LISA RENEE on “We Are Being Lied To And We Must Grow Up To Recognize And Realize That Fact”

“The Media has an important role in spinning disinformation and targeting humanity in a mass Mind Control Operation. Through data collection and surveillance, they begin to formulate the schematic of the majority of the mass consciousness perception on a variety of topics that they can use in the media to weaponize narratives. They seek to get people to tune into certain Reality Bubbles that they set up as a social experiment, that lead into a type of consciousness trap, in which the holographic insert would broadcast the mind control reality that creates a cover narrative. The narrative is the illusion generated for its outer appearance, an inverted reality that is distorted and energetically opposite of what it actually appears to be. Thus, specific attention is being paid to the perception of reality that groups of people have in a reality bubble, while being exposed to a variety of scenarios combined with the group’s emotional reaction patterns to the various mass media content that is being spread. These are social experiments and psychological operations in which they measure ranges of perceptual ability that exists in varying sections of the public that generate these reality bubbles. They are attempting to find a baseline of consensus reality which appeals to the majority of current consciousness levels, seeking to manipulate the main reality bubbles that can be controlled through ranges of perception that they desire the public to follow. They want to mislead the majority of the population into a feedline of spoon-fed information that will continue to reinforce the culling of the said reality bubble. They seek to brainwash the masses into distraction from connecting the dots and perceiving the much larger picture of world events, disclosure and planetary ascension. Unfortunately, as we are being inundated with all forms of media, there are many unscrupulous tactics to use subtle and not so subtle ways to target people with sophisticated webs of deceptions and mind control. How desperate we are for hearing and seeing the truth during these end times. How demoralized we feel when everything that is being blasted at us through full spectrum AI driven algorithmic propaganda has flooded the zones of everything we once enjoyed as the simple pleasures of life— feeling the sinister encroachment of mind control lies poisoning everything it touches. Mind Control is used to form socially acceptable belief systems and shape anti-human value systems, which direct thoughts that are in contradiction to each other, like war and killing for peace. As long as the planet is at war with itself, and humanity thinks we are at war with each other, we feed into the mind control system of the NAA, which allows them to continue the vampirism of planetary resources, and enforce the genocide of the people. Therefore, we must reeducate ourselves to learn how the media is used as a directed psychological and emotional operation that is used against the public, in order to get the desired results as premeditated and orchestrated by those who are behind spoon feeding and controlling how these messages are being presented. It is critical we learn how news outlets are actually sponsored commercials that are being used to promote a series of harmful agendas, and how these messages can entrain our brains to feel certain emotions toward products and even commercial or political candidates. Please be aware that for a great many years, the NAA have continued to use clone warfare to confuse the public so they are unable to tell who is a deceptive fraud acting as a falsified identity through clone warfare. Further, these mind control programs are implanted into the spiritually blind and morally corrupt, the hopelessly brainwashed through these abominations that appear as black hole entities of the Beast Machine. Christos Starseeds are able to track and view artificial intelligence structures and false holograms being used to clone their image, projects and grid work, in attempts to stop the progression of tri-wave architecture in the planetary field. For some gridworkers it is a way of life and we know it is the standard NAA playbook to form dark resistance to our service and mission. However, these tactics with inserts are used to scare or intimidate those groups who are newly awakening, and are not yet aware of the predictable bullying antics of the NAA. This is how they engineer divide and conquer scenarios and incite confusion. In this way they use the frequency fence or artificial technology algorithm to block out the range of higher frequencies, of knowledge and information that does not fall into the average range of perception, that is manifesting in the majority of the collective consciousness. As an example, we can say that there is a reality bubble deliberately culling the masses into the belief of governmental party lines as good or bad, and that voting Republican or Democrat matters. These are methods of Divide and Conquer played out in the Inverted System, to keep the masses polarized on matters that are insignificant, feeding into the deception. Many adults are unable to discern, comprehend or synthesize the information they are reading, and thus rely on the televised propaganda churned out by the Controllers’ mainstream media broadcasts of CIA-owned news anchors. To be better informed we must stop knee jerk reactions and losing impulse control from reacting to the media as if we believe its content is truthful or accurate. It is not. We are being lied to, and we must grow up to recognize and realize that fact.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Reality Bubbles / Seek the Kingdom of God

Read related article:

LISA RENEE on “Televised Propaganda Churned Out by the Controllers’ Mainstream Media Broadcasts of CIA-Owned News Anchors”

Images courtesy of Ascension Avatar

QUESTIONS FOR LISA RENEE ~ “Is there a Reptilian Agenda for the English Monarchy?”


