LISA RENEE (Energetic Synthesis): “Relationships Under Construction”


“When we recognize the fear program when it is operating in the masses to deliberately separate the male and female from experiencing feelings of empathy with each other, we can refuse its control over our own male and female energies, and choose unconditional love, which connects us with our inherent personal sovereignty as eternal spiritual beings.” 

~Lisa Renee

Relationships are for Spiritual Development

In our Ascension context, the synthesizing of the pairs of opposing forces into higher states of energetic balance is required in order to achieve spiritual completion, as our consciousness travels throughout the dimensions, and this process is also referred to as polarity integration, energetic synthesis or spiritual marriage. This has the exact same meaning when applied to the unification of the inner gender energies and balancing of the gender archetypes inside ourselves, which is the energetic balance that is created in our aura and in the outer dimensional fields, when we are able to heal the masculine principle and feminine principle interaction. To biologically and spiritually evolve, we bring increasing levels of energetic balance between the masculine and feminine energies that exist within ourselves, and this shifts how we perceive those same levels of consciousness energies that we interact with that are inside of other people. All of these forces exist within the inner and outer, the personal and the collective selves, the micro and the macro, which are brought into higher resolution for increasing the potential unification between those energies.

Thus, every relationship we have has an ongoing interplay between all of these male and female forces on the planet, and is ultimately designed for our spiritual development and higher consciousness growth. Especially now at the time of Ascension, humanity is extremely impacted by the changes that have occurred to the male-female energetic interplay on the planet, as these forces connect directly to our levels of personal emotional growth as human beings.

Most people are unaware that many relationships on the planet today are directly attracted by the spiritual self in order to meet soul and spirit family, which gives us the opportunity to heal and resolve past ancestral patterns, complete previous cycles of unresolved issues, clear miasmatic blockages, and help to integrate inner and outer forces of polarity. All relationships are directly designed for personal growth and spiritual expansion beyond certain emotional themes, being of service to others, and learning life lessons. When we are spiritually capable to energetically balance our inner and outer male and female energies, we reach a level of personal completion and our intimate relationship is elevated in its divine design to hierogamic union. Hierogamic relationships are those that have evolved into spiritual marriages where both parties are unified in their male and female energies in order to become directed for higher collaborations of service to the Universal plan, and thus, they are focused on increasing mutual projects of planetary service in order to help harmonize the earth grid or support the reclamation of the krystal consciousness.

At this time, certain relationships will collapse or destruct from any of the power imbalances that are created when there is undue pressures of ego needs placed upon the relationship, such as the projection of personal desires and expectations that are placed upon another. We must learn to clear ourselves of behaving or acting in obsolete patterns that are created from destructive bonding or wounding in relationships. Without this evolutionary context towards the purpose of relationships, one can be left confused and potentially manipulated by unresolved personal pain and trauma. Unresolved and unhealed inner pain is manipulated by dark forces in our unconscious mind, that keep fear as the primary wound that is used to keep the people involved disempowered, by playing out common destructive relationship programs. In these new energies building new timelines, many destructive relationships based on deception or power imbalances, that obstruct further spiritual expansion, in one or both parties, will bifurcate and split apart. Relationships will undergo intense forms of transformation now, testing our emotional integrity and spiritual maturity.  As emotionally difficult as it may feel, embrace these changes as they occur, as they are spaces of divine intervention to protect our heart and soul to stay on the progressive path in the future timelines, in so that we are lead to unite with our true spiritual purpose and heroic probability. When power imbalances are present in relationships, they must be restored back into energetic balance at some point, showing us what must be corrected in our life style and behaviors, and this action is ultimately sourced in our path to spiritual freedom.

Significant Impact to all Relationships

The same process of polarity integration is transpiring now in the masculine-feminine blueprint of the collective consciousness of humanity. This changes the collective brain configuration in the earth, thus potentially shifts the thought forms in those human beings that are open to receive the new instruction sets and higher plasma frequencies. As a result, this new cycle begins intense, rapid and spontaneous changes that significantly impact the energetic balance (or the energetic schism) that exists between the male and female principles, as they are portrayed in the collective consciousness, such as in the societal expectations and cultural roles. This impact will be thematic for a long time, as this catalyzes momentous transformation in all things having to do with gender, the male and female roles as defined through archetypes, marriage, sexuality, relationships, intimates, partnerships, friendships, family and in group dynamics. Many of us will be undergoing deep and powerful transformations, more exploration and discovery in all of the permutations of relating in the world as it is based upon our gender, as a man or as a woman, experiencing both or androgynous. This gives us potentially new consciousness experiences to feel much more deeply into what it may mean to us to be in the male and female energies, simultaneously, in whatever body we may be incarnated in. We have much more energetic freedom to explore the newly transmitting consciousness, which allows the free flowing interplay of the male-female energies to be heightened inside our own life experiences.

