STEPHANIE LUCAS: “Does Religion Matter?”


There are those who connect with a greater state of consciousness, those who understand themselves as an immortal, eternal, soul, and those who know the power of divine love…We are all divine love, and those who have realized this also recognize others with a similar awareness of the true nature of the soul. When you meet someone like this, you just seem to know they are a good person who’s compassionate and that you are one – regardless of their religious preferences or even their lack thereof…

ReligionCan You Feel the Truth Calling?

Once these insights seep into your subconscious, greater truths beckon to be realized on the conscious level. It calls to you – this calling comes from your soul. The soul is immaterial and immortal, and those of us who believe this often also believe in reincarnation, karma, and have certainly lived in the human form as a follower of multiple versions of religion. Perhaps, this is why many of you reading this may consider yourself more ‘spiritual’ than religious, as you understand the oneness of us all, regardless of one’s chosen religious or spiritual path.

When we consider the questions, ‘does religion matter?’ with this in mind, it truly doesn’t seem to matter whether one is Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Wiccan, or belongs to no religion whatsoever. We all have some kind of unifying soul-presence beckoning our faith to understand the ‘God’ presence in a new light. The soul calls upon us to have faith in humanity, in our physical selves, and in our quest to know the Higher Self – the soul calls us to realize these greater truths and to understand their source.


The Source of All Truth: YOU!

Many of us have a ‘method’ of communicating with our ‘God’ or ‘Divine Presence’ – typically some form of prayer, contemplation, or through meditation. These are actually very different paths; however, they all ultimately represent our desire to find the truths that are calling our soul. All one must do is go within themselves to find what they seek, and that search reveals the ultimate truth – that God is omnipresent, that his Source resides in each and every one of us…that as a collective, WE ARE the God-presence. That we are co-creators along with that presence, and that infinite wisdom and knowledge are accessible to us through our connection with all that our soul has experienced as an infinite essence. Listen to that source, that source that is you – trust your intuition and free your mind to experience all that is, knowing there’s so much more out there beyond this realm.

ReligionSo, does religion matter? To some it does – a great deal, in fact. To others, it matters not. However, as long as we all honor the chosen path and beliefs of others, never considering either aspect of one’s choice as ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ then we are embracing the divine love that we all are…accepting that we are each one part of God… and are vital parts of the collective.

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