SUNNY GAULT: June 29, 2024 ~ The Rundown / World Situation Report Recap: “Alien Black Pyramids in Alaska’s DUMBS Destroyed, Fake US Presidential Debate, Elon Musk’s Epic Fail”

This week, we’ve got field messenger reports from Uganda, Mexico, The United States, and Romania. In the New Earth, we focus on creating your frequency first-aid kit, how you can heal with your voice, and the biggest secret of weight loss, which is learning how to recognize your body’s cues. In regional news, we learn more about a scam in India to get students to pass medical exams, how Foxconn is rejecting applications from married women, and the prevalence of fake news websites in the US and worldwide. In our World Situation Report, we learn more about DUMBS located under the Black Pyramids in Alaska and the plot to replace commercial lighting with LEDs to control you. The “US Presidential Debate” was completely staged as “Trump” and “Biden” deep-fake generated scripts read from teleprompters and weren’t in the same room together. And, deep state “tech darling” Elon Musk attempts to connect human consciousness using the “Triple X” System via Neuralink, and fails.

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~via United Network News

JIM JONES / Q / DONALD TRUMP OPERATIVES: “DRINK THE KOOL-AID.” ~ Kim Goguen & Sunny Gault: June 21, 2024 World Situation Report

Join Sunny, Calen, and the Field Messengers for the REAL News! Sunny from the US shares the experience of Meeting a Walrus, and Monica from Romania reports on the birth of a Baby Dolphin. In New Earth News: we are learning about Connecting with the Body; and much more! In World news: EU Scan Private Messages; Australia Lithium Batteries; and more! Plus, a World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian! Topics discussed: 36:10 Kim Goguen’s SitRep, 39:00 Fake news, Trump vs. Biden operatives, 40;30 Jim Jones, Q, Trump poison Kool-Aid, 46:20 BRICS currencies, 47:00 SSP, NSA, 51:50 Soul-swapped clones/cyborgs?.

Join the UNITED NETWORK NEWS (UNN) sponsorship family today and be a catalyst for knowledge and change. Your support will empower us to curate and distribute high-quality content, reaching a wide audience and sparking meaningful discussions. Together, let’s make a real impact on this enlightening journey of sharing information. Visit our Website / Become a Community Sponsor

~via United Network News

KIM GOGUEN: June 26, 2024 World Situation Report

Ascension Avatar note: I’ll provide the following link to the video until it is available on United Network News’ YouTube channel. A World Situation Report with Kim from the Office of the Guardian! Topics discussed: Neurological disturbances cleaned / Banks searching for gold assets / WEF wants social credit system installed — failed / ‘Farms’ bred and trained operatives for black ops for Deep State / ‘Farm’ financial system removed / 4th July historical annual day for deep State funding was stopped in 2012.


Join the UNITED NETWORK NEWS (UNN) sponsorship family today and be a catalyst for knowledge and change. Your support will empower us to curate and distribute high-quality content, reaching a wide audience and sparking meaningful discussions. Together, let’s make a real impact on this enlightening journey of sharing information. Visit our Website / Become a Community Sponsor

~via United Network News

PAUL A. PHILIPS: “10 Signs of Our Global Awakening!”

Empowerment, planetary awakening, self help, mass consciousness, enlightenment, new paradigm, Ascension, Paul A Philips, the shift, truth vibrations

Since time immemorial, under the ruling thumb of the world’s dark overlords, humanity has been hacked, stymied, suppressed and coerced into submission through mind controlling, soul destroying atrocity…

-Those unable to see that just about every subject under the sun is a deception and how their family and friends are affected don’t realize the extent to which the dark overlords have us snugly stitched up.

However, alternative media sources tell us that people are awakening exponentially to the realization that they’re being stitched up and in the swathe of these awakened souls more and more are playing their dutiful part in enlightening others.

So here are 10 signs of our global mass awakening.

1. Monsanto’s earnings plummeted by 34%

The earnings drop in the biotech company’s 1st fiscal quarter suggests a growing public disdain for their GM seeds as more and more people realize the dangers of GMO and its glyphosate herbicide.

Marches against Monsanto have intensified and don’t look like cooling down… More and more realize that Monsanto are out to patent, own and control every seed in the world. This threatens the destruction and diversity of every natural God-given seed…

2. Increasing health awareness

Although still very popular people’s awareness of the dangers of fast food has increased, as indicated by recent erratic share prices in some of the major fast food corporations who’ve had to pull out all marketing stops to claw back on fallen share prices…

In line with 1, reports indicate that last year people have shown more interest than ever in organic non-GMO healthier food options. Besides how these choices affect health, people’s increased interest and awareness has extended into concerns over the environment, animals and the workers involved in food production.

3. More Americans break away from the Republican-Democrat 2-party system

In recent years more and more people have turned away from identifying themselves with the Democrat-or-Republican duopoly. A recent Gallop poll showed that last year only 29% claimed to be Democrats while 26% were Republicans with a 42% break away from the 2-party system calling themselves ‘independents.’

Another Gallop poll also reflecting recent years showed that exasperation with their government was the number 1 grievance pressing the US populace. A concern about the ubiquitous economy was at the top of the list…

The 2016 election campaigning ramps up but only with a lukewarm response for the Republican-Democrat 2-party system… Could the 42% ‘silent majority’ independents produce the beginning of a paradigm shift in US politics with their votes?

Perhaps the ‘silent majority’ see right through the voting deception knowing that choosing Republican or Democrat not only changes nothing but also means casting a vote for the New World Order totalitarian agenda.

4. The fall and further fall of the mainstream media   

The world’s dark overlords controlling the mainstream media to manipulate our consensus reality is breaking down as more of us become distrusting, no longer buying into its spin. A number of reports confirm a continuing slump in sales threatening the very existence of some large mainstream media outlets. –Well, good riddance to these dinosaurs I say!

