MEG BENEDICTE: “8-8 Lion’s Gate Ascension Activations”


Since my Awakening in 1994, I’ve been following the spiritual path towards deeper Soul connection and greater understanding of the mysteries of universe. Along the way I’ve encountered some profound moments of awe-inspiring awareness and heart-felt loving kindness streaming into my being from angelic presence and ascended souls. We are truly not alone!

Over the years as my mind opened to higher realms of consciousness, I realized my Soul was communicating with the Sirian High Council for Ascension tips and guidance. My twin flame was embodied as an elder on the Council and provided a ‘lifeline’ to my incarnated human currently on earth. These ‘sessions’ appeared in mind with a large conference room, as I joined the round table for discussion.

The Sirians were intimately involved in populating the original Zep Tepi civilization in ancient Egypt, prior to the dynasties. After the destruction of Atlantis, they developed two spiritual havens for ascended souls to populate a divine human race in Egypt and in Avalon.  They created sacred Mystery Schools to reveal the true Law of One to the initiates. They taught how the multi-dimensional mind is what interconnects the physical world with the metaphysical world of spirit. They created stair-step Initiations so humanity could attain higher knowledge through intellectual discipline, focus and concentration. The Zep Tepi culture cracked the genetic code and possessed the keys to the physical spectrum, the “Higher Light Physics” of the ancients.

Some of the Sirian Masters embodied human form to assist with the development of a divine race on Earth.  Known in the Bible as Enoch, to the Egyptians as THOTH and to the Greeks as HERMES, the Atlantean Priest-King helped develop the Zep Tepi Mystery Schools and build the Giza Great Pyramid on the site of the Great Halls of Amenti. Thoth preserved in the Halls of Amenti the Emerald Tablets of ancient knowledge for those Initiates ascending into Christ Consciousness. The Sirian Avatars bringing the Gold Frequency to Gaia were Jesus and Mary Magdalene, who embodied the Divine Masculine and Feminine frequencies of Unity Consciousness.

Star Sirius is currently rising every morning on the horizon with the Sun. The annual 8:8 Lion’s Gate occurs on Monday, August 8th and is the time of year when our planet aligns with Star Sirius and the Galactic Center, creating a harmonious portal that unites “matter and antimatter”. As we step into the Infinity Figure-8 Stargate together we will receive Star Markings that propel us into the higher realms of Ascension – these markers are downloading into our brain and body with the Light Stream from Sirius and the Great Central Sun. The markings are cellular in nature and will determine how the DNA ignites with the Soul blueprint.

During this event a stargate is fully open streaming intense Light waves from the Great Central Sun, through our Sun, The Star Sirius, the Earth Grid Point of the Sphinx and The Great Pyramid of Giza. When the Sun is conjunct Star Sirius it creates a Solar Stargate that pours Solar Star Codes for mastery and ascension directly from Sirius. We are being given access to unprecedented knowledge and abilities that only the Master Souls utilized in the past.

The Infinity Figure-8 symbolizes union, integration, abundance and balancing polarity.  The incoming Galactic Light from the Great Central Sun is revealing all that was hidden in shadow. It may seem like the world is getting more polarized, but in truth the brilliant Light infusion is illuminating what has always been there. During the 8-8 Lions Gate upgrade, the Ascension Light pours into the sacred pyramids, temples and henge circles, igniting the global Crystal Gridwork with divine intelligence.

The 8-8 Lion’s Gate opens the Infinity portal that propels you past all previous limitations. It is the symbol of expanding beyond your normal boundaries. It is pure spiritual atomic energy, a pure power source streaming onto Gaia. You will be inspired to connect with Soul essence and own your divine purpose, enabling you to fully step into the life you are destined to live.

You are in the process of transfiguring your physical cells from carbon density into crystalline Light receptors. Take some time this summer and immerse yourself in the vibrant field of Nature. Open the space surrounding your atoms and fill with Light! When you expand and blend in harmony with the Field of Order in nature, the atoms in your body begin to rearrange themselves into order. You are self-correcting the atomic structure from chaos and Duality, to re-form into the golden ration of order.

Imprinted in every cell of your body exists a record of your entire history on Earth. All past and potential future outcomes are encoded in the DNA, dormant and waiting for your attention. Tune into your genes and the essence of your Soul to discover the truth of your Being. This week’s astrology provides the perfect setting to ask the elements of fire, earth, air and water alive in your body to reveal your Soul’s destiny plan. In just one week you have the rare opportunity to pass through the 8-8-8 Lion’s Gate… stay focused on your Ascension.