“Is there a Reptilian agenda for the English monarchy??”


“I am on a need-to-know basis. While walking into the mysteries of God, I had no idea that this is what many of these larger issues as they reveal themselves, would look like. I have been given the opportunity to look at the larger pieces in the architecture of the planet, while looking at the breadcrumbs that piece into these larger systems. Doing session and remote grid work, shows many of these histories and their energetic signatures which can be read. Everything has an energy signature and can be recalled from the consciousness fields and the timelines. This is the way to coherently see how these patterns function and who operates them. I have had not an iota of interest in political systems, or governances, to say the least. I am a celestial being and would rather get on a star ship than learn about this level existing in the political arena. This topic is about as uninteresting personally as I could imagine. Clearly, if all of a sudden in the last few months, I am being asked to step up into a role of support clearing miasm and syphilis from Tudor bloodlines within these particular issues of monarch timelines, it would lead us to believe as we become aware of this, that there is a purpose for that awareness and knowledge. We are starting to see the web of deceit that has been woven at every possible level in order to control human intelligence and evolution from naturally moving into the destiny of the divine embodied soul. That has been the most mind blowing part of this discovery, to see how incredibly detailed and orchestrated this control has been. How random it may have appeared that Henry VIII was slaughtering most all monks in Europe during his reign, I had no idea he had done that until coming into the awareness of seeing it happen in the time fields. He was orchestrated by Draconians controlling the Vatican to go and steal all of the light bearers money, possessions, value, wisdom, texts, books, and to destroy and kill them all. This is the same program of ethnic genocide and holocaust that has been played out on earth so many times by the Negative Alien Agenda. As a Tyrant King, he had no clue to the larger purpose of infiltrating the monarchy, he just wanted the power and money. After the Vatican purposes were served he was used to create another rift with those reptilians in the UK area, which was the whole debacle of the Protestant reformation, Act of Supremacy, changing out the House of the Lords, to reptilian bloodlines and making himself as a direct conduit and representative of the Church. Wars over God and more bloodshed were now secured in plenty of future battles used to fuel these Church and State bindings. This was an reptilian agenda and action used to ensnare satanic ritual into the places of ‘worship’, which also supported more killing over Gods and religion. However his actions created a future timeline which supported the Reptilian Agenda to infiltrate deeper into the monarch bloodlines. This was a systematic takeover to give ruling power to the bloodlines the Reptilians directly control. It is a direct repercussion to what we are dealing with today, with the Tyrant King ruling and warring on the earth. This man’s actions from the 1500’s have manifested grave consequences that the planet is still dealing with karmically today. The incredible part is in observing how human beings from their negative ego consciousness have been manipulated at such deep levels over the power structure of the earth, then and now. This is all about gaining ultimate dominion over the earth power resources yet these beings played into these agendas having no clue what this galactic fight and genetic preferencing was about. While Henry VIII was taking all the light bearer’s’ wealth and information was to disempower those indigenous peoples and light peoples, the peoples who held the wisdom and kept it in hiding until the lights would go on, the golden age would return. They were being systematically dismantled and destroyed so they could not have the unity and power that would render them as a threat against the dark agenda of control. So the dark control was using humans to trap and kill ourselves, having some of us sell out the others from personal greed and power, while genetically mutating us to become more like them. War mongers, Tyrants and emotion-less killers. Henry VIII was one man, like many before him, and more after him, that played into the reptilian agenda and changed the future history of the human race through usurping the monarchy. The repercussions are still operating as miasms, controlling the actions the Tyrant Kings of today. Once we understand where we actually come from and what we have been doing to lead us into this moment, we are empowered to have a choice, to make the timeline change into a higher reality structure. So every effort to hide the real human history and lie about alien involvement in our world affairs and its corruption into the ruling blood lines, has been made possible. We all have been tricked and deceived by smiling faces with blood on their hands. I truly feel this is what we are entering into at this time, we must face what has happened to this planet and to the human race. Those that control the world, have controlled our record of human history, and we have been lied to. It is not pleasant, but it is necessary to develop the spiritual maturity and wisdom required to be accountable for our actions and understand our role of responsibility to this reality. Only when we understand the Alien Invasion and ET history will we, as a species, be able to put into place humanitarian systems on this earth that are truly in place to be of service to support the potential of the human race. Until the ET disclosure is made, humanity has only a small Band-Aid for the gaping wounds that have been created by the hidden reptilian manipulation and control. This infiltration of the Monarch lines is just one small slice of the overall deception.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Energetic Synthesis

