False Ascended-Masters

“Our focus now is to clear the seraphim relationship, the archangelic relationship and their hierarchies, to false ascension material. These are known as the fallen angelics.  ‘Archangels’ are entities that are solar-consciousness directed, to arc and move ray structure energies into different patterns of form and energy. They are governed by the ‘Seven Rays’ — and the beings directing those rays. We are now going to move to the same process of looking and clearing for ‘Chohan’ programs. A Chohan is in the ascended master material, using the name, ‘Ascended Master’. They are not Ascended Masters. An Ascended Master is a fully ascended, transfigured Christos — which is ascended — out of time.” ~Lisa Renee   

“False Ascended Master and 7 Ray Clearing” (Guided by Lisa Renee):



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