Lovingly, Meg





Copyright (c) 2016 Meg Benedicte * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.


TANAAZ (Forever Conscious): “Intuitive Astrology: August New Moon 2016”

astrology august new moon 2016

On August 2, 2016 the New Moon will fall in the heart-centred, courageous sign of Leo.

We are all in a need of an energy boost, and this Leo New Moon is going to energise our soul and our heart centre so we can move forward with courage, grace and ease.

The theme of this New Moon is fun and creativity, which is very different from all the heavy releasing work that the previous months have had in store for us.

Creativity isn’t just limited to artists. We all have the potential to create, and therefore we all have the potential for creativity.

With the help of this Leo New Moon, anything that we want to create for ourselves is now possible.

In fact, by putting some conscious effort into an area of your life that you want to revamp or revitalise, you will start to shape and create the tone for the rest of August.

New Moon’s signify a time of new beginnings and if you tune into the hum of your soul, you will be able to intuit where this new beginning is going to lead you.

With a lot of heavy cleansing work now in the past and this new wave of creative, fun energy entering our lives, there really is nothing that we can’t do.

Leo is the sign of courage, entertainment and leadership. It is also a fiery sign that craves stability, routine and order.

By combining these energies, you can help pave the way and set an intention for an area of your life that you would like to have more courage in.

Where do you desire to be the king of your jungle? Where could you use more courage? Where could you use more fun in your life?

Planting seeds in these areas is going to be easy with the help of this New Moon and also Mars.

Mars has been a crucial planet for 2016 because of his retrograde pattern that started in April.

By the end of August, Mars is going to be returning back to his usual speed and form, however during this New Moon we are going to get a taste of optimism from Mars.

Mars is the planet of action and energy. If you have been feeling sluggish, unmotivated or perhaps even lethargic about making plans or taking action in your life, this energy is about to come to a swift end.

Around the time of the New Moon, Mars is going to shift out of Scorpio, where it has been doing a lot of transformation and cleansing, and shift into the positive, upbeat sign of Sagittarius.

This is a very welcome change of energy and is going to help you to think more positively and open-mindedly about the future.

On a deeper level, you are also going to feel empowered by any obstacles in your life and more optimistic about any challenges that have been sent your way.

You may even channel your inner lion or lioness and feel more trusting and fearless about your path, purpose and destiny. 

Leo energy also rules over the heart and heart chakra. Matters of love may also be stirred around this New Moon and perhaps you may feel more magnetic or attracted to people than usual.

You may also receive a burst of courage to introduce yourself to someone new or to follow your heart when it comes to love and romance.

Heart energy is going to be amplified on this New Moon, which may also bring about a wonderful and positive time for healing.

If you have been mending a broken heart or feeling heavy or blocked in the heart chakra area for whatever reason, this New Moon is going to help clear and release anything that is no longer serving you.

For this to happen, you will have to be open to releasing and tuning into the wisdom of your heart. This will not be hard to do thanks to the wonderful beams of energy sent by this New Moon. 

Overall, this New Moon is very positive and is going to help you bring more fun, love, creativity and courage into your life.

Stay open to this energy, and watch where it may lead you, for August is set to be a wonderful, high-energy month of opportunity.


LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Collective Pain Body Surfacing”


Energetic Synthesis – Time Shift Blog – March 29, 2016

During this time until the middle of April, there are powerful influxes of Cosmic Rays transmitting through the constellation of Pisces that are directly influencing all archetypes connected to the pairs of opposites and gender principles on the earth body. As these Rays are being exposed to the earth grid now, these energetic currents run through the Ley Lines and are influencing greater energetic synthesis between the bonding pairs of human and planetary DNA. The instruction set of bonding pairs is what unites polarities and manifests as energetic balance between the male energies and female energies inside of us. When we are able to hold unification of the male and female principles, this neutrality is transmitted and externally manifested as an balanced, clear, connected, healthy and peaceful person. This is important for our spiritual freedom, as one of the highest spiritual goals is to evolve our consciousness bodies to synthesize many pairs of opposites that we interact with multidimensionally, in order to alchemically transform our Lightbody to hold more powerful neutral (zero point) frequency waves.  One of the greatest tasks of achieving spiritual freedom, is to gain deeper clarity and self-awareness in facing and resolving personal patterns of sexuality. Sexual misery programming is the greatest karmic burden that has accumulated massive waste products of miasma that have been inherited to each of us through the collective human race fields on the earth. Humanity’s greatest task during the Ascension Cycle is to heal their personal emotional trauma around sexual pain and gender wounding. These recent energetic influences entering the planet will surface these types of collective race miasmas, in the form of sexual patterns, sexual distortions, gender issues, and relationship problems. When this is addressed with compassionate witnessing, this can give us a lot of previously hidden information about how we personally relate to our sexual organs, our gender identity, and our sexual behaviors in all relationships and social settings. It will also give us details into the deeper motivations or hidden agendas of the people around us, and this may be quite surprising to even shocking. This will be a time to observe our mind and body for any automatic reactions, emotional trigger points, or hidden belief systems around personal sexuality and how we really feel about our body’s functions.  We must learn to unconditionally love, respect and accept all of our body parts and all of its biological functions.