‘MASTER-SLAVE MENTALITY’ ~ LISA RENEE on “Putting Greedy and Corrupt People in Positions of Power over Others”

“As we learn about the Negative Alien Agenda, it is clear that hidden in our collective subconscious and psyche all of humanity is aware at some level we are not free beings on the earth, and that we live in a global System of Slavery. Facing how we were enslaved and what really has happened in human history and reclaiming our truth is the only path to liberate ourselves. To better understand the recipe for the Master-Slave Mentality and how it spreads fear and survival consciousness, let’s look at Slavery in America and the mindset of slave owners during that timeline, which motivated it. The Germanic groups introduced the first captured Africans to America in the early 17th century, which evolved into a nightmare of abuse and cruelty that would ultimately divide the people into destructive and painful conflicts, which largely remain unhealed in the human psyche today. Today slavery in all its forms is a global epidemic and the result of the dark age of consciousness enslavement. The Dutch and Germanic groups kidnapped families, ripped them from their homeland, shipped them to another continent, advertised and sold them as purchased property as free labor sources for farms and plantation owners in the new colonies. New slave owners enjoying the massive profits and wealthy status from free labor, started to methodically plan ways that the slaves would become completely dependent upon them, to generate a slave mentality of perfect submission to abusive behaviors. They stripped away their dignity through Dehumanization tactics, and by developing restrictions that prevented that person’s natural development and growth as an independent human being. Slaves were not given human rights, were not allowed to be educated, to read and write, and their behaviors, movement and access were extremely restricted by the consequence of vicious punishment or death. Many slave owners raped slave women at will and with their partner or children looking on, and this did not matter, as she was only property. The slave owners of the South became a controlling power in the world in cotton production, all because of the big profits made on the misery of slave labor. As more people became slave owners, they profited greatly and justified their reasons for doing so. Thus, they created convenient belief systems that suited their own negative ego and personal views, such as believing the God in their bible actually endorses slavery. Because their actions included gross power abuses that were inherently feeding anti-life and anti-human ideologies and they gradually lost their inherent human qualities, they lost the capacity to feel empathy and compassion for others enduring miserable conditions. By believing another living human being was a piece of property and a defective creature designed for such purpose, they started to justify cruelty and brutality as acceptable treatment, and conditions that suited their corrupt and selfish belief systems. When groups of people start to classify other groups of people as subhuman, this is the direct recipe for generating violent acts that lead to human genocide. Human Genocide, the killing of our own species by our own hands, is a favorite agenda for the NAA. All of this quick wealth and money making on slave labor and the worldwide economic impact it had, began a socio-political movement into the positive pro-slavery ideology among many people in the South that were reaping its many rewards. The propaganda was that slavery was not evil but a positive and moral good to help what was believed to be a defective group of people attain civility in a Christian civilization, and this belief was postulated among those profiting from slavery the most. This same formula for producing slavery is still in place, although the timeline has changed and the power has shifted into the hands of the more technologically advanced Psychopath. The mindset to profit on the misery of others and achieve world domination via control of wealth and resources through worldwide slavery, is exactly how the human and nonhuman Controller thinks. We must first realize that the long-term intent of these massive institutions is for mass conformity into the slave mentality, while gradually introducing Soft-Kill Methods of a pre-planned and controlled Genocide. The promotion of Poverty, war, disease and human misery are all serving the master mentality that is backed by the alien handlers. Therefore, it is important to understand that the corrupt systems which govern and control human culture have been socially engineered by the NAA and Power Elite for the purpose of consciousness enslavement in order to achieve these objectives. Although this is a strong factor because most of the people in the higher rungs of power have been placed there due to their low ethics or have infiltrated through some larger agenda. It is the intentional design, in the way the societal