5. Increasing recognition of disinformation

People are increasingly seeing right through those various media sources with their dogmatic unhealthy sceptics, shills, trolls, pseudo-debunkers, controlled opposition agents, biasing, filtering and in-your-face lies…  intended to sell you the spin of disinformation to keep you ignorant, deceived and helplessly anesthetized in the matrix controlling system…

6. Increasing support for alternative/independent and social media

The explosive interest in alternative/independent and social media outlet has not only changed our views but also continues to redefine journalism and how news is presented. How this is redefining media is subject for another piece. -Simple to say we’re in a golden age of alternative/independent and social media which has indeed contributed greatly to our global awakening.


7. Changing viewpoint towards the ‘Conspiracy theorist’

Another blatant indicator confirming our awakening is a change in how the term ‘Conspiracy theorist’ is now generally viewed.

Used frequently over the years in mainstream media the term ‘conspiracy theorist’ was invented in the 60’s by the CIA (Crooks In Action). It has been used as a cover up; to discredit those aware of the facts on how the dark overlords and their associates’ have been involved in criminal activity…

No longer generally viewed as a label to slap on crazy kooks believing Richard Nixon was a werewolf… etc… Conspiracy theory has become more generally viewed as either conspiracy fact or at least something worth investigating rather than flatly dismissing.


8. Increasing attempts to shut us up

Our global mass awakening has got the dark overlords greatly concerned as they question the effectiveness of their control systems over us. How can they deal with our awakening in growing overwhelming numbers?

Desperately, in cahoots with their associates, they’re throwing everything at us ranging from the grossly suppressive, the extremely petty, the violent and the ridiculous.., to try to shut us up and deny our self-expression, keep us mentally, spiritually and physically enslaved in the matrix controlling system.


9. Awakening through unknown/unforeseen processes

Our awakening goes beyond the specific and measurable: We cannot simply quantify our awakening: There are circumstances occurring on a spiritual level that go beyond our limited understanding. Such as, for example, claims have been made recently of energetic emissions from our galactic centre that could affect our spirituality and transform us…

10. Rise in meet local up groups

As already mentioned, the internet and social media has indeed been great for exchanging information to wake people up but what if these set ups become censored?

Further, large groups, virtual or real, run the risk of infiltration for dumbing down and deliberate disinformation. So the solution lies in the forming of local community based in-person groups to cultivate the resistance and humanity…

-This has been recognised as a solution and local meet up groups are growing. 

In conclusion

Will our mass awakening produce a turnaround, a world that makes a difference for everyone? A world where there’s no predators, no victims, no controlling hierarchical tree with just a few blood-sucking vampiric enslavers at the top ruling the numerous enslaved at the bottom… No more fight for self-sufficiency because that’s been achieved in the communities… etc

-It is up to us all to play our part







PAUL A. PHILIPS: “Now That You’ve Awakened How Do You Awaken Others?”


So you see the ‘big picture.’  You’ve awakened to the realization that the planet has been hijacked by a small number of ruling elite psychopaths. You know about their planned genocide and New World Order enslavement agenda. You want to do something about it. So, you start spreading the word to awaken others, telling them what’s really happening in the world…

Remember, the greater the number of awakened individuals spreading the word, the quicker we as a race can reach that critical mass number of consciously awakened individuals needed to prevent the planned doom and gloom and co-create a turnaround for planetary transformation.

The change in mass consciousness for planetary transformation has to be done, especially with a sense of urgency as it’s a do-or-die-situation.

Indeed, learning how to spread the word to the un-awakened can be quite a difficult task at times. How to spread the word effectively is a subject, I feel, that is not addressed enough in the alternative media community. However, over the years, I have learnt a number of effective ways to do it that avoids many pitfalls.

Remember, know that you can make a difference – insignificance is an illusion:

Here are some of those effective ways to spread the word crucial for playing a part in our mass awakening and planetary change.


Keep it simple

Share your revelations on an increasingly steady gradient over time (don’t get heavy), so that people will grasp more easily where you’re coming from and be more accepting of what you say along the way.

Distinguish the Nay-Sayers

No matter how eloquent you may be, knowledgeable, good at communication, dealing with people’s idiosyncrasies… there are some people who just don’t get it and I doubt if they ever will. –These people will invalidate you without ever investigating your claims… The sooner you can distinguish these Nay-Sayers like those interviewing David Icke in the video below, limited by their self-imposed bubble of existence, the sooner you can move on to spread the word to others who are more open-minded and receptive.

‘Gauge the person’

If you want to make a difference then try to ‘gauge the person.’   That is, find out if they are open to what you have to say, or establish where they are at with their own awakening (if this is the case). Then you can speak to them on a level that they will gain further understanding…

Pick an area

Many people began with their awakening in a particular area. For example, my awakening began with health. If you can share a common ground with someone who somehow feels that things are not right in a particular subject area then this indeed is the subject to awaken them with. Do you have a specialist area of knowledge you could share?

Set an example

As the saying goes, be that change you want to see in the world. Walk the walk, talk the talk… For instance, if you’re campaigning for health then practice what you preach by livingly healthily… Be authentic.

Awakening, empowerment, raising awareness, consciousness, New World Order, self-help, conspiracy, new paradigm, Paul A Philips, transformation, activism, truther, truth


Be courageous but do it lovingly!

You may well have something worth saying. However, if you come across somewhat angrily or in a huff.., then the person/persons listening may not hear what you’re saying, not matter how you justified it. They will only get angry with your anger or huffy with your huffiness… So, basically, do indeed be courageous if needed, but try to spread the word lovingly.

