiencing a wave of new understandings about the Law of Attraction and the process of conscious creation.

The latest? The understanding that a lot of what we “think” we want, is not really what we want at all!

I’m starting to see that many of our desires are not our true desires at all, rather they are simply our limiting beliefs disguised as our desires.

I will give two examples of this hypothesis, and you can come to your own conclusions.

Here’s the first: Do we really want money because we value money and because money makes us happy? Or do we want money because we want to have unlimited abundance, and access the ability to do, be or have anything we want?

I believe that the true desire is not money at all, but rather it is REALLY a desire to know that we are infinitely abundant, and capable of having everything we want. It is a desire to know our own unlimited power to create.

Money is actually irrelevant to this higher desire, as it is simply a condition we have placed on ourselves that often limits the way we will accept our abundance. It is also a condition we use to measure (and therefore limit) our own abundance.

In other words, when we reach for money (rather than the knowledge that we are infinitely abundant), our value as creators becomes contingent on the money in our bank accounts. Therefore, we measure our worthiness of abundance by the number of dollars we have. Regardless of how high this number may be, it is always limited.

Instead of reaching for, and accepting, signs that we are infinitely abundant, we reach for a sign that our abundance is limited. The more we believe our abundance is conditional on the money in our accounts, the more limited we feel, and the more disconnected we become from all forms of abundance (including, but not limited to, money).

What we really want is to feel worthy of our own unlimited abundance, but in order to feel worthy of our abundance, we cannot be concerned about “proving” our worthiness through the number of dollars in our accounts. We have to become more cognizant of all of the many ways we are supported in doing, being and having what we want.

In other words, money is just one way that we are abundant. It is not the end-all-be-all to abundance!

There are infinite resources out there that help us achieve the things we wish to achieve in life. The planet, our ecosystem, the help of others, the ideas we receive through the internet, and our intuition are just a handful of examples of abundant resources that assist us in creating the things we wish to create.

This isn’t to say that you can’t attract money, but if you are interested in attracting money and it isn’t coming, it might be worth exploring your beliefs about why you want it. If you only feel worthy of your abundance when the dollars are flowing, it is likely that your desire for money is simply a sign that you are reaching for the limitation of your abundance, rather than your expansion of it.

Reach for the higher desire and uncover your knowledge of your infinite abundance. The money will flow more easily, and it won’t carry the weight of limitation it once did. Even better, you will find yourself receptive to more and more forms of abundance.

Here’s the second example: Why do we want social approval? Why do we value things like “likes” on our Facebook and Instagram posts? Why do so many people crave fame?

Is it because these desires are truly reflective of what we really want? Does fame and social approval truly make our lives better? Does is really give us our true desire?

In my opinion, when someone reaches for social approval, what they are REALLY craving is unconditional love. We want others to prove their love for us so that we can prove to ourselves we are worthy of being loved.

Unfortunately, when we reach for social approval, we deny ourselves of this higher desire to be unconditionally loved. Reaching for social approval means that we are reaching for conditional love, not unconditional love.

Reaching for outside validation from others is simply another way of screaming out into the universe “I am not worthy of love as I am! I am only worthy of love when others approve of me!” Then, instead of getting our true desire (unconditional love) we only reinforce our limiting belief (that we must gain other people’s approval in order to be loved).

This pursuit ultimately makes us feel unworthy, drawing us further and further away from our true desire to be loved.

This is just something to consider. Sometimes the things we say we want, really aren’t what we want at all. Sometimes the things we are reaching for are actually pulling us further and further from our true desires.

So, if there is something you have been reaching for, and it hasn’t been coming, and it’s been making you feel bad that it hasn’t been coming, I say there MUST be a limiting belief in the equation. It is quite possible that the dream you are reaching for isn’t truly your desire, but rather it is your belief in limitation disguised as your desire.

As I mentioned earlier, when we reach for money instead of our true desire (knowledge of our unlimited abundance) we reach for signs that teach us our abundance is limited. When we reach for social approval instead of our true desire (unconditional love), we reach for signs that prove to us that we are only loved conditionally.

If there is something you want that isn’t coming to you, do yourself a favor and dig a little deeper. What do you REALLY want, and is this thing you are asking for a true reflection of this inner desire?

Truth be told, you can attract anything you want into your life with the Law of Attraction, but it is my belief that to truly experience the expansion we crave, to truly feel loved, worthy and abundant, we have to be willing to let go of the limitations that tell us we can only have these things conditionally.

This doesn’t mean you have to be poor and it doesn’t mean you have to be a loner. In fact, my point is quite the opposite. It just means in reaching beyond the dollars and beyond the “likes” you open yourself up to a much greater flow of abundance and love than you can ever achieve as long as you are chasing after limited forms of these true desires.

Reach for abundance in all forms, and let the universe show you that money is just the beginning. Reach for unconditional love, and come to learn that you can feel loved exactly as you are.

Reach a little farther, and find your true desire. I believe this is the true path to our happiness, and the true path beyond the limitations that hold us back from the things we REALLY want.

XO, Andrea

Click here for more articles by Andrea Schulman!

About the author:
Andrea Schulman is a former high school psychology teacher and the creator of Raise Your Vibration Today, which provides free and easy Law of Attraction techniques. She will be available for group educational seminars and webinars starting in the summer of 2015.

GREGG PRESCOTT (IN5D): “Global Unity Project: What The World Needs Right Now”

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Society is waking up on many levels. Since September 11, 2001, many truths have arisen regarding the “few who control the many”. Right now, the few (The Builderbergs) are in a private meeting in the UK deciding what is on their best interests, not ours. This is why it is so important to begin within because the only person who should be deciding your future is you… not the corporate elite who have raped this planet and is currently running a eugenics program designed to cull the population.

So how can you do this? By looking within for answers. The mainstream media will rarely report anything that is not within their own agenda. You can also set intentions on the world that YOU envision for yourself as well as others. For example, on our last New Moon, I envisioned a world that lives in abundance, good health, prosperity and peace. It all begins with YOU!❤