People that are run by their unconscious mind or instinctual body, may have little to no control over their impulses at this time. They may have no comprehension of these sexual overlays running in the environment and in other people. As a result, they will unconsciously play out these impulsive behaviors in their relationships, or in the world at large. We will be able to see more people revealing their hidden attitudes or belief systems around gender roles and sexuality, while fighting for sexual causes and getting polarized and stuck in myopic and meaningless perspectives run by religious or other spiritually oppressive beliefs.  All things that are hidden must be seen and observed in order to be healed and energetically shifted in the collective. This influence can create pressure and confusion in many types of relationships, or marriages,  and this will require degrees of maintaining a balanced and calm perspective in order to lead clear and compassionate communication and dialogues into resolution. Most people are not good communicators or able to communicate feelings. This is especially true when it comes to all matters concerning relationships and sexuality. Do not leave relationship tension unresolved by continually avoiding having intimate dialogues, as they can explode into even higher tension and chaotic miscommunications. These current energetic influences when aligned with consciously, will aid in revealing previously hidden and unsaid feelings that need to be surfaced in order to be resolved within relationships. Things that remain hidden, suppressed or in denial will weaken the energetic strength of the relationship. Therefore, always stay calm, poised and never yell. Remember to call upon the Spirit of Patience, Diligence and Humility to maintain calm composure when opening dialogues of this sensitive nature, and do your best to be neutral and not take things personally.

In order to be freed of the common problem of gender splitting that is manifested from the collective race sexual distortions, we must see the many abusive behaviors that are commonly directed to our sexual organs and to our person from the environment.  In order for humanity to assemble higher DNA patterns,  it requires positive changes of accepting attitudes around human sexuality and to have the ability to open discussions in regard to the deep wounds of humanities sexual pain and guilt. We have been conditioned by the Controller structures since birth to relinquish personal control and awareness over our own bodies, which exacerbates the lack of personal boundaries, lack of self-esteem, and lack of respect for our own body. This is purposed to condition the masses to be totally submissive to authority,  such as conditioning women to be probed, patted by strangers or in the workplace, thinking they do not have the rights to exert personal boundaries.  Our society is not prepared for this spiritual undertaking, which is a massive collective pain body and emotional purging coming to the surface. So it’s especially important for those of us on the Ascension path to prepare ourselves to face and deal with any kind of these pain body issues when they surface, from a place of neutrality and compassionate witnessing. We cannot allow things of a sexual nature to be shocking, offensive or emotionally overwhelming. We strive to gain greater acceptance of the fact that sexual misery is the main content of the collective pain body of humanity and this is what we are dealing with on planet earth.

During this time these Cosmic Rays are impacting the artificial grids called the NRG, that have been used for thousands of years by the Controllers to siphon sexual energy from humanity to feed black magic systems on the earth. In order to fight for their territory, these dark forces are aggressively targeting people’s weakness around sexual pain, and sexual misery. The NRG is responsible to break apart hybrid genetics by reversing any synthesis of alchemy that happens organically between the male and female principle. Also it is designed to repel healing for the DNA of reverse pair bonds based in the reptilian genetics. The NRG is a massively complicated alien structure that has interfered with true spiritual marriage or Hieros Gamos, as a possibility for human beings on the planet. Thus at this time, when we have much more amplified energetic power helping us to build sacred union relationships or helping us to integrate and balance male-female energies, they counter this by broadcasting sexual  misery programming in the collective fields, while attacking the sexual wounds that are in people. Please be aware of this in the collective fields in so to energetically protect your body, your sexual organs and creative energies from being siphoned during this time. The emphasis will be on the energetic cleansing of our lower chakras and 2D pain body, focused on healing sexual wounds.