Remember, you haven’t anything to sell…

For me, the way I see it is like this. I haven’t got anything to sell: I’m not out to change the world. I couldn’t change one person if I tried. People don’t change people. All we can ever do is present an opportunity to someone. It is up to that person to take and make something out of that opportunity and then change them self.

Questions are answers

One way of spreading the word, getting someone interested and aware is to give them questions.  Giving someone questions not only encourages inquiry but also avoids confrontation. Instead of you being head-on confronted, the person is more likely to confront the question. –Thus, questions indirectly serve as answers.

Know thy stuff!

Be prepared to give knowledgeable responses when challenged! A good knowledgeable response breeds confidence and courage.

Spreading the written word…

There are many free or cheap and easy to run blog sites you can use for spreading the word. Then there are many excellent free article submission websites to get your voice heard… Or how about creating an email list or social media setup..? Or you could give a slide-show presentation to your family and friends…  Can you think of other ways?

-That concludes some of the many ways and suggestions on how to awaken others.

I hope that this has encouraged and inspired!








LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Protecting Our Heart”


“As we find the inner stillness and remain mentally and emotionally calm, there is an incredible amount of spiritual support and potential activation into the higher intelligence of the heart-brain complex that we can rebuild and attune to within ourselves. It is our strong heart and capacity to love that protects our ability to embody the Krystal Consciousness,  while we are exposed to the war game over the earth.”  ~Lisa Renee


The heart-brain complex is an intelligence structure that can best be defined as the original, organic design and function of the collective human soul/oversoul matrix and its cellular memory interface with the planetary grid heart consciousness network. As a part of the mechanics of the energy structure of the many fields of consciousness, (the morphogenetic field layers that control time and space), the heart–brain complex is a consciousness structure and architecture that has been largely dormant within the planetary body fields. This consciousness intelligence has remained dormant primarily from the genetic manipulation of the negative alien agenda and their inorganic enslavement architecture used on the planet. The heart-brain complex is a part of the planetary nervous system (grid network) and the nerve cell(s) of the planetary body that directly message into and through the individual human body via the heart complex. We must have emotional depth and empathy to receive and understand the planetary heart signal. Many people on this earth cannot feel or sense it, because their heart is closed or blackened. It is important to recognize, that on our planet, essentially we are in a struggle to retain and protect our heart to remain strong enough to connect with our inner spirit and directly link our heart communication with the infinite God source. Everything that we endure on this planet has been designed by the Controllers to break our heart in order to maim, damage and kill our loving feelings of empathy, kindness and compassion for others. To make us feel disconnected and apathetic about ourselves. To be emotionally shut down and uncaring towards the crimes against humanity that contribute to the chaotic and dark state of the planet. Extremely dark forces want humanity to lose all sensory feeling abilities, and to shut down the loving kindness that comes from an awakened heart . Thus, it takes spiritual maturity, courage and bravery to be able to accept the nature of this reality, to see it as it is really, and to keep our heart open, loving and kind – no matter what. To endure the intensity of the recent shifting timelines, we will need to never lose sight of the power that resides inside our loving heart, and to never allow the external forces to harm or diminish the quality of love that we can broadcast from our heart. Can you make the true commitment to unconditionally love with all of your heart without expecting something in return?

To open our heart and be unconditionally loving takes strength of character, and this is the fastest way to gain the power of virtues. Virtues are the qualities of goodness that define the very purpose of our human lives, they are the content of our character and the truest expression of our heart based spiritual-energetic nature. Virtues are the qualities of goodness which also inhabit in the world of forces, they are consciousness that quantifies through the higher spiritual forces that awaken the soul and spirit within the heart complex. When one builds strength in virtues, one builds strength in the power of the forces of unconditional love and kindness, which translate into the direct connection that links with God Forces. We reap the quality of our cultivated virtue in that which brings incredible gifts of spiritual powers, directly from the spirits of God. These living forces are the Spirits of Christ, which become connected with the embodiment in ones inner spirit. These gifts are the “Bestowal of Grace” that is received through the sincerity of one’s virtuous thoughts or virtuous actions to be of service to the whole, to be of service to God. It is made clear to define that the Bestowal of Grace is not dispensed through any premeditated intermediary, such as with a Guru or Priest, but is received as a dispensation of grace from the personal cultivation of virtues that are made strong through the practice of unconditionally loving. To strengthen our spiritual foundation at its root in our personal Tree of Life, we must place our relationship with God as our primary focus, finding the courage every day to cultivate strong virtues through practicing loving kindness and compassion. This practice may sound easy, but in the state of the world today, it is not.

A virtue is a characteristic of a person that supports the development of individual goodness, having ethical standards for honoring life, for the purpose of personal spiritual development, higher consciousness and collective humanitarian well being. This is a person who chooses to promote principles of love and kindness while giving their best every day, with whatever they have in the moment. If one focuses on building strong virtues through being unconditionally loving,  these accumulated behaviors translate into higher frequencies that lead to personal freedom and direct God connection. If one is allowing strong vices to take control over them, such as addiction, this leads to personal bondage and servitude to dark forces. This is our personal choice, to have spiritual freedom or spiritual bondage, through the choices we make every day to either cultivate virtues or vices. When we are spiritually strong, we are a fortress of heart based devotion and dedication to serve the highest expression of our goodness, as a spiritual and multidimensional being. Heart based devotion progressively builds solid ethics and strong virtues, which are the collective attributes that directly attract the consciousness of the Spirits of Christos, which are the rays of love that emanate from the heart of God. Once we embody the Spirits of Christ, these rays emanate from our own heart, and our heart grows increasingly larger, capable to hold extremely high frequencies of love, light and power that are directed from the infinite source to benefit the planet and humanity.