structures have been meticulously built through secretive means to take control over and shape humanity into the slave mentality, to capture people’s thoughts and to influence them in the direction the Controllers want them to go. Power Abuses were an essential feature, intentionally designed into the institutions and organizations that were created centuries ago in order to legitimatize and monetize human suffering and world slavery, for the tranquil benefit of the few. This means we must decide how much we are willing to know of these unpleasant truths that have been built into the firmament of the Pillars Running Our Society. To what degree can we recognize that we have been intentionally programmed to be totally dependent upon them in order to submit to absolute authority, no matter how inhumane or cruel. Classified documents and non-disclosure agreements under penalty of total annihilation of one’s life and livelihood, keep many a potential Whistleblower’s mouth shut. This deeper knowledge will inherently change our world view and belief systems as we shed the slave mentality and begin to critically think for ourselves, in order to become a productive cause for improving the lives of all people, worldwide. To remove human resistance to their long-term takeover agenda, the secretive infiltration of the core societal and organizational structures began thousands of years ago. Silently and methodically introducing Inverted Systems to take over the structures governing the top hierarchy in monarchy, military, political, religious, medical, financial and legal systems. This would be ideal, to shape the value systems that generate the Pavlovian style of behavior modification in material-based reality that they seek to control. Through the engineering of a labyrinth of self-enforced Enslavement policies based on fear and intimidation to control the minds of the earth inhabitants, they would use minimal off planet resources and remain invisible as the ruling class. The people on earth would effectively enforce their own Enslavement, as well as enslave their own global human family by giving up their rights, their access to knowledge and their resources. This is very effective for takeover and invasion with minimal resistance or revolt by inhabitants, who are unaware they are being invaded by an unseen enemy and that a silent war is being carried out against them. The NAA and Controllers use the hidden Mind Control game to play the Master-Slave Narrative against another species, earth humans, which is designed to invoke submission to brute power as the authority and to accept power abuses as normal in part of everyday life, in order to ensure a means for personal survival. They indoctrinated the Power Elite into the Master-Slave Mentality in order to act as their representative prison wardens on the surface, aligning them with the alien invasion slavery agenda, rather than siding with humanity. Think of the mindset of the slave owners as the NAA, and the conditions that are created for mental slavery, emotional slavery, spiritual slavery and physical slavery that are imposed on all of humanity across the globe, regardless of their tribe, sex or skin color. We may only think of slavery as a physical event, in which a ball and chain or four walls have imprisoned the physical body. However, slavery extends to the mind, emotions and spirit. To understand the effects of world slavery and how it has impacted all of us individually and collectively, we have to begin to think of the World Slavery System at all the levels it is being perpetrated; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Depending on the cultural narrative, demographics and prosperity of the nation, this will inform us of how the Master-Slave Narrative is used to generate learned helplessness and dependency on the corrupt inverted systems, in order to self-enforce enslavement in that population. And the extent to which the common people will mimic the same slavery mind set to self-enforce the same types of oppression upon their brother or sister when they don’t conform to the consensus narrative. The enslaved mind that has been conditioned to feel secure while conforming to the Master-Slave Narrative, will enforce those same conditions of Slavery on others, from their own deep subconscious fears. We have all been groomed to accept the controller pillars of the 3D narrative, and to accept Abuses of Power as a standard human behavior carried out by the self-proclaimed masters. The controller guided institutional structures that model Abuses of Power by worshiping profit-based incentives and materialist Consumerism over the wellbeing of humans are broken and corrupt, they are designed to serve those with the Master-Slave Mentality. Abuses of Power embedded in the system are not merely a random action or an honest mistake made, by putting greedy and corrupt people in positions of power over others.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Slavery in America / Master-Slave Mentality

