LISA RENEE: “World Humanism”


Time Shift Blog – January 13, 2016

Recently our planet shifted into the dimensional law of the Soul mental principle, Service to Others, which is a group consciousness Soul matrix frequency. Many people need to be re-educated in these humanitarian values, which are now in governance of this dimension. Humanitarianism is the behavior of Service to Others that has the capacity to feel empathy and Compassion for others and is aimed at benefiting another person, other groups or the planet. Conversely, egotism is a behavior that is acted out for personal gain or Service to Self.

To regain an understanding of humanitarian values, we must learn empathy and compassion. Empathy involves understanding feelings, and the capacity to feel the emotional states of others. So the way emotions are characterized in one’s personal experience, is how emotions will be characterized for others having similar experiences. The ability to imagine oneself as another person, to be in their position and be able to feel what they may be feeling in those circumstances, (standing in another person’s shoes) is a creative process which develops compassion.

Empathy is distinctly different from sympathy, pity, and attachment to negative emotional dramas, which act like a viral infection. Empathic concern is the feeling of compassion or concern for another, and the wish to see others better off or with happier lifestyles, fulfilling their potential. Pity is feeling that another is in trouble and in the need of help and that they cannot fix their problems themselves, described as feeling sorry for someone. Emotional contagion is when a person (especially babies, mob frenzy, leader of the pack, group consciousness) catches the emotions that others are showing, without recognizing this is happening. This is the subconscious mind resonating with that emotional state and instinctively reacting. Emotional contagion can be dangerous. This is being at the whim of undisciplined emotional states, generating automatic impulses from the Pain Body, which can erupt into spontaneous violence when a person has psychotic break.

The goal of spiritual development is to be fully present and aware of mental and emotional states and to consciously choose the psycho-emotional states one expresses, thus controlling impulses and being self-aware.

The study of moral code as a mandatory process for imparting spiritual truth, and living within spiritual ethics is clearly and sorely needed during these times.  Many abuses against humanity go easily unnoticed, due to the warped thinking we have programmed in 3D narcissistic society. This behavioral checkpoint is our personal responsibility, and it does not matter how advanced the consciousness template may be. If this part of our ego wounds have not been cleared and healed, we will be infected and these wounds will be used against us. This becomes increasingly important, as more spiritual power and spiritual resources are given by spiritual light intelligence, the Christos-Sophianic Consciousness. The more spiritual and consciousness power we embody, the more responsibility we have to be ethical, moral, transparent, honest and aligned to the intent, consent and authority of service to God, Service to Others.

The issue is giving it our very best every day. When we live from our heart, we ask daily what we can do to serve God and Oneness? We do not have to have all the answers. With a goal of World Humanism, serving a humanitarian philosophy such as the Law of One, we must get the ego out of the driver’s seat. If we do not, we will be subjected to a process of descending into creating a black mind and an even blacker heart.  We must pay heed to Christian based ethics without all the dogma, mental rigidity and ego judgment of organized religion. It is in this space that our mental and behavioral guideline is genuinely clarified. In the Christ principle, what would the Christ do? How would the Christ think and behave as a humanitarian? What is my responsibility in this moment to be true to my heart, to live ethically and in harmony with Life?

This ethical thinking and virtuous behavior will ultimately protect you.

I cannot emphasize enough the importance of the cultivation of ethics and virtues as spiritual powers of protection at this time on the earth.  This seems to be a gaping hole in many spiritual teachings, missed throughout due to secrecy, unethical, untrustworthy and immoral behaviors, from severely wounded people with power hungry egos. Their rigid minds and hearts turn black from misconduct. This is called a black heart or dark flowering and is exploited by the artificial intelligence of the Negative Alien Agenda [NAA], that use predator mind control to make humans subservient and shut down their heart center, blocking compassionate feelings. The black mind of negative ego destroys everything in its wake.

Those of us that are called to this higher knowledge, have been called here to help support the reclamation of the Christos-Sophia mission on the earth. We are being entrusted to hold more consciousness awareness and learn how to help return the planetary architecture back to human being and Christ Consciousness hands, through allowing our body to be an open source structure that houses the Spirits of Christ.

Loving Heart is Salvation

Does this mean that religious organizations or others who are ignorant of this artificial intelligence and alien technology, are all dark flowered with black hearts? Are all the New Agers and Religious Zealots floating in the astral plane dark flowered? No, of course not. However, the challenge is knowing in one’s heart, are you doing your best and are you spending time developing your personal loving relationship to God and self? When we are self-aware, we develop this conscience that tells us very clearly, what our personal spiritual ethics should be. This is not based on fear, shame or guilt, but on what it means to be a true humanitarian, to care about what happens to the planet and to the people. If we are given the tools to regenerate our bodies to loving open-hearted consciousness, and to regenerate our DNA through acts of purification and love, then it’s clear we have a deep moral responsibility to ourselves and to the planet. We cannot lose sight of that most important part of our heart, when we may feel personal terror, when we are exposed to knowledge of the NAA. We cannot give in to the tyranny, manipulation and fear game.

Pure Love trumps it all, period. As we become more informed, as we are exposed to more alien technology, as we gain consciousness and intelligence, we cannot ever lose our loving, tender and open heart. Our pure and Loving Heart is our only salvation.

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