True spiritual marriage is the deep alchemical process of spiritual ascension, and therefore is a part of understanding the necessity of polarity integration between the gender principles in everything we interact with and co-create. Without polarity integration, there cannot be biological spiritual evolution or its byproduct, true spiritual marriage, which is the energetic unification that occurs between the gender principles, creating an androgynous balance of neutral force. Neutrality is the point of our inner spiritual power which allows us to connect directly with the zero point, or the source field.

Wound of Soul Abuse in Relationships

Consciousness is the energetic intelligence which can be both undifferentiated units of qualities of energy or arranged in specific blueprints that direct or influence all matter forms. What is contained in the spiritual blueprint, will govern the form (govern the body and thought-forms) and direct the intelligence and those energies associated with that blueprint. This extends to all gender principles of which are influential in all ways that human beings believe is the nature of reality, and the nature of relating in all kinds of different male-female relationships. Those relationships have been defined by the negative alien influence through its overlay of mind controlled thought-forms, belief systems, and their identity archetypes, which control how those forces are directed and by whom.

The anti-life energies have been purposely distorted through patriarchal domination mind control, which has severely damaged the natural balance that exists between the male and female principle in the Universal creation. This imbalance between the male and female has emotionally devastated and spiritually stunted all human beings to some extent on the planet. Some of the most traumatizing events are those painful memories from distortions that exist between men and women being forced to abuse each other in many different ways, over and over again. The gender principle distortions have been used to propagate some of the deepest levels of spiritual abuse, sexual misery and personal torture that could occur to a race of beings. We all have inherited the spiritual task of identifying the relationship abuse and taking productive steps, no matter how small, to heal ourselves from the emotional and spiritual pain that is the result of the separation between the male and female, that has caused incredible confusion in the human race.

Many people feel this pain as soul crushing, thus, heart breaking, as the deepest primordial wounds of our race is inherently created from this point of inner separation, which is recorded in the cellular memories of the hidden human history that is buried in alien invasion and spiritual oppression. True spiritual marriage as a part of natural biological spiritual ascension, was stolen from humanity through the gradual alien invasion, and the pain of that theft of true identity and the emotional abuse suffered, has damaged many people’s hearts. The heart damage exists both physical and energetic, has blocked the soul’s center of communication with the entire body, which manifests as self-rejection. Humanity has been programmed to reject our true nature, through the constant denial of accepting the male and female energies in creation as equal in value that are meant to be unified. For this reason, for many people,  there is a unconscious terror in accessing the heart center and unconscious fears of becoming deeply intimate and connected with another person, because the soul wound of separation is so painful for so many on the earth.

With this deeper clarity and context,  it would make perfect sense that in order to change the body’s reaction to the opposing energies and to heal the hearts capacity for loving intimacy, one must first change behaviors to heal the personal energetic blueprint and/or spiritual plan to unify with the inner masculine and feminine. When we become aware of painful gender distortions, we can gain the courageous power through our applied consciousness to intend to heal our inner gender principles, which change our energetic blueprint. This example is well understood in the field of general construction; to add another bedroom, put recessed lighting in a kitchen, to re-wire the electrical outlets, one would hire a construction crew to draw up the plans and then remodel the existing home structure to reflect those plans. If the plans are drawn up shoddy, if the workers are careless about the quality of their work, and the supervisor is without knowledge to build to the specification in the plans, the final result of the new construction can be disastrous. Thus, careful contemplation on communicating and expressing ourselves in harmony with our own inner male and female energies, is what supports our ability to increase the positive interplay between those forces, which improve our relationships. We must learn how to understand the male and the female dynamics in this world, honoring both equally, having empathy for each persons experiences, knowing how they feel in their circumstances, in order for us to build a strong spriitual foundation for expressing inner and outer spiritual marriage.

Humanity has experienced a disastrous result to their home planet by following the mind control blueprint put in place to control and separate gender by the alien controllers. Many people stopped having feelings of empathy and compassion for other people, and lost their ability to feel how it is to walk in another persons shoes. This planet is our home. In the previous cycle it was guided by alien sociopaths using an tyrannical blueprint that is designed to harm and enslave the human race through promoting separative behaviors that are designed to inflict soul damage and heart abuse in order to lose empathic connections. In order to change this separative structure put in place between men and women, we have to recognize how the alien blueprint for mind control of the genders actually works in the collective to break down empathy,  and then see clearly how the controllers capitalize on the collective fear of humanity to keep these destructive thought forms in place.

When we recognize the fear program when it is operating in the masses to deliberately separate the male and female from experiencing feelings of empathy with each other, we can refuse its control over our own male and female energies, and choose unconditional love, which connects us with our inherent personal sovereignty as eternal spiritual beings. This gives us the personal power to replace the alien mind control that is used to promote and enforce male and female separation, while raising our awareness to practice empathy with all people, and intending to balance and equalize all of our male and female interactions. When we can see the destructive programs that are designed to separate us, we can choose something different for our interactions with others in any kind of situation. Thus, we can choose healthier, balanced, life affirming, and more empathic and humanitarian ways to interact within our relationships, our families, children, communities and eventually the entire planet.




 – Time Shift Blog – July 14, 2016


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