The original astral heart complex of earth is the fourth dimensional, green spectrum of light, and the brain (logos) of the planet is the ultraviolet spectrum of light. In order to rebuild the heart-brain complex pathways, these ley lines, dimensional bodies and their related structures have to be shifted to make way for the new heart-brain structure and to run its spark current. That is what is transpiring now, a demolition of black source blockages, the grid structures that hold distortion, damage and waste product debris (miasma). These are being broken down to consciousness units that are re-assimilated or transmuted out from these impacted areas systematically, that have black heart circulatory systems that have been feeding satanic hierarchies. There are higher dimensional conflicts around the perception of how Guardian grid projects are impacting the earth at this time. Each perception is based upon a vantage point of existence in the time and space field, yet this is a necessary part of the re-assimilation of the many levels of consciousness units to experience the synthesis of polarities back into the Unity field.

Recently, Guardian Teams went to San Francisco Bay area to research and correct artificial intelligence signaling that is creating DNA mutational damage in humans and in the earth, from running these specific currents of AI that power up black heart networks, and satanic architecture used to house massive hierarchies of demonic forces. These “black houses” are used as phantom portals to allow satanic forces to easily walk around on the earth, and take over the area without human awareness. There are conflicts in other dimensions around the placement in time and space where the break down and removal of the black house interface is impacting other networks, and forcing entities to be moved out from that space in time. Satanic forces are extremely arrogant, which is their blind spot, entities are trapped in lower dimensional or material reality perception where the right hand does not know what the left hand is doing, nor for what purpose. From every dimensional level of perception, there is a vantage point that is unique and many times, limited to that specific time and space location. Satanic forces have a very limited perception while they are desperate to exact complete control over other people’s energy sources.

Therefore there are many kinds of Celestial beings, both dark and light, at many higher dimensions (and partial ascensions) that are also undergoing a process of God realization and transformation of existence, throughout the Universal Ascension Cycle.

The planetary heart- brain complex is ignited from within the core of the earth, as well as the replica of that complex existing in the center of our human skull and brain. The heart brain link up in the individual is between the center of the brain at the pineal gland, igniting its spiritual spark and linking directly into the higher heart center of the permanent seed atom. The heart brain complex is ignited by the Collective Monadic Body Spark, which is fueled by the proper phasing that exchanges directly into the heart of God (Universal Core) and returns the spark to ignite and expand itself as a running current throughout the complex meridians, axiational lines of the heart brain complex. This is a Universal Cosmic Orbit, the macrocosm version of the “microcosmic orbit” that runs within our own central vertical channel.

The heart-brain complex is coming online within the smaller ascending human population now, as well is the result of, the larger Guardian planetary grid demolition of satanic architecture and ongoing grid repair projects.

To ignite and run the circuits of this heart-brain complex, many levels of the architecture and grids of the planetary network must be either, repaired, rehabilitated or demolished to be rebuilt into the new foundational structure. Since last year, there have been sequential events leading to this process of demolition, implosion in order to rehabilitate and reconnect necessary axiational lines, spinning grid points and various vortexes. A portion of this issue was that there were holographic insert implants in the planetary body that were projecting pineal implants and cages that surrounded the pineal itself. This was to “freeze” or calcify the pineal functions and to actual deteriorate the pineal gland functions, since this gland is key in the ascension process to activate the deeper awakened heart, as well as ignite the higher mental processes of the spiritual intelligence.

Some of us will be more sensitive to the flying energetic debris than others; it depends on our unique role and genetic package. Like being a construction worker on a work site, we need to be wearing a hard helmet and protective gear and goggles, as there is debris, trash, waste, pollution, fallout and confused people all scattering about in the middle of the worksite. (Wear your 12D Shield!) This is a time to remain calm in the middle of the darkness and chaos, it is better to conserve and direct our energies with purpose, protecting and fortifying our bodies, and aligning to the highest frequencies of loving kindness within our heart. Finding the stillness, while in the center of the tornado is what we are called to do in this cycle, along with having a proper evolutionary context for the war over consciousness that we are all exposed. As we find the inner stillness and remain mentally and emotionally calm, there is an incredible amount of spiritual support and potential activation into the higher intelligence of the heart-brain complex that we can rebuild and attune to within ourselves. It is our strong heart and capacity to love that protects our ability to embody the Krystal Consciousness,  while we are exposed to the war game over the earth.

The heart-brain awakening will directly impact the skull, cheeks, eyebrows, neck, jaw, including the crown, third eye, pineal, and pituitary glands, which may be presently shifting in one’s awareness. We have many physical and energetic body changes happening now that change bodily metabolism and homeostasis. Many changes are being felt in the energy centers in the center of our head, skull and brain, as the Monadic flame ignites these centers for the awakening the heart- brain complex, which is a monadic body function. This allows the head and crown centers to communicate and transmit intelligent energy with the source field, in more effective ways.

~via Energetic Synthesis – Time Shift Blog – July 19, 2016

DEJAN: “Do You Belong To The New 1% Of The Population That Will SHATTER The Global Elite?”

Nature Backpacking

When we say “The Global Elite” we think of the wealthiest 1% who thrive through global consumerism. They don’t care about the result of their products as long as it brings massive profit. Their agenda is New World Order with hypnotized consumers living in One Government World. This way they can stay in power (meaning they’ll keep their businesses going) and their consumers will be “satisfied” (addicted) to their products without realizing the damage they create with consuming.

However, in that MASSIVE 99% of the world there is a tiny 1% that may be the key to restoring balance to the world.

It’s not a secret society with some sinister agenda to take over the world. No. These individuals are all around us. Most of them have never even met each other. A lot of them don’t even know what’s happening. But they can all feel it. They can all feel that there is something wrong with society and the way it functions.