When we understand the 2D instinctual programming, and that it contains AI software of sexual misery programming that is feeding satanic fields and the Fallen entities that reside at this level, then we are more equipped to deal with sexual problems and 2D pain body issues head on. We can increase our awareness of what this dark field can create inside our body, if we continue to allow our body to be filled and used by this very destructive dark force. It is important to not judge these reactions around sexual issues, but to see them as a collective consciousness problem. This is a serious soul damaging program that is installed in the instinctual mind of humanity, and it runs as a AI software in the 2D fields. This software connects to the pain body in the 2nd chakra and can start running it. The controllers are desperate to keep this field running and feeding the black magic sources on the 3D earth, and so this battle over human bodies will be continually observed in the masses. The battle to take control over people’s bodies is made through all means sexual. For males especially, it will be imperative to master and clean out NRG hardware in the 2D pain body areas, and to raise the aberrant sexual energy from the 2D into the heart center, in order to be absorbed and neutralized.

We can be exposed to these low quality forces in the collective consciousness fields very easily, either by psychic sponging, or being exposed to dark etheric fields in our immediate environment that get infected with dark masses of dead energy. When we co-exist or co-habitate with possessed people, or are living in extremely negative and controlling environments, this is an dark infection that spreads easily. Although many people do not reveal themselves fully and transparently, many of these self-destructive behaviors are reinforced in the masses every day, they are recorded as collective memories in the planetary body. These memories accumulate aberrant energies and forces to attach into the lower chakras, and generally, they accumulate until they must explode into some kind of energetic or cathartic release. To release inner and outer tension, most people use their sexual organs to achieve this kind of release from internal anxiety and pressure. This is especially because humans are creatively suppressed, spiritually oppressed, and the general person on earth is struggling to find a method to create authentic expression into the world. When we are not allowed to be who we really are, when we are spiritually oppressed, and we live in a system of consciousness enslavement, our body will seek to have some kind of desperate attempt to find release or relief from the burdens of energetic and miasmatic accumulation.

As we gain spiritual maturity and spiritual strength, we will recognize when this accumulated inner pressure is happening and we know how to take steps to diffuse it, focus it in productive ways, or find some kind of creative or physical outlet. If we do not find an healthy outlet, the pressure can erupt into very destructive and painful automatic reactions that we cannot gain control. Some people will become addicts for this reason, they are desperate to find the escape into a drug induced, sexual induced high, or even an Adrenalin high by living in the extremes of recklessness in order to feed the distortion in the 2nd chakra – the AI [Artificial Intelligence] program running the lower energies. When we feel dead inside, when we are disconnected from our spirit, we are internally miserable and we will search for any option to find relief from these painful circumstances, many times humans do not understand that the only answer to this problem is made directly with patient and dedicated spiritual work and soul growth.

In the Archontic control and enslavement society, many of these destructive behaviors remain hidden, veiled in secrecy behind closed doors, while people deny having any kind of interaction with these destructive behaviors. This is very common with anything concerning sexuality. People commonly lie about sexual affairs, cheating on their spouse, or using pornography as a coping mechanism of sexual misery. Whenever we lie and deceive others, we are lying to ourselves, and this is very destructive to our spiritual nature. The guilt and shame built into sexual issues is purposed by the Satanic forces, to keep people ashamed and lying about their sexual addictions, sexual exploits or sexual problems. Lying and deception is the seed of Satanism, so even though this topic is hard, try to remember it is actually better to flush out hidden behaviors and make them visible, first to yourself, in any way that is reasonable. We do not want to make ourselves vulnerable to disconnected and heartless people that have not developed compassion, but we must strive to find an positive outlet that allows us to be honest. As we build deep honesty with ourselves, as we truly unconditionally love and accept ourselves, we can unconditionally love and accept others for who they are, right now. When we create an unconditionally loving and compassionate safe space for others to heal, this helps all people be able to go deeper into their pain body, where some of the most difficult areas are to face in ourselves. To truly evolve and expand our consciousness, we must learn how to unconditionally love and accept our true biological androgyny and sexual nature.