Images courtesy of Ascension Avatar

LISA RENEE on “Warfare as a Result of the Major World Governments Making Contact with Negative Aliens”

“During World War II, there was a major revolution in the Militarization and approach to warfare as a result of the major world governments making contact with Negative Aliens, who introduced them to an array of advanced technologies in exchange for access to human genetics, breeding programs and earth resources. During this phase of setting up covert military programs to experiment with these alien based advanced technologies, it became common knowledge in the secret intelligence factions that human brain waves and behavior could be influenced or controlled through exposures to light and sound or electromagnetic frequencies. These exposures were covertly tested out on human beings for many purposes, through the development of various electromagnetic frequency Implants. Since the Majestic 12 and Zeta Grey Alien Trade Agreements were made about 85 years ago, earth inhabitants have been aggressively experimented upon with hidden technologies used to Implant Thoughts as one of the many prongs of social engineering programs. Military Grey Alien Technology has been artificially written into the various reversal field grid networks, as well as have manifested independent harm from their technologies of military weapons, genetic experiments, timeline programs, Artificial Intelligence, Holographic Inserts and astral mirages, human abductions, tagging/tracking and Astral Plane manipulation. One particular distortion we’d like to bring to your attention is the Zeta Seal, because these implants have been more active in the general 3D population during this time of transition to the next harmonic universe, which is bringing much higher frequencies to be exposed to the masses. Electrical impulses are generated from the lightbody via the Nadial Structure, which is a spiritual body part. It is made up of a webbing of energetic receivers and energetic transmitters that are intrinsic to the interconnected messaging functions in the human Soul-Spirit consciousness layers. The Zeta Seal is located in the Astral Plane layers of the heart complex to block activation of the 4th DNA strand which blocks access to the higher intelligence of the Mentor Fields, the first layer of the Higher Self self mind in the 5th dimension. It is designed to interfere with the Nadial Structure which instructs the human nervous system and communicates with the circuitry of the human heart. Recently, events have opened up timelines related to Zeta Seals and 4D implants that block the heart organ for its capability to access its multidimensional layers in the heart complex and the etheric nadis — which is the blueprint for the CNS and brain receiver. Zeta Seals are also related to the military industrial complex timelines, these seals are on the first layer of the heart chakra which puts a barrier between the heart and the mental body transmission — it is a type of Splitter Tech that scrambles the communication between the heart transmission and the brain receiver. When this is implanted, the person cannot feel much as ‘energy’ in the environment, and it appears to be reinforced or strengthened when entering military service. This Grey technology is sprayed/injected in many military related areas, ceremonies or any kind of military exposure. There is a lot of this splitter tech and the Zeta Seal still operating in the 3D public. The most aggressive and violent of the Zeta groups are those that come from the star system Rigel, and thus are called Rigelians or Zeta-Drakonian Rigelians. This particular group was involved in military testing projects known as the Montauk Project, in which they set up the participants to fail, whereby ripping open holes into the space time field in the earth body in which the Zeta gained more access levels into the earth grid. This allowed for easier access to continue human abduction experiments for genetic engineering and testing, in order to create and evolve an assortment of human Clones and human hybrids that are engineered to carry out workloads or for fulfilling certain purposes. Infiltration of pregnant human mothers occurred through the abduction scenarios in which the unborn child would be injected with Zeta-Drakonian genetics and monitored after birth and into adulthood. By infusing genetic material into the child, the child grows into an adult in which can be controlled through the manipulation of DNA Signals whereby hijacking the Bio-Neurological System. Guardian teams assist in these matters by cleansing out the genetic material of these patterns in order to free these individuals from Zeta Hive Mind Control.”

~Lisa Renee

~via Zeta Alien Surveillance, Abduction and Breeding / Zeta Seal