Suddenly, these individuals stop caring about what brand they wear. They see through the BS of media. They tend to unite the good from the indigenous and the modern, in a new sustainable lifestyle. They prefer walks in nature and nights around a campfire over getting drunk in clubs. They desire healthy organic food over processed food no matter the taste. They see the world as their home and the people as its global citizens. They love animals, nature and every human being as they realize we are all ONE! They SEE the world’s greatest lie “you are not enough” and THIS is their freedom.

That’s why they cannot be controlled into consuming products that harm the world. The products will either have to change to be more eco-friendly and respectful to humanity or no one will consume them.

These individuals, completely unintentionally, show an alternative to the global consumerism. They show that in Nature there is everything that you need and in there, everything is free. They open a doorway to a new lifestyle where you are free from filling the endless void of your ego and you can focus on what truly matters, ascending into a higher frequency. That’s why they will shatter “The Global Elite’s Plan”

Are you one of these people? Do you feel there is something wrong with society? Do you feel lost, as you are walking amongst people who are asleep? Do some (if not all) of the traits we mentioned above apply to you? Don’t worry, it simply means that you are awakening. Why? Nobody knows for sure. Maybe it’s a higher plan of The Universe or maybe there is something else in play. However, keep in mind that you are not alone.


LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Relationships Under Construction”


“When we recognize the fear program when it is operating in the masses to deliberately separate the male and female from experiencing feelings of empathy with each other, we can refuse its control over our own male and female energies, and choose unconditional love, which connects us with our inherent personal sovereignty as eternal spiritual beings.” 

~Lisa Renee

Relationships are for Spiritual Development

In our Ascension context, the synthesizing of the pairs of opposing forces into higher states of energetic balance is required in order to achieve spiritual completion, as our consciousness travels throughout the dimensions, and this process is also referred to as polarity integration, energetic synthesis or spiritual marriage. This has the exact same meaning when applied to the unification of the inner gender energies and balancing of the gender archetypes inside ourselves, which is the energetic balance that is created in our aura and in the outer dimensional fields, when we are able to heal the masculine principle and feminine principle interaction. To biologically and spiritually evolve, we bring increasing levels of energetic balance between the masculine and feminine energies that exist within ourselves, and this shifts how we perceive those same levels of consciousness energies that we interact with that are inside of other people. All of these forces exist within the inner and outer, the personal and the collective selves, the micro and the macro, which are brought into higher resolution for increasing the potential unification between those energies.

Thus, every relationship we have has an ongoing interplay between all of these male and female forces on the planet, and is ultimately designed for our spiritual development and higher consciousness growth. Especially now at the time of Ascension, humanity is extremely impacted by the changes that have occurred to the male-female energetic interplay on the planet, as these forces connect directly to our levels of personal emotional growth as human beings.

Most people are unaware that many relationships on the planet today are directly attracted by the spiritual self in order to meet soul and spirit family, which gives us the opportunity to heal and resolve past ancestral patterns, complete previous cycles of unresolved issues, clear miasmatic blockages, and help to integrate inner and outer forces of polarity. All relationships are directly designed for personal growth and spiritual expansion beyond certain emotional themes, being of service to others, and learning life lessons. When we are spiritually capable to energetically balance our inner and outer male and female energies, we reach a level of personal completion and our intimate relationship is elevated in its divine design to hierogamic union. Hierogamic relationships are those that have evolved into spiritual marriages where both parties are unified in their male and female energies in order to become directed for higher collaborations of service to the Universal plan, and thus, they are focused on increasing mutual projects of planetary service in order to help harmonize the earth grid or support the reclamation of the krystal consciousness.

At this time, certain relationships will collapse or destruct from any of the power imbalances that are created when there is undue pressures of ego needs placed upon the relationship, such as the projection of personal desires and expectations that are placed upon another. We must learn to clear ourselves of behaving or acting in obsolete patterns that are created from destructive bonding or wounding in relationships. Without this evolutionary context towards the purpose of relationships, one can be left confused and potentially manipulated by unresolved personal pain and trauma. Unresolved and unhealed inner pain is manipulated by dark forces in our unconscious mind, that keep fear as the primary wound that is used to keep the people involved disempowered, by playing out common destructive relationship programs. In these new energies building new timelines, many destructive relationships based on deception or power imbalances, that obstruct further spiritual expansion, in one or both parties, will bifurcate and split apart. Relationships will undergo intense forms of transformation now, testing our emotional integrity and spiritual maturity.  As emotionally difficult as it may feel, embrace these changes as they occur, as they are spaces of divine intervention to protect our heart and soul to stay on the progressive path in the future timelines, in so that we are lead to unite with our true spiritual purpose and heroic probability. When power imbalances are present in relationships, they must be restored back into energetic balance at some point, showing us what must be corrected in our life style and behaviors, and this action is ultimately sourced in our path to spiritual freedom.

Significant Impact to all Relationships

The same process of polarity integration is transpiring now in the masculine-feminine blueprint of the collective consciousness of humanity. This changes the collective brain configuration in the earth, thus potentially shifts the thought forms in those human beings that are open to receive the new instruction sets and higher plasma frequencies. As a result, this new cycle begins intense, rapid and spontaneous changes that significantly impact the energetic balance (or the energetic schism) that exists between the male and female principles, as they are portrayed in the collective consciousness, such as in the societal expectations and cultural roles. This impact will be thematic for a long time, as this catalyzes momentous transformation in all things having to do with gender, the male and female roles as defined through archetypes, marriage, sexuality, relationships, intimates, partnerships, friendships, family and in group dynamics. Many of us will be undergoing deep and powerful transformations, more exploration and discovery in all of the permutations of relating in the world as it is based upon our gender, as a man or as a woman, experiencing both or androgynous. This gives us potentially new consciousness experiences to feel much more deeply into what it may mean to us to be in the male and female energies, simultaneously, in whatever body we may be incarnated in. We have much more energetic freedom to explore the newly transmitting consciousness, which allows the free flowing interplay of the male-female energies to be heightened inside our own life experiences.