KIM HUTCHINSON: “2016 Ascension Forecast: Three Waves”

2016 Ascension Forecast.png

February 8, 2016  –

Much has changed for humanity in the past year even though, superficially, things look basically the same. If you were hoping for a visible change in the world by now, you might be disappointed; however, there are plenty of reasons to be happy. When looking for proof that things are changing for the better, it’s helpful to understand that ascension is an ongoing process rather than a singular event. Certainly, at some point, we may experience a game-changing event or two, but that’s just the tip of the ascension iceberg.

The Majority Has Awakened

Consciousness is expanding and so all life everywhere is ascending. This is both an individual and collective process. As we awaken individually to the truth of our divine origins, we do so in stages. Our personal awakening affects those around us, just as we are affected by planetary, solar and universal forces. These shifts in consciousness come in great waves and affect huge numbers of people.

In the wake of the great shifts of 2015, we are now witnessing the awakening of the Second Wave of humanity. The First and Second Waves combined represent roughly two-thirds of humanity. That means the ascension momentum is gaining speed rapidly, and has such momentum behind it that the awakening can no longer be hijacked or derailed. This is indeed reason to be excited!

First Wave: Ascension Pioneers and 5D Anchors

The First Wave of ascension is comprised of people who are farther along the awakening and ascension process, and who are blazing a trail for their sisters and brothers. Many of these spiritual pioneers have successfully elevated their vibration by undergoing intensive spiritual cleansing processes such as the Dark Night of the Soul. As they healed their karma, cleared their fear-based ego restrictions, and shifted their awareness from head to heart, their consciousness expanded to encompass multiple dimensions. Many are now able to sustain fifth dimensional consciousness while still existing in 3D/4D.
The fifth dimension is the level of unity consciousness where like attracts like. Rather than forcing light and dark live cheek-to-jowl, 5D beings are vibrationally clustered with like-hearted souls. The lack of dissension lets the light shine brighter and the love to pour forth more freely and purely. First Wavers are grounded to a higher vibrational Earth, and through this interdimensional connection, they are helping to anchor 5D Love and Light in the lower two dimensions.

2016 Outlook: Walking on Sunshine!

The outlook for this year is a continued acceleration of the ascension process, coupled with tangible changes and benefits. Many on the leading edge of this cosmic awakening are finally starting reap the rewards for their efforts. Numerically speaking, 2016 is a year of completion. Much of what is being completed was launched in 2008, which is when the ascension process began to intensify for many in this group. That means this year could bring relief to those who have been working through intense ascension symptoms for the past 8 years.


-Sustained happiness and inner peace

-Increase in spiritual business due to the awakening of the Second Wavers i.e. more clients; more income

-Increase in 5D abilities i.e. (nearly) instantaneous manifestation

-Spiritual reunion and partnership with Source consciousness

Second Wave: The Majority

As a result of autumn’s much anticipated electromagnetic frequency called Wave-X, huge energetic shifts are occurring, all of which are helping to raise the consciousness of this planet. Everyone benefited from the incoming light frequency upgrades, but it was the Second Wave who perhaps felt it most strongly. Those Galactic light codes, coupled with Gaia’s accelerating Schumann Resonance (frequency / heartbeat), and the elevating consciousness of the First Wave, is adding fuel to the spiritual awakening that is blazing through the Second Wave. This second group is the largest, and its awakening has really tipped the balance in favor of ascension.

2016 Forecast: What a Healing!

Second Wavers will continue to expand through 4D, a dimension mostly inhabited by service-to-self beings, while still anchoring 3D awareness. Both the third and fourth dimensions are rooted in polarity, so externally we see what basically amounts to a tug-of-war between the light and the dark. Being in 3D/4D, though unsettling, is actually beneficial in drawing to the surface the darkness that needs to come to Light. This includes intense personal healing as well as societal. The process can feel like an out-of-control roller coaster ride, but every step of this intense process is both necessary and beneficial. This is how one purges lifetimes of fear and pain; breaks soul controls, vows and other limitations, and ultimately breaks free of the control Matrix.

Expect to see big changes in politics, economy, religion, the media and so on. On the lighter side, this intense journey will be facilitated and eased by the First Wavers who, having gone through everything recently, know exactly how to help, heal and guide the recently awakened.


-Shedding lifetimes of fear, pain and suffering (a.k.a. Dark Night of the Soul)

-Ascension ‘flu’ and awakening symptoms (products of becoming crystalline)

-Awakening to the truth / shattering illusions / changing the world

-Moving rapidly through the awakening process