KATHLEEN M: “Targeting with Frequencies? How Easy It Might Be, Exploring Targeting”

“I experienced so type of frequency targeting in the last few years on and off. I saw how this was most likely of a mass level and part of some’s game. The more awake I became the more these things began to happen. I was hooked up to a frequency machine 7 years ago developed by a engineer form NASA. It is then I saw it was just a touch of a button once then had someone’s address. I am working only to expose the games so humanity can move forward and end all games with playing with human consciousness. This is not to cause fear, as I know there are many who claim to be “targeted”.

My intention is that all are freed from any type of remote interference and game playing. As I spent time studying this stuff I realized I had identical experiences to some and there was something going on. A high level game, who the game players are I don’t know. I really awakened after working with a quantum healer that didn’t turn out for the better because he was a broad caster of “frequencies”. I saw how playing with “frequencies” could have a effect of distorting someone and keeping them off track. I ended up in a drugged out state for months of which he convinced me I had to go through early on. He was actually part of the game. May all be free”



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