True spiritual marriage is the deep alchemical process of spiritual ascension, and therefore is a part of understanding the necessity of polarity integration between the gender principles in everything we interact with and co-create. Without polarity integration, there cannot be biological spiritual evolution or its byproduct, true spiritual marriage, which is the energetic unification that occurs between the gender principles, creating an androgynous balance of neutral force. Neutrality is the point of our inner spiritual power which allows us to connect directly with the zero point, or the source field.

Wound of Soul Abuse in Relationships

Consciousness is the energetic intelligence which can be both undifferentiated units of qualities of energy or arranged in specific blueprints that direct or influence all matter forms. What is contained in the spiritual blueprint, will govern the form (govern the body and thought-forms) and direct the intelligence and those energies associated with that blueprint. This extends to all gender principles of which are influential in all ways that human beings believe is the nature of reality, and the nature of relating in all kinds of different male-female relationships. Those relationships have been defined by the negative alien influence through its overlay of mind controlled thought-forms, belief systems, and their identity archetypes, which control how those forces are directed and by whom.

The anti-life energies have been purposely distorted through patriarchal domination mind control, which has severely damaged the natural balance that exists between the male and female principle in the Universal creation. This imbalance between the male and female has emotionally devastated and spiritually stunted all human beings to some extent on the planet. Some of the most traumatizing events are those painful memories from distortions that exist between men and women being forced to abuse each other in many different ways, over and over again. The gender principle distortions have been used to propagate some of the deepest levels of spiritual abuse, sexual misery and personal torture that could occur to a race of beings. We all have inherited the spiritual task of identifying the relationship abuse and taking productive steps, no matter how small, to heal ourselves from the emotional and spiritual pain that is the result of the separation between the male and female, that has caused incredible confusion in the human race.

Many people feel this pain as soul crushing, thus, heart breaking, as the deepest primordial wounds of our race is inherently created from this point of inner separation, which is recorded in the cellular memories of the hidden human history that is buried in alien invasion and spiritual oppression. True spiritual marriage as a part of natural biological spiritual ascension, was stolen from humanity through the gradual alien invasion, and the pain of that theft of true identity and the emotional abuse suffered, has damaged many people’s hearts. The heart damage exists both physical and energetic, has blocked the soul’s center of communication with the entire body, which manifests as self-rejection. Humanity has been programmed to reject our true nature, through the constant denial of accepting the male and female energies in creation as equal in value that are meant to be unified. For this reason, for many people,  there is a unconscious terror in accessing the heart center and unconscious fears of becoming deeply intimate and connected with another person, because the soul wound of separation is so painful for so many on the earth.

With this deeper clarity and context,  it would make perfect sense that in order to change the body’s reaction to the opposing energies and to heal the hearts capacity for loving intimacy, one must first change behaviors to heal the personal energetic blueprint and/or spiritual plan to unify with the inner masculine and feminine. When we become aware of painful gender distortions, we can gain the courageous power through our applied consciousness to intend to heal our inner gender principles, which change our energetic blueprint. This example is well understood in the field of general construction; to add another bedroom, put recessed lighting in a kitchen, to re-wire the electrical outlets, one would hire a construction crew to draw up the plans and then remodel the existing home structure to reflect those plans. If the plans are drawn up shoddy, if the workers are careless about the quality of their work, and the supervisor is without knowledge to build to the specification in the plans, the final result of the new construction can be disastrous. Thus, careful contemplation on communicating and expressing ourselves in harmony with our own inner male and female energies, is what supports our ability to increase the positive interplay between those forces, which improve our relationships. We must learn how to understand the male and the female dynamics in this world, honoring both equally, having empathy for each persons experiences, knowing how they feel in their circumstances, in order for us to build a strong spriitual foundation for expressing inner and outer spiritual marriage.

Humanity has experienced a disastrous result to their home planet by following the mind control blueprint put in place to control and separate gender by the alien controllers. Many people stopped having feelings of empathy and compassion for other people, and lost their ability to feel how it is to walk in another persons shoes. This planet is our home. In the previous cycle it was guided by alien sociopaths using an tyrannical blueprint that is designed to harm and enslave the human race through promoting separative behaviors that are designed to inflict soul damage and heart abuse in order to lose empathic connections. In order to change this separative structure put in place between men and women, we have to recognize how the alien blueprint for mind control of the genders actually works in the collective to break down empathy,  and then see clearly how the controllers capitalize on the collective fear of humanity to keep these destructive thought forms in place.

When we recognize the fear program when it is operating in the masses to deliberately separate the male and female from experiencing feelings of empathy with each other, we can refuse its control over our own male and female energies, and choose unconditional love, which connects us with our inherent personal sovereignty as eternal spiritual beings. This gives us the personal power to replace the alien mind control that is used to promote and enforce male and female separation, while raising our awareness to practice empathy with all people, and intending to balance and equalize all of our male and female interactions. When we can see the destructive programs that are designed to separate us, we can choose something different for our interactions with others in any kind of situation. Thus, we can choose healthier, balanced, life affirming, and more empathic and humanitarian ways to interact within our relationships, our families, children, communities and eventually the entire planet.




 – Time Shift Blog – July 14, 2016


TANAAZ (Forever Conscious): “10 Signs from the Universe That You Are Walking The Wrong Way”

signs you are on the wrong path

There is no wrong path in this life. All roads lead home, it just depends which journey you want to take.

At times in our lives however, we can become lost or stuck on a particular stretch of road. We may also find ourselves wondering down a path that perhaps doesn’t seem to be aligning with what we wish to create for our lives.

If you are questioning whether you are on the right track, if things are starting to feel off balance to you, here are 10 subtle signs the Universe will send to help steer you in a different direction-

1.) Careless Accidents

Stubbed your toe or knocked your elbow a few times today? It could very well be a sign from the Universe that you need to slow down and think before taking your next steps forward.

Running into things and injuring yourself could be a sign that you are ignoring your intuition or failing to see the truth behind a certain situation.

While stubbing your toe may be just an accident, if it happens repeatedly it could be a sign from the Universe that you need to take a closer look at things.

2.) Forgetfulness

If you find yourself repeatedly losing things or forgetting things, it could be a sign that you need to check in with yourself and perhaps take a moment to get centered and grounded before moving forward.

It may also be a sign that you need to get clearer about what it is that you want to create and achieve for your life.

3.) Being Late Constantly

Whether you are late because you got stuck in traffic or because you lost track of time, being repeatedly late or feeling as if you have to constantly race against the clock is a sign from the Universe that you need to pay attention to.

Being late or feeling constantly pressed for time means that you are spreading yourself too thin and are out of alignment with what you really want to do.

When you are in the flow of life, time flows along with you, but when you get separated from that flow, you are more likely to notice time impacting on your life.

4.) Cluttered Environment 

No matter how hard you seem to clean, if you find that clutter simply follows you or accumulates in one area of your home, it could be a sign from the Universe that something needs addressing.

Clutter can be a sign that you are failing to see the truth or that you are avoiding clearing something from your past that is stuck in your subconscious.

The area of your home where the clutter is presenting itself may also indicate what the underlying emotional reason is. For example clutter in the kitchen could indicate issues with giving and receiving self love and nourishment, whereas clutter in the bedroom could indicate intimacy or relationship issues.

5.) Breaking or Dropping Things

If you find yourself constantly breaking or dropping things, it could be a sign from the Universe that you are walking a destructive path or that you are sabotaging yourself from achieving success.

Breaking or dropping things may also indicate a need for you to release control and perhaps surrender to the flow of the Universe. This is especially true if you are feeling stuck or stagnant in a particular area in your life.

6.) Getting Sick

If you find yourself getting infections, coughs or colds repeatedly it could be a sign from the Universe that you need to slow down and reconsider the direction of your life. It can also be a sign that you are making your life decisions based on what other people want and not what you want.

Getting sick repeatedly is also a sign that you need to change your life in some way to support getting more rest, nourishment and enjoyment.

7.) Not Wanting To Think About It

Don’t want to think or talk about it? This is a clear sign that you are failing to see the truth about the direction of your life.

When you don’t want to talk or think about something important, it is often because intuitively you are afraid of hearing the answer. It may also be that you know what it is that you need to do, but you are afraid to take action on it.

If you find yourself suppressing thoughts or being afraid to “go there”, it may help to reconnect with your soul and get clear about what it is that you truly want.

8.) Anxiety or Stress

If a rush of anxiety enters the pit of your belly before walking into work everyday, it could be a clear indication that you are not in the right place.

Of course, anxiety can appear for different reasons but if you find yourself constantly feeling stressed or anxious surrounding a particular place or person, you may need to dig a little deeper to find the cause.

Anxiety and stress in general can also be a clear sign from the Universe that you need to make some changes in your life and perhaps align what you are doing in your life with what you want to achieve.

9.) Struggling to Finish Projects

Do you get the inspiration to start a project but then constantly fail to complete it?

Not being able to carry through with a project is a clear sign that you may be off balance or lacking groundedness in your life. It may also be a sign that the projects you wish to create are not aligned with your highest path or intentions.

If you struggle to carry through with your ideas, the best thing to do is go within and surrender to the flow of the Universe. When you do this, a new pathway may present itself that will help to get your idea off the ground.

Struggling to finish projects is usually a sign that you need to surrender control and also believe in yourself more in order to continue down the path that you wish to.

10.) Feeling Bored 

If you find yourself feeling bored with life, it is a very good sign that you are not living up to your fullest potential. Life is amazing and full of opportunities, there is no reason that you should feel bored.

Feeling bored comes when you have become too comfortable with your life and are perhaps running on auto pilot rather than living each day to its fullest.

If you feel bored, perhaps look at where you can make some changes in your life, such as picking up a new hobby, changing careers or travelling.

The Universe is always sending us signs to help guide us along the path. The best thing you can do is trust your intuition when a sign presents itself and remain open to the possibilities.

Confused about what the Universe may be trying to tell you? Try asking the Universe for a sign. Read more here.









MAGDALINE (Higher Vibrations Blog): “Occult Programming”


There is an occult (Latin meaning hidden) world most are unaware of. As most people watch TV for entertainment in the comfort of their home and where celebrities are made, they do not realize as I once did, that they are being programed to idolize these poor souls that are programmed themselves. “The King has his Jester’s” could not be further from the truth and this holds true for the Illuminous ones.

Many cartoons, advertisements, shows, movies, music videos in Hollywood and elsewhere have occult symbolism that are used as subliminal messaging or as code from one illuminous to the other. Studies show that we only use 10% of our consciousness and that we can be successfully programmed through the remaining 90% using subliminal messaging through occult symbolism and frequencies.

You can find interviews on many of the top celebrities revealing or talking about their alter ego. For example Beyoncé speaks of her alter ego Sasha Fierce, Nicki Minaj has Roman, Lady Gaga has Jo, Britney Spears had a meltdown in her interview with Diane Sawyer where she starts talking to herself and then months later shaved her head -she quotes “ I just want them to stop touching me”. Have you ever looked at the before and after pictures of Rihanna, Miley Syrus, Justin Bieber, or any of these current celebrities? Just look a Shia La Beouf’s cries for help. Something very sinister is going on in Hollywood and these entertainer puppets are hurt and seem to be pleading for help.

Occult Programming

We are told in mainstream media that they have drug problems or we tend to just dismiss their disturbing displays by reasoning that this is what fame and fortune at a young age results in. Corey Feldman, in an interview openly talking about the biggest well-kept secret in Hollywood that has always been and still is, -pedophilia. Which he claims to be a victim of and blames these experiences thrust upon him and his childhood friend Corey Haim to be the cause of Haim’s death. Sean Stone (Oliver Stones son) interview where he speaks about the scandalous Rothschild parties portrayed in Stanley Kubrick’s movie “Eyes Wide Shut” are in fact real.


Researching more on Stanley Kubrick he was in fact a 33rd degree mason and put unbelievable, brilliant, hidden messages in all his movies, a signature style or dialogue that will give you a hint or message like the ski poster in “The Shining” with the title “Monarch” on it. Jack Nicholson’s son in the movie, suggests that Danny was abused by his crazed father resulting in the young boys alter ego and paranormal gifts.  Taking a closer look at the obelisk in Kubrick’s “2001 Space Odyssey” where the monkeys all surround the obelisk, you will find that it is a representation of an “iPhone”. In the movie the monkeys eventually die off, because of there dependence on “HAL”, meanwhile the movie was written and produced in 1968. He died right before “Eyes Wide Shut” movie was released and many question why he would divulge these inner workings of these secretive societies.

There are interviews from Bob Dylan, Katy Perry, Kanye West, Beyoncé, JayZ, Jim Carrey, just to name a few that claim to have “sold their soul to the devil”. Occult symbols or messages are in many music videos and albums such as triangles, and the all Seeing Eye that is a representation of the pineal gland. They can be found blatantly or subtly, such as hair or a hand covering one eye or a side profile shot. It’s pretty amazing once you uncover this well kept secret and start to notice it literally “everywhere” including corporate logos such as AOL, Time Warner, Citgo, Fidelity, Mitsubishi, CBS, VW, Infinity, Taco Bell, Adidas, Walmart, the Oscar’s, all police patches and on back of the dollar bill etc….

MK Ultra

If you further research there is a Monarch program, part of MK Ultra (mind control program). Monarch comes from the Monarch butterfly and anyone involved in this agenda of initiation is represented with a butterfly on them, around them, in a picture, costume or butterfly makeup. From my vast research on these well documented programs, these poor souls are ushered into fame and money where they eventually become victims and undergo a vast array of all types of control techniques, abuse and or enticement until the psyche develops an alter personality to deal with the pain or success. Marilyn Monroe is believed to be the first celebrity part of the Monarch program.

Hollywood casts spells on us as did the Wizards and Witches talked about in midivil times, with their wooden staffs that held crystals on top. There staffs were made of a specific wood that came from a Holly tree hence the word “Hollywood”.One of the most famous wizards of all time is 15th century Jon Dee, Queen Elizabeths  adviser who signed all his covert documents written to the Queen as 007. John Dee was also Sir Francis Bacon’s mentor.

You have famous people such as Abraham Lincoln, JFK (1961 speech), Eisenhower (Farewell speech), Martin Luther King, Ronald Regan, Prince, Julian Lennon, Michael Jackson, Dave Chappelle, Rosanne Barr (RTNews), Jim Carey, Tupac Shakur, Matt Damon, Ashton Kutcher, who have given speeches or interviews exposing the illuminati which is a name the powers that currently be, have given themselves, meaning the illuminated ones. These people or group have a hand in controlling all aspects of politics, our monetary system, consumption, trends, everything we watch, read and influence (program) the masses for centuries.

Rabbit Hole

This path I have gone down leads to many different unveiling aspects that can be uneasy and upsetting but must be researched to be known. Knowing is a crucial part of changing this reality to a better one. I no longer have TV in my house for the last 6yrs and if I do watch anything, it is for the purpose of decoding. TV is dangerous to young minds, because programing has become extremely controlled by these entities and social agendas are pushed onto the young, so they accept what is portrayed on the TV as truth or the norm. When in fact it is not the norm or the truth, but becomes so because it is being viewed by so many that are not in the know and can be molded by having a real influence on their psyche-good or bad.

Through my diligent and discerning research, I have learned that all information whether it comes from a book, the pope, or the president is in fact -just information. We are in an informational war, on all levels, that requires “critical thinking” and to get in touch with our “spirituality”. An intelligent person takes in all information and dismisses none to make their own educated conclusion. Things are not always what they seem, information and entertainment have a lasting effect on our psychology and social interactions at minimum. I believe that social programming in media is alive and well and it is used to push forth whatever agenda the illuminous ones want to put forward.

Knowledge is Power and Applied Knowledge is Freedom.

© 2016 Magdaline (Maggie’s Holistic) visit:

Magdaline is the founder of, a “essential” dietary supplement product line. She is a Holistic Nutritionist , certified in Reiki and Kundalini Yoga with degrees in the Sciences, Art History and is knowledgeable in several languages. Magdaline, has also been on various radio shows that are archived, such as PRN Gary Null, Natural Nurse and many more.

While trying to heal her son and herself, she discovered that we are exposed daily to radiation, fluorine, chlorine, bromine chemicals and heavy metals as they can be found in our food, water and air. These toxins accumulate and get stored in our body interfering with the endocrine glandular system, neurological system and cause calcification of our pineal gland interfering with our cognitive abilities, lowering our IQ. Healthy levels of iodine help the body detox toxic build up of these chemicals and assist the body to reactivate its self healing mechanism. Visit for more information on her wonderful essential dietary supplements.